Features of planting and caring for Irga

Irga is a very unpretentious berry shrub. Its berries are valued for their healing properties, they are rich in vitamins. It is by using these berries that one can defeat a number of diseases, such as: avitaminosis, catarrhal and viral diseases, and several other .This berry is considered a long-liver, regardless of the place and growing conditions.

Mostly irga is used as an ornamental plant. In spring, it blooms very beautifully and smells of the whole garden. Its white inflorescences are bait for bees, which is why later on it is well pollinated and fruited. And to get a healthy plant and a good harvest, you need the right care, starting with planting.

Table of contents

  • What time is it necessary to plant an irgu
  • When is it best to plant - in spring or autumn? Asd. The choice of planting time for gardeners must take into account climatic, zonal conditions.

    The best time for planting seedlings in central Russia is autumn .Before the onset of the first frosts, the irgi seedlings, planted from mid-September to early November, have time to take root and gain strength for wintering.

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    Autumn is the most favorable time of year for planting an argi

    In northern Russia, plant an arga in the spring to be postponed. This is due to the early autumn frosts. And in the spring, when the soil begins to thaw a little, you can plant bushes that are in a dormant period. With the increase of sunlight and the onset of warmer days, the irga begins to dissolve its buds, without the risk of freezing.

    It is necessary to calculate as soon as possible how long you will plant fruit seedlings, take into account all the conditions of the climate and the region for cultivation. If you plant late in the fall - the plant will just freeze. In early spring also should not be planted due to the continuation of frosts.

    An important condition for obtaining the maximum yield from the plant is the observance of optimum planting dates. If this autumn planting time is missed, but the seedlings are prepared for planting, they can be saved until spring using one of the methods suggested below:

    1. Plant in any container filled with sand or sawdust and store in a dark cool place. Better if it is a basement or cellar;
    2. Place in the ground, at the same time having tilted the seedlings at an angle of 45 degrees from the ground and in the winter time to fall asleep with snow;
    3. And the last way, to wrap an bag and put it in the garden where a big snowdrift forms in winter.

    When is it best to plant in spring or autumn?

    According to experts, the best time to plant or transplant all fruit and berry plants is autumn. If the terms and rules of the autumn planting are observed, the best planting material is used, your plant will easily take root.

    The advantages of autumn tree planting:

    • Autumn planting delivers little hassle , because it does not require frequent watering, fertilization. Autumn is a time of abundant moisture;
    • It is more expedient and is more profitable to buy seedlings in the fall , since it is during this period there is a large selection of planting material. The seedlings still have the last leaves, there is a well-developed root system, by which you can choose a healthy plant. Also, some vendors may demonstrate the ripened fruit of this plant;
    • Planting a plant in the fall will save time for a gardener in the spring of , so that he can do other garden work;
    • The plant will suffer less damage from , because at this time there is a period of rest.
    If you follow the rules and timing of the autumn planting, an irga will easily take root

    But there are downsides when landing in the fall. These include:

    • Very cold winters , with deep freezing of the ground, which can harm the root system of the seedling;
    • In winter, trees are often exposed to rodent invasions ;
    • can cause strong troubles to the planted bushes; strong winds , a rough snow crust, a small or large amount of snow falling;

    Important rules when planting, choosing the place

    If you have a garden area, then when planting an irgi, first of all you need to determine the place of .Shrub irgi eventually grows heavily and will take a fairly large area in the garden, so you need to plant it so that it does not interfere with the rest of the fruit and berry plants in your garden. Also, irgi is observed abundant growth, which will eventually litter your site and cause inconvenience. Better to plant irgu somewhere in the corner of the garden. The approximate distance from other trees from 2 to is 5 meters .

    Irga is a sprawling bush, so when planting you should maintain a distance from neighboring plants of 2 - 5 m.

    You should also take into account the types of soil on which your plant will grow. Although Irga is unpretentious to the types of soil, but nevertheless she does not like the close location of groundwater, as the root system goes deeper by 3-4 meters and will be in constant contact with moisture. This can lead to decay of the roots. Therefore, it is better to plant on light fertile soils. Such soils contribute to the minimum formation of root shoots.

    When planting irgi important is the illumination of the site, she loves the penumbra .With a strong shade the plant will be strongly drawn out with growth, the berries will be small and not sweet. They may even crumble without ripening.

    How to plant an

    shrub Irga perfectly reproduces with both seeds and basal offspring. First you need to properly prepare a sapling for planting. It is better to choose the one or two-year process of .You also need to select more healthy bushes, not damaged by insects and not broken off. Important when choosing a sapling are considered species and varieties of shadberry. When planting several plants, take into account the distance between them up to two meters.

    Irgu preferably planted with seedlings at the age of 1-2 years in the fall.

    We have already mentioned that the choice of location and soil depends on the light, the presence of fertile soil, and the space around the tree.

    How to start planting and further care

    You need to dig a hole approximately two spade deep into the shovels, and a width of about 40 to 60 cm. Put the earth gently to the side. drainage( broken bricks, small stones, broken slate) can be put at the bottom of the fossa, so that moisture in the soil does not stagnate. In the hole, you can add sand, black soil. Further, it is necessary to pour a little bit of earth in the form of a mound on the bottom of the hole, so that it is easier to place our seedling on it. We put irgu on this bump and spread roots along it. Further, we fall asleep with the ground, but so as not to bury the place where the trunk passes into the root system. The soil around the planted plant should be trampled and watered abundantly.

    Many gardeners advise pruning of shoots to 15 cm after planting, so that several buds remain on the branches.

    We have already mentioned that an irga is an unpretentious shrub. It does not require significant care. The main thing is watering as the earthen coma dries around the tree and fertilizer is applied. humus, potash fertilizers, superphosphate and organic mixtures are used as fertilizers.

    If you decide to fertilize the plant with fertilizers, remember that you can not apply fertilizer under the stem and root itself. It is necessary to dig up the fertilizer in half a meter from the bush, since the roots of the plant are large and it is able to get fertilizer even from such a distance. It is necessary to water with a sprayer, and not to pour one stream at the root, mainly in the evening.


    Bush irgi very often grows thickened, so they are pruned. Recommended pruning should be carried out in the spring, when sap flow of the irgi did not start. Need to cut dry or poorly developed shoots of the tree. A couple of stems are removed annually, leaving young shoots in their place. Also, the tops of the branches are cut by several centimeters to form a regular-shaped shrub, as well as to avoid excessive thickening. They also cut the lateral root growth, so that it does not cause damage to other fruit trees on the site.

    The scheme of pruning and the formation of bush shadberry

    Pruning makes shagberry more attractive, and also contributes to better fruiting.

    After cutting the branches and shoots, it is necessary to close the sections .This is done using garden vara or paint on natural ingredients. Cut dry branches and fallen leaves should be removed from under the bush, it is necessary in order to protect the plant from pests that can start in old leaves.

    Reproduction and transplantation

    You can multiply your irga in several ways:

    • Seed;
    • Root Shoots;
    • Vaccination;
    • Grafting;
    • Division uterine bush.


    Young seedlings of irgi obtained from seeds

    When propagating by seeds, you need to select the most mature, undamaged berries. Release the seeds. Mix them with sand, because they are very small. Seeds are sown in the fall in the prepared beds .It is important that the seeds are stratified, that is, hardened with cold. You can also sow the seeds in a dish with sand and stratify in a dark basement, occasionally moistening the sand. In the spring of these shoots are planted in the ground.

    Root shoots

    Since irga gives a large number of lateral root shoots, this method is most common among amateur gardeners. The side stepson is carefully dug up from the uterus to cut the root linking the main shrub with the scion. Next, transfer the seedling to a new landing site and bury, in a prepared well in advance.


    Grafting is one of the more complex breeding methods. It is mainly used by experienced gardeners. The vaccination can be carried out in the spring time after the sap flow of the has begun. Rowan is most suitable for stock.

    grafting Reproduction of irgi with green cuttings

    For cuttings, young shoots are cut, about 20 cm. Young cuttings are cut from the leaves, but the top pair is left with .It is necessary to hold such planting material for some time in a growth stimulant solution. Next, we bury them in the sand to 10 cm. We cover with a film. It is important that the sand does not dry out, occasionally we open the film for ventilation. After the cuttings take root, you need to transplant them to a permanent place.

    By dividing the bush

    When dividing the main bush, you can get several ready, well-rooted plants. Such a transplant is carried out in the spring, before bud breaks, or in the fall, when the foliage of has fallen. This method is mainly used when it is necessary to replant a bush from one place to another.


    Irg can be found in almost every garden. This is due to the fact that this plant is unpretentious in its cultivation, care and reproduction. With the observance of all the rules of agricultural engineering, all gardeners receive the maximum yield of this berry, which brings a lot of benefits to human health.

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