Peonies - when to transplant, where to plant, how to care

During the flowering of peonies, the garden is transformed beyond recognition. Very nice and festive! It turns out that this flower can grow, bloom magnificently in one place for 100 years or more! This means that it is worth it to devote more attention and time to the issues of choosing a place, preparing the ground. Look at the photo of the peony at the end of the article - hasn't your garden still been decorated with such gorgeous flowers? So, peonies - when to transplant, how to multiply, care for - the topic of our conversation.

  • Purchased peony roots - what they should be
  • Peonies - planting in open ground
  • Peony planting depth
  • Peony - when to replant
  • How to divide peonies during transplant
  • Pioneer plant planner, I will throw an affidant - I will be in charge - I will come to the plant, I will come to the plant, I will come to the plant, I will come to the plant, I will come to the plant, I will come to the plant, I will leave the plant, I will leave the plant and I will be able to pick up the plant for peony roots.
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  • Peony Photos

Purchased peony roots - what they should be

A beautiful, richly flowering peony bush cannot grow out of bad planting material. A sign of good quality of the peony root - the delenki( this is the name of a part of the root tub, separated from the mother plant) - large or very large, bright, shiny renewal buds, and the absence of areas affected by rot. The best peony root for planting is a delenka with a bundle of young thin roots and several large buds.

Distinguishing young roots from old ones is very simple. Old peony roots, as a rule, are darker, young ones are lighter. The length of the roots should be 15-25 cm, thickness - 10 mm and more.

The root collar is the weakest point of the peony, the gateway for infection. The more old tissue on the root neck, the greater the likelihood that it has an infection. At the same time, old tissue is a field “sown” by dormant buds. According to my observations, delenki from 2-3-year-old bushes with 1-2 buds develop much better than very large ones with 3-5 buds from old bushes. Young people are somewhat lagging behind in growth compared with the “old men” only the first 2-3 years, and as the roots grow, they overtake them.

In delenkah from old bushes often hollows, formed as a result of an infection. But if the rhizomes do not rot, and the hollow is surrounded by healthy tissue, then this is a minor defect. True, such roots can become a haven for garden ants.

Please note! The location of the cut or fault should be dull. If it shines when wetted, this indicates the presence of putrefactive processes. In this case, very carefully clean all sections to a healthy tissue.

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Peonies - planting in open ground

The landing pit of 60x60x60 cm should be prepared in advance. On dense soil( clay, heavy chernozem) it needs to be filled with a loose nutrient soil mixture rich in humus. After all, peony is a big gourmet, in the spring it always lacks nitrogen. If the soil is light, the pit can not be prepared in advance. If you dug a hole just before planting, then be sure to fill it with water so that the soil quickly settled.

Before planting, the hatch is soaked in water. Strongly dried delenki can be left in a container with water for up to three days. Peony drinks water no less than cabbage. But due to excess moisture roots can burst, forming cracks. Therefore, it is important to monitor this process and prevent them from cracking.

Young delenki planted in rows according to size: small - vertically, and large - at an angle Just before planting, inspect all suspicious places on rhizomes, if necessary, clean them to healthy tissue. Places of cuts, rifts and root neck are abundantly sprinkled with wood ash.

The purchased delenka is soaked for 30 minutes in a suspension of foundationazol or topsin-M( according to the instructions) before planting, and then dipped in a clay mash with a consistency of sour cream with the addition of up to 100 g of copper sulphate.

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Peony planting depth

In the floriculture literature, it is usually written that when a peony is planted, buds should be located 2-3 cm from the soil surface, because peonies do not bloom when planted. However, this is not always true. For example, interspecific hybrids are able to germinate, even if the root was at a depth of 60 cm. I had such a case. True, the flowering had to wait a long 7 years.

But a shallow landing, in which the root neck is too close to the soil surface, is very dangerous: it suffers not only from heat and frost, but also from excessive melt water in spring( this may be the reason for the peony bushes).

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Peony - when to replant

From my point of view, in Kuban, not earlier than October 15-20.Why? Because peonies lay flower buds in the first decade of October, when the leaves are still green, that is, there is an outflow of nutrients to the rhizome. This process continues until the leaves turn yellow. It is necessary to focus on this when determining the timing of digging and dividing the bushes.

Usually the literature recommends planting peonies in August. However, these dates are indicated for Central Russia and Belarus. We are much warmer in the Kuban, and therefore the landing dates are different. If they ask me for peony shoots, then I spend the division and landing for reproduction in early October. But planting material can be up to the frost.

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How to divide peonies during transplantation

The bush selected for dividing is dug out with a clod of earth and washed from the ground with a strong water jet. If there are several delyonok, from bushes of different varieties, then you need to hang labels with the name of the variety and transfer them to a dark place for 1-2 days. During this time, several roots wither. This facilitates the division, prevents cracking, cracking the roots in the wrong place.

Peony rhizomes of 4-5 years of age can be divided into delenki ax, setting its blade in the center of the root collar, so that the right and left were the same number of buds. Tapping with a heavy hammer on the butt of an ax, cut the bush in half. Next come the sharp knife and pruner.

For dividing old bushes, there is enough secateurs, and a 2-3-year-old bush easily breaks into delenki even with its hands.

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A place to plant a pion - what to choose

Peonies tolerate light or partial shading well. At my cottage there are peonies that are all day and night in the open area for the sun, and there are those that are lit in the morning and evening by the sun, and in the afternoon, in the very sun, they find themselves in deep shadow. Everywhere they feel great, but, as it seems to me, in the area where the bushes of peonies are in the shade for some time of day, they bloom more beautifully and longer than others.

As you can see, peonies have a lot of secrets. But a person in love with these flowers will always find an approach to their favorites, reveal their secrets.

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When to plant peonies - tips, reviews

About peonies, it is important to know such a small secret. They have two distinct periods of active rooting( building up the suction feed roots) - in late August-September and in early spring from awakening and strictly until mid-May. As evil, we are beginning to be seduced by seedlings in February and March. What to do? I buy, store them as much as I can in the state of sleeping beauties, who woke up, put them on the loggia in suitable containers, I cherish until spring. The optimum temperature should be somewhere around + 5 ° С, the maximum allowable is + 15 ° С, the minimum allowable is up to -5ºС( at lower temperatures I cover well, put it in a large cardboard box).I planted my winter peonies at the very beginning of May, and there are no problems. But I had( unknowingly) experience of planting from containers in June. .. The plants, to put it mildly, felt bad. Several trees were ruined, although they looked beautiful before planting. So I was convinced of the fairness of the recommendation: if you could not plant until mid-May, then it is better to hold the peonies in containers until August, it will be more comfortable there. You can prikopat in the shadows.
Bo Du Dush
http: //
I learned from my own experience that the peonies( grassy) that were planted in spring or early summer are slowing down in development and do not bloom. ..this year will still delight flowering!
http: //
My grandmother planted this: I dug a hole, put a broken brick on the bottom and an old cloth on top, like a padded jacket, so that the fabric was thick. She poured it all over with earth and only then put a sapling in it. It turned out that the root grew in breadth and not in depth, it gave a lot of colors.
https: // 24292928
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