Mylnyanka in the garden - medicine or decoration

Soapy flowers - this is how we called the plant of the family of cloves with small white and pink flowers as children. It was soapworm. Moreover, this name is not accidental, because rubbing the flowers between wet palms we received soap suds, which could “wash” our hands. It is unlikely that we did this for hygienic reasons - we were interested in the process of soaping without soap.

  • Saponariya - planting and care
  • Collection and harvesting of medicinal saponaria

Then I already learned that the roots of this plant are also well washed in water, forming foam, so they are used to make soap and shampoo.

This flower has another, scientific name - saponaria.

Saponarius( myllyanok) there are many species, but the most common among gardeners have received only two of them - the drug( common mylnyanka) and basilicolist. It must be said that even though these plants are close relatives, they are little similar to each other.

Mylnianka officinalis( we washed our palms with her flowers) grows quite high and can reach a height of up to 1 m, its leaves are narrow, long.

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Myllyanka medicinal, video:

Mylyanyanka medicinal, photo:

And the basilicap mytileas has a very small height, approximately 15 cm, and oval small leaves.

Basilicoliferous Soapworm, Moon dust, photo:

Basilifolia Soapworm has a bright aroma, and besides, it is a wonderful honey plant, therefore it attracts pollinators to the site, without which neither the garden nor the vegetable garden can do. The stems of basilicolous moth are of a reddish hue, but the flowers can be of different colors: white, pink, fuchsia, but always very delicate and fragrant.

Admire the different types of soapbox to the music of Vivaldi, video:

A stately, high medicinal soapbox, saponarius, will decorate well the front garden under the windows or the common flowerbed, being planted closer to the center. But the miniature basilica is always ready to take its place on an alpine slide or along the tracks.

Saponarius( soap box), photo:

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Saponaria - planting and care

Sow saponaria in early spring or before winter( in October-November).It is often advised to plant the plant in a seedling manner, but such difficulties, a waste of time, are completely irrelevant. Mylnyanka perfectly grows right in the open field: she is not afraid of neither cold, nor rain, nor heat. For abundant flowering, the plant needs only a sunny place, loose earth. If the soil is clay or black soil, then sand, bone meal, or sawdust should be added to the plantations of the soapyards. Special care saponarii not needed, tolerates drought well, so you can water it only occasionally. Do not forget to remove weeds, loosen the ground. Bazikolistnaya mylnyanka perfectly tolerates pruning, the plant can be formed and give it different forms.

If you pour gravel or expanded clay under plants, soapstone will only benefit from this, because it grows easily on rocky soils, but weeds, on the contrary, will not like pebbles.

Saponaria grows in one place for about 8 years. If it is propagated by seeds or by dividing an adult bush, it blooms for quite a long time from June to September. When the soapworm blooms, boxes appear on it, filled with seeds, after a while the seeds fall out. From them in the spring will grow new plants. But such self-seeding is not a minus at all, because in winter, saponaria often vypryaet, and scattered seeds are a guarantee that the plant will not translate. But for those who care so that the plant does not scatter, they can simply cut off the green part of the soapwort, together with the unopened boxes, the unripe seeds, after flowering.

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Collection and preparation of medicinal saponaria

Saponaria can be used as a medicine( soapwort tea helps with respiratory diseases and bronchitis, decoction of liver and stomach diseases) and as soap. To harvest this useful raw materials begin in October. Dug up and washed roots are cut into pieces( 2-3 cm) and, after drying, stored in a dry place.

Beauty, fragrance, unpretentiousness, domestic use speak about the benefits of soapworm, so you shouldn’t think about planting for a long time, and you can buy seeds in any gardening shop.

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