Symptoms and treatment of diseases of broilers at home

Broilers are the same hens, only they are grown purely for meat and eggs. The difference is that they grow quickly and can reach 1.5 kilograms in 2-3 months.

But this of course will be only with appropriate care. In addition to adequate feeding and maintenance, it is imperative to monitor the health of the bird. Broilers, like chickens, are prone to infectious diseases, with the appearance of which all individuals can die.

Therefore, when detecting the first symptoms of the disease, immediately proceed to the appropriate treatment. In this article we will take a closer look at the diseases of broilers and their treatment at home. We find out why broilers wheeze, sneeze, go blind and what to do.


  • Diseases of broiler chickens and how to treat at home
    • What should I do if chickens sneeze?
    • Why do chickens cough?
    • Why do chickens wheeze?
    • Why chickens diarrhea?
    • Runny nose
    • Symptoms of leg diseases in broilers
    • What should I do if chickens start to blind in one eye and die?
      • Diseases
      • Chicken Pox: Growing Healthy Chickens
    • instagram viewer

Broiler Chick Diseases and How to Treat at Home

While breeding and raising broilers, it should be borne in mind that birds are highly susceptible to various diseases,especially in the first days of their lives up to the age of one month. First of all, attention is paid to the suspicious behavior of the bird - lethargy, loss of appetite, apathy. Perhaps this is a temporary phenomenon and after a certain period the bird will again have an appetite and mood. But not always. Sometimes this condition worsens and causes severe symptoms. So how do you determine whether a bird is sick or not?

Often problems arise for beginners. In this case, pay attention to the first symptoms.

The first symptoms of the disease are determined by the appearance of the bird. For this reason, make regular inspection of individuals and the poultry house itself. Timely detection of the disease will protect against unpleasant consequences.

In addition, you should pay attention to common symptoms that can be the cause of infectious diseases:

What should I do if chickens sneeze?

Let's start with the most common problem - why do chickens and chickens sneeze? Broilers can sneeze in different diseases, usually this symptom is caused by viral colds. It is better to call the veterinarian when sneezing occurs and to conduct an examination so that he has already established the cause. In the place where the birds are kept, all drafts, dampness should be eliminated.

It is advisable to install a ventilation system, install heaters. Lamps must be at a certain level above the heads of broiler specimens, but in no case at or below their level. Often improperly installed lamps lead to overheating of birds, and then, when individuals leave for a while to eat, their body cools down and as a result they catch cold.

Treatment of broilers chickens

Why chickens and broilers sneeze we figured out, now we will know what to do. If sneezing has just appeared, then it is advisable to immediately powder the nostrils with streptocide powder. For this, the powder is collected with a cotton swab and thoroughly rubbed into the bird's nostrils. This will prevent the spread of infection further into the bronchi and lungs. Additionally, broilers need to be fed with antibiotics - chloramphenicol and tetracycline. Add 1 tablet to 1 liter of water. Antibiotics are watered for 4 days.

Still, when sneezing occurs, you should contact a veterinarian, because such a symptom may be the cause of dangerous diseases such as bird flu, aspergillosis, chicken pox, and other serious diseases.

Why do chickens cough?

We now turn to the question of why broilers and chickens cough and what to do? Broilers can cough for different reasons. Sometimes cough causes cold due to drafts or increased dampness. In these cases, it is better to warm the house, install an additional heater and make adequate ventilation. Additionally, the bird is watered with vitamins and antibiotics.

But cough is not always accompanied by colds, this symptom can be the cause of a serious and even fatal illness. is avian flu, aspergillosis and other pathologies.

The following drugs are suitable for the treatment of chicken diseases:

  • Tetramisole 10
  • Baycox
  • Metronidazole
  • Enroxil

Why do chickens wheeze?

And now let's look at what to do if chickens wheeze and even die. Wheezing, like coughing and sneezing, are accompanied by a cold. In these cases, the place where the broilers are kept is drafted and damp. If these faults are detected, the house is restored to normal, and additional heating facilities are installed.

A bird is given vitamins and antibiotics until symptoms disappear.
But you shouldn't be sure that wheezing, coughing, sneezing are signs of a cold. Quite often, a symptom indicates the occurrence of a serious disease that a veterinarian can determine. And if you start a disease, the bird may start to die.

The emergence of wheezing in adult broilers

Why do chickens diarr?

The appearance of diarrhea may be the first signal that the bird is infected with infectious diseases. It is worth paying attention to the composition and type of liquid stool. If it has a bright mucous with impurities, and then a greenish color appears, then it indicates the presence of infection.

In these cases, it is necessary to immediately provide appropriate treatment, because the infection can instantly hit all the livestock. Broiler chickens begin to carry in such infectious diseases as salmonellosis, colibacillosis, bird flu.

If diarrhea occurs, you should immediately check the chicken coop for compliance with all relevant hygiene standards, and also see what kind of food, whether it is high enough. From time to time disinfect and clean the chicken coop. Diarrhea can cause excessive fortified feeding and excessive amounts of mineral supplements.

Runny nose

A runny nose in birds usually occurs because of a cold, but not always. Usually, when a runny nose occurs, a full inspection of the hen house is done, and all possible drafts and dampness are eliminated. Also, when the cold, birds are given vitamins and appropriate antibiotics.

It is imperative that when a runny nose occurs, they turn to a veterinarian, he carries out an examination and, in the presence of serious diseases, provides appropriate treatment. What diseases can be accompanied by a runny nose: colicbacteriosis, Marek's disease, chicken pox, bird flu and others.

Symptoms of leg diseases in broilers

Sometimes birds can have sore legs, this symptom is determined by the behavior and gait of broilers. Individuals can simply fall in place, with their legs moving apart. This is a signal that the bird has any serious illness that has caused leg problems.

Together with the disease of the legs, there is poor appetite, lethargy, weakness. When this condition appears, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, because foot problems are the cause of serious pathologies. Often, foot diseases are observed with salmonellosis, rickets, Marek's disease.

Diseases of the legs in broilers

What should I do if chickens start to blind in one eye and die?

Sometimes blindness occurs in broilers. Chicken can go blind even in one eye. Blindness is the cause of serious infectious lesions, with the appearance of which it is necessary to immediately provide appropriate treatment. Otherwise, the infection can instantly infect other individuals.

Blindness occurs with salmonellosis, Marek's disease.
However, it is not enough to know the reasons, you need to have an idea about the treatment of serious diseases. Many pathologies can cause serious harm up to the death of the entire livestock. Therefore, to prevent unpleasant consequences should provide appropriate treatment in time.


Colibacteriosis: antibiotic treatment, prevention for chickens and adults

This is a dangerous disease that affects all individuals completely. The fact is that the causative agents of colibacillosis are constantly present in the environment. Failure to observe hygiene can lead to the active development of bacteria, which at the same time will affect almost all the internal organs of individuals.

Disease symptoms:

  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • disappears appetite;
  • occurrence of fever;
  • sluggish and depressed.

Treatment of
For the treatment of colibacillosis, antibiotics are used - terramycin and biomycin. These funds are added immediately to the feed in powder form. Together with antibiotics, it is recommended to give vitamins every day and premixes together with feeding 1-2 times a day. The treatment is carried out 4-5 days before full recovery.

To prevent this disease, only fresh and balanced feed is introduced into the broiler diet. For prophylaxis, vaccination of the entire chicken population from this disease is made.

Colibacteriosis in broilers

Salmonellosis: what is it, how to cure chickens and adults

Salmonellosis is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. The causative agents of the disease are Salmonella bacteria. It is transmitted by airborne droplets from affected birds to healthy ones. Often birds become infected through food. This infection infects juveniles.


  • eyes become swollen and watery;
  • inflamed cloaces;
  • during a heavy drink, lack of appetite;
  • diarrhea occurs;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • in chickens slows growth and development.

How is treatment and prevention carried out?
As soon as salmonellosis is diagnosed, they immediately begin treatment. The treatment is carried out with a course of furazolidone and streptomycin. For chicks, it is recommended to carry out prevention - vaccination with immune serum is done.

Veterinary specialists recommend that the bird be slaughtered immediately after the salmonellosis has cured. If the disease occurs in at least one individual, the rest of the bird is watered with a solution of levomycetin.

Broilers with salmonellosis


This is a viral disease that affects the respiratory tract of young individuals. Treats the most dangerous infections.


  • state of apathy and lethargy;
  • is wheezing;
  • occasionally coughing and sneezing;
  • missing appetite.

Treatment and Prevention
This infection is treated only with antibiotics. Drugs and dosage are prescribed by a veterinarian.
Preventive measures should be aimed at improving conditions of detention. It is possible that drafts and dampness are present in the hen house, so this should all be eliminated. The room needs to be warmed, it is advisable to install a heater and adjust the ventilation system.

Aspergillosis in broilers


This infection is caused by a bacterium called Bacillus pullorum. It is very difficult to determine this disease, because at the first stage it almost does not manifest itself and can begin to develop already in the egg with the embryo.

If, nevertheless, you managed to determine that the bird was sick, then it should be urgently removed from healthy individuals. This will help stop the spread of the infection.


  • occurrence of white-diarrhea;
  • rapid and labored breathing;
  • depletion of young individuals occurs, broilers often fall;
  • birds have constant thirst.

How to treat and prevent
Affected individuals are put in isolated rooms and treated with biomycin. To all broilers, regardless of whether they are sick or not, furazolidone is added to the feed.

As a preventive purpose, a continuous airing of broiler housing is carried out. It is also necessary to isolate infected individuals in time.

Pulloz for broilers


This disease occurs in chickens. It appears due to the lack of calcium and vitamin D.


  • in chicks, their legs are denied and they fall on them when walking;
  • slows growth and development;
  • chicks become depressed, lethargic, they develop apathy.

Treatment and Prevention
Vitamin preparations are prescribed during the treatment of this condition. Various premixes with high calcium content are added to the feed.

Be sure to comply with preventive measures - it is not desirable to contain large numbers of young animals in a single cage. In addition, you need to conduct periodic walks in the fresh air.

Rickets in broiler chickens

Marek's disease: what is it, treatment, care and prevention for chickens at one month of age

This pathology is mainly found in adult broilers. The virus affects the nervous system and the eyes of birds.


  • is a modification of the iris and pupil. As a result, complete blindness occurs;
  • impaired coordination of movement and motor functions. Broilers have sore legs and they limp when walking;
  • comes with a goiter paralysis during illness, which leads to complete exhaustion;
  • mucous membranes become pale in color.

How to treat and prevent
Since this is a serious and dangerous disease, it cannot be cured, so it is important to make an accurate diagnosis. After identifying the disease, the bird must be slaughtered immediately.

Since the disease bacteria have a high survivability and can remain on the feathers and down of the bird for a long time, the hacked carcass must be burned.

Avian Flu

This is a dangerous viral infection. It affects the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract.


  • cough, runny nose, sneezing;
  • high body temperature;
  • state of apathy and lethargy;
  • diarrhea.

How to treat and prevent
This disease is not treatable. After the detection of bird flu, the bird immediately hacks.

As a preventive measure, strict observance of hygienic and sanitary standards of poultry keeping is necessary. It is worth remembering that bird flu is especially dangerous for the human body.

Infestation of broilers with bird flu

Chicken pox: growing healthy chickens

Rodents and skin parasites spread chicken pox. The causative agent of the disease has a high survivability in the environment. The disease affects the internal organs and the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Excellent preparations for the treatment of diseases of broilers:

  • Solikox
  • Amprolium 30%
  • Enrofloxacin
  • Nifulin forte


  • sneezing, runny nose, cough;
  • in the open areas of the body can appear clear spots of red color, which are subsequently converted into scabs;
  • from the affected birds is an unpleasant smell;
  • in affected individuals, there is heavy breathing and difficulty in swallowing;
  • observed a state of weakness, lethargy and depression.

How to treat and prevent
This disease can only be treated in the initial stages. Therefore, you should not immediately slaughter the bird, and carry out medical procedures with the help of glazolin, boric acid, furatsilina solution.

As a preventive measure, it is necessary to periodically disinfect and clean the house.

Broiler diseases are almost the same as diseases and infections of chickens. The only difference is , the spread of infection in broilers occurs quickly, , this is due to the fact that the birds are kept in a confined space. For this reason, it is imperative to conduct regular check-ups at the veterinarian and carry out appropriate prophylaxis.

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