Clematis occupies a special place at my dacha - he is the first to meet me, guests at the gate. It has openwork leaves, long stems, flowers of extraordinary beauty. What questions tormented me at first when clematis appeared on my site? Landing, care - how not to make mistakes? When to prune? Do you need feedings? How to make it bloom as long as possible? I will try to answer all.
- What features clematis
- Planting clematis
- What if clematis little or no blooms
- As multiplies clematis
- Photo Clematis
- Clematis - video

Clematis has about three hundred species found on all continents of the globewith the exception of the Arctic, Antarctica. This distribution contributes to the diversity of life forms.
содерж to content ↑What are the features of clematis
Compared with other woody plants, clematis has two features: abundant, long bloom, almost all land mass is renewed every year - shoots, leaves.
Clematis to soil? We can say that is not very. However, clematis grows better on soils rich in humus, fertile, loose, sandy, or loamy. The groundwater level should not exceed 1.5 meters. It grows better on slightly acid soils.
What to do if the soil is acidic? Add lime or chalk - 150-250 g per 1 square.m.
Clematis pruning. Pruning is an important element in the life of clematis. If the escape is long, it is cut to one-third before planting; if it is short, it is pinched. The second time the sapling is cut about half in the summer, and the third time - in the fall - to the first true leaf. This will contribute to strong growth, as shoots, also roots.
содерж to the contents ↑Planting clematis
Prepare a pit 70 cm wide in depth. Place half a bucket of humus or compost on the bottom of the pit. The rest of the excavated soil is mixed with humus( 15-20 kg), add 200 g of superphosphate, the same amount of complex mineral fertilizer. Such a thorough refueling is understandable, because clematis is a long-liver, it will grow in one place for 20-30 years. In some places referred to up to 80 years.
What should be the planting material? Clematis is propagated by cuttings, layering, grafting. For a seedling, the most important state of the root system is the number of developed vegetative buds. A sapling should have at least 5 well developed roots, their total length should be about 50 cm. When planting clematis, it is important not to bury the sapling so that the bud or sprout is at ground level.
Where do I need to take a place for planting clematis? For clematis, it is not only direct sunlight that matters, but also reflected light. Therefore, it is preferable to plant it near the light walls or paths. For better illumination of plants, trellis is recommended to be located from east to west with a deviation angle to the northeast. Wind is important for growth. Therefore, it is unacceptable to use rope supports.
How does a plant tolerate fluctuations in air temperature? Clematis roots need cool, moist soil, and leaves and flowers need the sun. Temperatures above 45 degrees are destructive for them. In the southern regions of our country you need to make sure that the plant does not overheat in the hot summer. Personally, my clematis grows in partial shade.
Is Clematis Needing? Be sure, because the plant annually renews the aerial part, it consumes a large amount of nutrients. They are replenished with a sufficient amount of fertilizers: for 1 bush - 2 liters of slurry, 1 liter of bird droppings solution or 15 g of mineral fertilizers.
↑ to the content ↑What to do if clematis does not bloom well or does not bloom at allWhen planting, do not forget to add 1-2 buckets of humus, half a cup of superphosphate. The landing pit should be large, deep - 70 × 70 × 70 cm. Clematis feel good if there are plants near their roots( but no closer than a meter from them) that would shade their roots, for example, you can plant peonies on the south side.
Is it possible to “make” clematis to bloom all summer until autumn without a break? Can. In the spring, when buds begin to bloom, I do pruning like this: I prune some shoots by 50 cm, others by 1 meter from the ground. I cut several shoots even higher, leaving them 1.2–1.5 m long or even longer. Part of the shoots leave uncut - they bloom before anyone else. Then the cut shoots bloom above all, followed by those below. By the fall, lateral shoots grow on very low shoots - they bloom in the fall.
How often should water clematis? In summer, water should be watered at least once a week, but plentifully, and the soil should be loosened or mulched.
содерж to content ↑How clematis reproduces
Clematis are bred by dividing the bush, layering, cuttings, seeds( but this is quite difficult).The easiest way is by dividing a bush or layering.
A perennial bush is dug out, carefully divided( cut) so that each delenka has one or two buds. Roots can be dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate or powdered with crushed coal. You can hold for some time( while preparing a new place) in a solution of root or heteroauxin.
Reproduction by clematis layering is also easy. From the bush, a groove is dug to the left or right or in a circle around the bush, to which humus, sand or compost is added. One lash is put into the groove, covered with earth completely, but the top of the clematis lash must be on top of the ground. Then the groove, or rather the place where the branch lies, is watered and mulched.
After two years, clematis layers can be excavated, starting with the free-lying top. By this time, the roots are well developed, suitable for transplantation.
содерж to the contents ↑Photo clematis
In conclusion - photos of different varieties of clematis. These are not my plants, just filmed this miracle wherever I saw it.