Very often the main decoration of a plot or garden is tree peonies. Varieties with photos will help you to get acquainted with a variety of colors, choose the one that will be to your liking and which you will be proud of. Let him bloom for long, but admiring glances especially during the flowering he provided.
- Tree peony varieties
- Gardeners' reviews of tree peony varieties
Of course, it is recommended to choose those peony varieties that are more adapted to your climate, to the weather conditions of your region. Foreign representatives who are brought to us from China or Poland rarely take root and give a positive result on our soil. Russian breeders are also not lagging behind and occasionally produce worthy hybrids, such as “Muse”, “Vorobyevsky”, “Hoffman”, “Peter the Great”.These plants are designed for planting in the Russian climatic conditions, tolerate cold. Successful experiments of growing these varieties have been noticed even in Siberia.
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Vorobjovskiy variety, photo:
The most popular and favorite gardeners hybrids, according to most, are: Blue Sapphire, two-color Sisters of Qiao, Coral Altar, Coral Altar, Coral Altar, Coral Altar.
Blue Sapphire Grade, photo:
Qiao Sisters Grade, photo:
Coral Altar - this variety has not only fancy petal color( from pale pink to coral), but also carved, attractive leaves themselves. Non-capricious cultivar, resistant to disease immunity.
The Coral Altar variety, photo:
Koshinuyuki is a Japanese variety that has the award for the best white peony.
Tree Peony “Koshinuyuki”, photo:
Primavera is an old variety that is over 100 years old and has a delicate color - white petals and a yellow center. Something in appearance resembles another spring flower - narcissus. Primavera is “spring”, translated from Italian. Very fragrant cultivar, the flower itself can reach a diameter of 25-30 cm.
Variety "Primavera", photo:
Variety "Purple Phoenix That Flies to the Sun" - this is the poetic name of this peony. Often, of course, his shortened version of the Purple Phoenix is used. The plant has a bright saturated color of buds, from dark purple to fuchsian. It has a very pleasant aroma, the bush is resistant to cold weather, diseases and pests, like many of its brethren.
The Purple Phoenix variety, photo:
The Purple Lotus variety comes from China while the bush is young, its flowers have a dark pink shade, but the older the plant, the darker the buds on it. As an adult, "Purple Lotus" has really dark purple flower petals. It is frost-resistant, unpretentious in leaving.
The Purple Lotus variety, photo:
The Flower Dew variety has delicate, pinkish flowers with a lilac-lilac shade. It has a very abundant flowering in the middle of summer. Like all his "relatives", he is unpretentious, not afraid of the cold, very resistant to viruses and fungi.
Tree dew "Flower dew", photo:
The Black Pirate variety immediately rushes into view with its unusual color of petals. Sometimes we also call it the “Black Panther”, but the essence is the same - it is very unusual. It has average flower sizes, and the bushes themselves are quite compact. It is also grown in pots and containers.
Black Pirate tree peony, photo:
Amazingly tender Silk Veil variety, and at the same time amazingly cold-resistant! Maintains frosts to -30 ° C.Petals of flowers are white, but their base has a dark maroon color.
Tree Silk Veil tree peony, photo:
Age of Gold, a treelike peony of the Age of Gold variety, even judging by its name, hints at golden, rich yellow shades. This is a product of American breeders, yellow, sometimes lemon or golden flowers of large sizes will be a worthy decoration of your site. Age of Gold perfectly tolerates heat and drought, the flowers do not lose their bright color even in direct sunlight.
Peony "Age of Gold", photo:
Tree yellow peony, as well as its individual varieties "Delaphea" or "Lutea" differ not too abundant flowering, but the variety of their subspecies and flowers of yellow color is simply amazing. Yellow peony can have a different texture, the number of petals, the size of the buds, but it always attracts attention with its bright color and delicate aroma.
Tree yellow peony, photo:
It is of course impossible to describe all varieties in one article. But so many of them, diverse and beautiful, adorn our gardens and summer cottages. Delicate pink, "simple" white - probably the most common varieties of tree representatives, but from this they are no less popular and beautiful.
Pink Tree Peony “Song of the Rain”, photo:
Pink Peony, Hotel:
Tree Peony of the Smolin variety( note the size of the flower), photo:
White Tree Peony, photo:
Tree Peony, purple, and purple, tree and purple syllable peony tree.↑ to content ↑
Gardeners' reviews of tree peony varieties
Caring for this garden representative is not at all difficult, as it may seem at first glance, even a beginner gardener can grow in one or two shrubs in his area. The main thing in this business - to observe the rules of planting and care, and also be patient - you will definitely need it.
If you already have some experience in growing garden residents, then select tree peony varieties with different flowering periods and a variety of colors. Thus, one bush you will fade, while the second will only begin to enter the flowering phase.
Replacing one color with another( different shades of flowers) is always beneficial diversifies the color scheme of your garden.
Try, experiment - and everything will work out for you!