Why in the well water is cloudy or yellow: The causes of pollution and remedies

Pitching well, we think, how we're going to drink a delicious, crystal clear and cold to the aching teeth well water directly from the galvanized bucket. But the reality is sometimes far from fantasy, and suddenly we find that the water in the bucket does not cause desire to drink it.

Why in the well muddy the water, and how to eliminate the causes of this phenomenon? These two questions will be the subject of our article.

The content of the article:

  • Causes turbidity of water in the well
    • The tightness of the well rings
    • Changing the composition of the aquifer
    • When too much iron
    • The problem of water stagnation
    • Defects in the well structure
    • Error when installing the pump
  • Methods for removing turbidity
    • The complex of works on cleaning the well
    • What is a clay castle
    • We disinfect the well
    • UV Processing
    • Phased purification by active chlorine
  • Useful videos on the topic

Causes turbidity of water in the well

As a rule, the owners prefer to drink the water of wells is from a natural source, even if they are connected to a central water supply.

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It is believed that water extracted independently, similar to spring and healthier one that is chlorinated. But over time, the water obtained from a well contact, loses its transparency. What can cause this unpleasant phenomenon?

Muddy water can not be drunk
If we start from the statement that we have exactly what we eat and drink contaminated water in any case you can not drink

The tightness of the well rings

In the construction of the well concrete rings that are part of this structure, are mounted on each other. The seams are sealed between them.

But, over time, progress of soil can lead to the partial displacement of the rings relative to each other. When this disturbed and sealing of seams.

Unpressurized inter-ring seal
Seams between the well shaft rings are best to strengthen the special cramps, it will be prevention against seasonal offset relative to each other

Spring floods, torrential downpours and widespread melting of snow creates excessive strain on the joints of the rings, resulting in a well starts flowing polluted water. Turbidity.

Such water would not be desirable not only to drink, but also be used for everyday household needs. Moreover, in the turbid water may be present in dissolved form hazardous chemicals.

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Reduced water quality in the old wells
Turbidity, odor, and reduction in quality is frequently observed in older wells with worn walls
Yellow muddy water due to fungus
Settling fungal microorganisms on the inner surface of the barrel of the concrete - a common cause of haze and water contamination
When the burial ground water abstraction in ferruginated
Brown color and the feeling of rust in the water will be felt if the water intake of the well recessed into the soil of ferruginous
Contamination floodwater
When flooding well floodwater necessarily sharply decrease its quality, perhaps even the source of contamination
Dug well is necessary to equip
If the shaft is not protected Kolodeznaya house or at least cover, in water, atmospheric dust and dirt will fall freely
Without pop-up filter is not of good quality water
In addition to the well to tip everything need a reliable bottom filter. If not, water is extracted brown and muddy
A wrong bottom filter
Clouding and yellowing of water can occur if the bottom filter is selected properly. When pumping water from the silt and fine sand instead of gravel is necessary to lay a wooden shield
Require replacement of the filter bottom
Similar rates are in well water with muddy bottom filter. In this case, it is necessary to wash or change
Reduced water quality in the old wells
Reduced water quality in the old wells
Yellow muddy water due to fungus
Yellow muddy water due to fungus
When the burial ground water abstraction in ferruginated
When the burial ground water abstraction in ferruginated
Contamination floodwater
Contamination floodwater
Dug well is necessary to equip
Dug well is necessary to equip
Without pop-up filter is not of good quality water
Without pop-up filter is not of good quality water
A wrong bottom filter
A wrong bottom filter
Require replacement of the filter bottom
Require replacement of the filter bottom

Changing the composition of the aquifer

pollution sometimes penetrate the well is not through the joints between the rings. They can poison itself aquifer, whereby the construction is filled with water. This occurs when in the vicinity of your site is an enterprise merges its industrial wastewater into a natural body of water, ruining it and the surrounding area.

In this case, the water can not only muddy, but also to get an unnatural color. liquid shade will depend on exactly what type of contamination on it worked. With this kind of pollution the most difficult to fight: clean well water will not bring the desired result.

After all the new portions of water from the feeder layer will return problem. Hopefully only a filter system, which should be placed in the water from the source to the place of its final consumption.

When too much iron

If your pit appeared yellow water, the reason for this may be, and industrial effluents, and high content of iron. In the first case, the liquid color is usually strongly expressed and may be accompanied by chemical smell. In the second - a yellowish tint is only water.

The increased iron content
Yellowish tint always produces water, the iron content of which exceeds the norm. Deal with this situation makes it a special filter system

To eliminate the high iron content is necessary to apply special filters, which are able to provide such a cleaning.

The problem of water stagnation

Another cause of turbidity of water in the well may be her stagnation. Perhaps the source of water used is not as often as we would like. The water is not renewed and stagnates. Organic substances that penetrate into the mine pit outside, begin to decompose. This process is accompanied by an unpleasant odor of hydrogen sulfide and the change in color of the liquid.

Of course, drink this water can not, and do not want to: it has a specific taste. Smell, color and taste occur due to the development in the water putrefying bacteria. This problem is corrected by cleaning the well. That's just to clean and disinfect the water source have not once but on a regular basis, do not forget to give this process due attention and time.

Defects in the well structure

When the mine freely penetrate direct sunlight, ultraviolet light creates it an ideal environment for bacterial growth and reproduction of microorganisms. The fact that "the process has begun" We signaled greenish water color and an unpleasant odor. In very advanced cases, the design walls can be covered with green moss.

protected well
The well should be as protected from falling into the pit of his all kinds of garbage, and even direct sunlight

The source must be protected against direct sunlight and from debris. This can be done with the help of the construction of the mine shed or gable house. You can simply close the pit cover. Typically, this problem is solved yet in the process of selecting the shape of the future construction.

Error when installing the pump

Sometimes external view of the well water is safe, and its turbidity occurs just after starting the pump. It turns out that the equipment is just correctly installed and in the process raises the bottom of the sludge, which causes turbidity. This happens if the pump is mounted too close to the bottom or working very actively and powerfully.

If the cause of change in the liquid state was the work of the pump, it will have to be removed and reinstalled from scratch, are thoroughly studied the instructions for use of the equipment.

The distance from the suction side of the pump to the bottom surface should be not less than 70-80 cm. If the measures do not help, you should use the pump with a different type of fluid intake.

Methods for removing turbidity

If a problem occurs, it is necessary to take measures for its elimination. Why would you drink and use for cooking food murky water with an unpleasant odor and taste? What can be done?

The complex of works on cleaning the well

The measures taken are always dependent on the source of the problem. If the haze is formed as a result of water pollution and silt sand pieces, you need to install filters mechanical cleaning, which will pick up the slurry and prevent its extraction from the water.

pit mine cleansing
In order to qualitatively carry out the whole range of activities rather big, you need special tools and structures to facilitate this work

If the dirt brings with it the water that seeps into the gaps between the rings of the mine, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the ports for it. If turbidity occurs after heavy rains, the cause of the contamination is really lies in insufficient sealing of joints.

When the cause of trouble is installed, you can begin to work on the restoration of the water quality.

To do this:

  • using the pump to pump out any water pit mines located therein;
  • armed with a scraper and stiff brush, descend on a rope into the pit to thoroughly clean the inside of her ring from layers of any kind;
  • perform disinfection of the entire concrete surface mine;
  • buckets scoop from the bottom of the whole construction silt layers and debris that has accumulated there during the operation;
  • explore the well walls: joints rings, as well as cracks and chips found in the course of work, thoroughly lubricate the sealant;
  • create a clay castle, if it was not provided during the well construction.

As a precautionary measure, preventing pollution of water can be used filter from the bottom of aspen.

What is a clay castle

Turbid water in the well shaft can occur in the course of its operation, and almost immediately after digging. This happens if, during the installation of the well was not built earthen castle - a design which is provided as an artificial barrier to get into the well of rainfall and meltwater.

Clay castle
The design of this well earthen castle was originally provided, which is many times reduced risk of clouding the water and the occurrence of the need for further work

Perhaps the lock was made, but eventually broke down or did not meet the technological requirements. In this case, the old structure will have to be dismantled, and install a new, high-quality.

  • preparation of material. Take a fat clay and add to it the sand so that it is not less than 15% of the mixture. In introducing the working mixture of 20% lime and its composition improved. Take care that in the process of working the clay did not dry up.
  • Digging trenches. Ring around the top of the well is necessary to dig a trench depth of about 2 meters and a width of 50 cm.
  • formation of the castle. The resulting trench is necessary to score the clay and well compacted. Do not forget to make a small deviation from the ring to the periphery, which will not allow to accumulate around the alignment of the shaft of rain and melt water. On clay is poured gravel and concreted the castle, making it the most secure.

Such a clay castle perfectly protects the contents of the well, removing the water from the exterior walls of buildings.

We disinfect the well

The emergence of bacteria in the well water is accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant odors. That's the smell of hydrogen sulfide, which occurs in the course of their life. Such water can not drink. It is necessary to produce the well disinfection and get rid of bacteria.

There are two basic ways to solve the problem:

  • Surface treatment ultraviolet lamps;
  • purging chlorine mine.

Which of disinfection methods effective? Let's face it.

UV Processing

The disadvantage of disinfection by UV is a high level for this procedure costs. Have a method and indisputable advantages: its use does not require significant preparatory work, and the taste of water treated with ultraviolet light, it does not change after this procedure.

UV Source
The source of ultraviolet radiation is necessary to carry out maintenance work on the prevention of water pollution, so it is placed in a house near the water intake point

The source of ultraviolet radiation are special devices that must be installed in the premises, near the site of the water consumption. It turns out that the very well to ultraviolet light will not have any relationship, as the radiation source location is home of the consumer. This treatment is used as a preventative measure that can prevent the occurrence of bacteria.

It turns out that the purging active chlorine is no alternative way to mine disinfection. It is produced, if they believe that the bacteria in the water already. After application of chlorine can be connected and the ultraviolet setting.

Phased purification by active chlorine

Unlike UV active chlorine may adversely affect human health. By using it, you must carefully follow the recommended dosage.

Disinfection work carried out by specialists, equipped with protective equipment: respirators and special gloves. The very procedure is strictly regulated SanPiN.

Bleaching powder
Purification by means of active chlorine and bleach carries a risk to human health so you need to carefully consider the recommendations on the use of these substances, and strictly follow them

Can be divided all the disinfection procedure in the following steps:

  • preliminary operation;
  • cleaning of the well casing;
  • final disinfection.

At the stage of pre-disinfection it is very important to us as precisely as possible to figure out what exactly is the volume of water in the well at the moment. Knowing the parameters of the rings forming the wall of the structure, and the level of water in it, calculate the amount of it is not difficult.

Now we need to calculate the total weight of active chlorine, which we will fill in the mine, based on the fact that for every liter of water, we need 10 grams. powder.

We fall asleep substance and produce shaking the resulting solution. For this bucket scoops the liquid and then pour it back. We repeat this maneuver several times, and then close the cover shaft, allowing the chlorine to do its work for the next 2 hours.

Two hours later you can begin to mine clearance. To do this, you must completely release it from the water. Now the mine needed a good scrub, removing from the walls of moss and slime, and the day - silty layers and all kinds of garbage. All dirt must be raised to the surface and disposed of, burying away from the well.

Sealing seams in the mine pit
Defects found seams and the rings themselves must be repaired. Typically, the sealing mixture is used for such purposes

We assess the condition of the walls: detects cracks and unsealed joints. The revealed defects are eliminated by performing local repair work. Now, the inner surface of the mine should be disinfected. Prepare a solution of 3 g of calculation. chlorine or 15 c. bleach to 1 liter of water and applied it to the surface using atomizer, roller or brush.

After the execution of these works, you can close the well and wait until the column is fully filled with water.

The third and final treatment stage, - a re-disinfected. Again we need a bleach solution. To cook it you need to be dissolved in 1 liter of water 200 grams. bleach.

The solution must be left for an hour infusions. The resulting composition of the share: the upper part to the sludge we do not need, and the lower part of the pour into the well.

Disinfection - hard work
The cleaning and disinfection of the well - is hard physical work, so you need a well to calculate the forces and capabilities. Perhaps it would be wiser to hire experts

Mix a bucket of water in the well, as we have done previously, and leave it for a day. After one day need more time to do the same procedure. It took another day, now we need to completely empty the water and clean the shaft walls with brushes, swabs or any other similar device. Then rinse the wall with clean water.

Now we have several times to fill the column with water and pumped it full. This process will be completed only when the water is no longer smell chlorine, and will not be felt off-flavor in it. Exercised reasonable caution: for the next two weeks will be to drink only boiled water.

Water quality is not always determined by the taste and smell. It is better to confirm the characteristics of its laboratory analysis.

Pure water
And here is how the goal of our work and its outcome. It should be remembered that the quality of water consumed depends on our health and quality of life

Useful videos on the topic

If the water disinfection procedure seems too complicated, you can turn to professionals for whom these works are familiar and understandable. As they take the case, look at the video:

This video presents the different types of work, aimed at one end result - to make the water we get from the well, delicious and safe for our health. Of course, the video is openly advertising character, but the overall workflow presented to him distinctly, and is available in sufficient detail.

Turbidity in the well - a signal that appears when your pit pollution prevention failed. The causes are many and we will describe them in detail in this article, so you can easily find the source of your own misery.

Most of the trouble could have been avoided, if you carefully read the instructions in the pump, provide cover and canopy protecting mine from the sun and dirt, initially correctly positioned well on the hill, do not forget about the clay apron around its perimeter, and so Further.

Nevertheless, the situation is not fatal, and still can be corrected by following our advice or turn to professionals who will help you by all means.

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