This white cabbage hybrid is bred in Holland, registered in the public registry in the nineties. Culture is popular, suitable not only for breeding at the dacha, but also brings good benefits in large-scale production, giving excellent yields, even in dense plantations. A full description of the features of the Parela cabbage variety will help you to harvest a large crop.
Table of contents
- Description and characteristics of the cabbage variety Parel
- advantages and disadvantages
- Terms for planting
- seedlings Requirements for the soil for a good company strategycabbage Parel
From the day of planting in the beds until full ripeness takes about two months. The rosette of leaves is compact, located horizontally, slightly raised. The leaves are small or medium in size, the shade is light-green, the edges are even.
The internal structure of the heads is dense, the forms are slightly rounded, their weight is from eight hundred grams to one and a half kilograms.
There are instances reaching two kilos. The stalk is short or medium. Juicy tender cabbage is great for salads and even fermentation.Pros and Cons
Parel is resistant to head cracking and flowering. It is ideal as an early variety, as it does not fear the cold.
Hybrid is known for its transportability and keeping quality, excellent taste. It contains a lot of vitamin C and dry ingredients, which allows it to be used in the preparation of food for children and dieters.
Growing cabbage parela on an industrial scale
Timing for planting
seedlings To grow Parel, there is no need to expend a lot of effort. However, there are certain rules that should be followed without fail. Planted cabbage in two ways - seedling or seedless. To grow high-quality vegetables, it is necessary to organize the proper care of the culture, to control the growth process. The beds are prepared in advance, dug up in the autumn, before the cold has come.
If necessary, it is permitted to add fertilizer formulas to the soil.Sowing cabbage is done in mid-March, not later. Seeds are first germinated. To do this, they are wrapped in a wet cloth and left to warm for several days.
In order for the culture to grow well, it is necessary to ensure certain conditions:
- sufficient lighting;
- temperature regime of twenty to twenty-two degrees. At night, it is allowed to reduce exactly half;
- room ventilation should be performed regularly, but the air in it should not be too cold;
- once a week the plants are spilled with a solution of manganese.
Two weeks after the sprout emergence, the seedlings are allowed to be transplanted into separate containers. Here you need to pay attention to the appearance of the plants in order to understand which fertilizers should be applied. With pale green foliage, nitrogen-containing compounds should be added.
When the seedling period comes to an end, potash-phosphorus compounds are introduced. It is mandatory to begin to harden the seedlings two weeks before transplanting to the beds.
Seedlings, which are one and a half - two months, are suitable for planting. When transplanting weakened shoots must be immediately removed. For planting are fit and healthy plants that have managed to form at least five leaves. If the root system is too long, it can be shortened slightly. In this case, the germ will take root better, will not lose moisture.
Sprouting cabbage, ready for planting in the ground
Soil requirements for good growth
The ready substrate is best spilled with a solution of manganese. On the beds are arranged grooves for planting, their depth is one centimeter, the interval between - up to three. Planting material is placed here, covered with earth, and watered.
To prepare the soil for seedlings, they take soddy soil, add peat and sand in equal parts.It is believed that for cabbage is suitable any land, seasoned in a sufficient amount of humus.
Seeding rules
Replacing the Parela in the ground is allowed in mid-April - early May. This is best done in the morning or on an overcast day. Sprout dips into the soil to the third leaf, the ground is carefully tamped down so that there are no voids near the roots. Planting should be irrigated and sprinkled with dry soil. Inter-row necessarily loosened.
Care of the variety after planting
Vegetables need irrigation, loosening the soil, making fertilizer formulations, protection from disease and harmful parasites. If we consider everything in a complex, then the process of leaving can be divided into certain stages:
- forming the first leaves. The period is special. If necessary, perform replanting. Irrigation is carried out once every ten days, the soil after that is compulsory loosened. Ammonium nitrate is used as the fertilizing compound;
- comes the second period, which lasts until the formation of heads. The same preparations are used as an ancillary feed, they regularly water the culture, loosen the ground on the beds. When heads appear, the culture should be fertilized with potassium nitrate;
- thickening foliage. We continue to water and loosen, we no longer conduct additional feeding.
Supplementing the recently planted cabbage
Diseases and their prevention
The hybrid has a good resistance to diseases and pests, but it will not be superfluous to monitor its condition. At the first stage of growth, cabbage is threatened by leaf beetles, cruciferous flea flowers, moths and cabbage. Tobacco dust and wood ash effectively help to combat them. In subsequent growth phases, the crop must be protected from cabbage whiteflies and aphids.
Cabbage can be affected by black leg, keel, pernoporoz. For the prevention of such illnesses, it is recommended to sterilize the seed fund.From insects excellent help infusions of tomato tops, wormwood, garlic and dandelion. With a clear threat, you can use systemic insecticides, but harvesting in this case should begin no earlier than a couple of weeks.
Harvesting and storage rules
Harvesting is carried out as the crop matures. The collection period begins from mid-June, lasts until the fall - it all depends on the time of landing. It is necessary to ensure that the vegetable does not stand in the bud and does not crack. Willingness to harvest is determined by the dense consistence of a kochanchik, the characteristic brilliance of foliage. Clean selectively or one-time, cutting the cabbages at the very surface of the soil.
Cabbage Crop
Growing Parel does not create difficulties if everything is done in a timely manner and closely monitor the development of seedlings. Culture does not need special care, it rarely hurts, it is not very often affected by pest attacks.