6 tips for choosing wicker chairs from artificial rattan


  1. №1. What is artificial rattan?
  2. №2. Advantages of armchairs made of artificial rattan
  3. No. 3. How to determine the quality of artificial rattan?
  4. №4. Where can I use a chair made of artificial rattan?
  5. №5. Variety of colors and shapes
  6. №6. Care and maintenance

A stylish and practical decoration of a country house, garden area or a city apartment can become armchairs made of artificial rattan. Being an analogue of natural raw materials, artificial rattan has bypassed it in many respects. itinexpensive, durable, lightweight and durable material, which is not terrible to leave in the sun or in the rain. Not surprisingly, furniture made of artificial rattanwon the people's love, and its range in stores is constantly expanding. Before buying, it is not superfluous to get acquainted with some nuances of choice, so that the product you purchased would please for many years.

№1. What is artificial rattan?

Artificial rattan, sometimes calledTechnotorang, Polyotang and Synthetic Rattan, Is a polymer material based on capron and cellulose. Artificial Rattan Fibersare made as follows:

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  • Kapron and cellulose are added to the synthetic yarn. Sometimes, to add more flexibility, rubber is added;
  • to fix the structure and give the fibers the necessary shape, the material is passed through a special apparatus - an extruder. Due to this, the filaments are of different thicknesses;
  • The obtained fibers are fixed with special substances.

The exact composition of artificial rattan is a trade secret.

Externally, the materiallittle distinguishable from natural rattan, because from the polymer mass can be formed straws of any shade and accurately simulate the structure of natural fibers.Synthetic rattan has several advantages over natural rattanand is much cheaper. Natural rattan is obtained from palm trees that grow, mainly in Indonesia, and its artificial counterpart is produced all over the world, which explains its high availability and popularity.


Artificial strips can be any length, unlike natural fiber. This allows you to make armchairs and other pieces of furnitureany complexity, dimensions and configuration, to embody in reality the most daring design ideas. The frame can be made of metal or cast plastic.

№2. Advantages of armchairs made of artificial rattan

Armchairs made of artificial rattan will not only be a beautiful, but also a practical decoration. The use of synthetic fiber allowed to achievenumerous advantages:

  • universality. Wicker chairs made of artificial rattan are perfect for both apartments and houses, as well as for open verandas and terraces;
  • resistance to temperature changes, direct sunlight and precipitation. Furniture made of artificial rattan can be watered from a garden hose, and if it is left in the rain on the street, it is not worth worrying - nothing will happen to it. For self-restraint above such furniture it is possible to put a canopy that will allow to have a rest in an armchair even in the hottest days, not being afraid of scorching sun rays;
  • high strength and elasticity, therefore under the influence of large masses, the surface is not deformed. Even the most fragile-looking chair can easily stand up to 150 kg, so with its direct function it will cope superbly;
  • easeproducts. Wicker chairs made of artificial rattan are simply rearranged from one place to another;
  • artificial rattanDoes not rot, does not swell and does not crack, in contrast to its natural counterpart;
  • long service life. According to the producers, even after decades the furniture will remain as beautiful, comfortable and strong;
  • no burrs, which inevitably with time appear on the natural rattan;
  • diversity. Color, shape and size can be practical any, and a wide range of wicker chairs on the page http://4sis.ru it proves.
  • affordable price;
  • simple care. Rattan does not attract dust, and for cleaning simple water, a brush and a dry absorbent fabric are suitable. If you need to clean serious pollution, cleaners are used. They can not damage the surface of the chair.

Disadvantagesat wicker chairs of this material is almost not, but now some similar products can cost 30-40% more expensive than their natural counterparts - this is a fee for the original design and practicality. Another nuance -possible crunchunder the influence of gravity. It is associated with the features of the production of rattan furniture: it is usually covered with oil paint, which contains polyurethane, and a special varnish. The latter also causes a specific crunch.

No. 3. How to determine the quality of artificial rattan?


The popularity of furniture from tehnorotanga led to the fact that the stores appeared not very high-quality products, which are manufactured without observing certain rules, and therefore do not possess all of the above advantages. For the chosen chair to have served faithfully for many years, it is necessarywhen buying pay attention to such nuances:

  • carcass material. The frame can be made of aluminum, steel or cast plastic. The latter is rarely used, and the most widely usedaluminum frame. It should be strong enough and thick - products with thin aluminum tubes will be short-lived and unable to withstand a large man.Steel frameIt can not be called a good solution, especially if the chair is to stand outdoors, because the steel used, as a rule, is not covered with a protective coating and eventually rusts;
  • weaving tension- an important indicator of product quality. Checking the tension is easy. To do this, just press on the weave - a high degree of resistance indicates the strength of the chair;
  • density of weavingis determined by the arrangement of individual strips of artificial rattan in relation to each other: the closer, the better;
  • if the chair is constantly being carried out an increased load, it is better to choose a productwith additional weaving. It is located on the inside and is created with a metal mesh or special belts;
  • number of joints. A quality rattan chair will have only one joint. Only such products can be used in the open air;
  • surfacemust besmooth, without cracks and burrs.

№4. Where can I use a chair made of artificial rattan?

Versatility allows you to use wicker chairs inrooms of any style and purpose.They can be placed inresidential apartments and houses, occupying a worthy place in the living room, dining room or on the balcony. Modern wicker chairs can be both a separate element of the interior, and enterin sets of dining furniture with a table. As a rule, such kits are executed in the same style. Therefore, they look beautiful in any design. Armchairs made of artificial rattan will decorate the interior in styleProvence, Loft, Country, and also will add rooms in the Scandinavian style.

Indispensable wicker chairs for rest area arrangementin a country house or in the country.They can be placed on the veranda, terrace, on a spacious balcony, in a gazebo or placed on the territory of the site, thus arranging a chic recreation area. Another area of ​​use of chairs from rattan -catering establishments. In cafes, restaurants and bars such furniture can be used both in summer areas and in main halls.

№5. Variety of colors and shapes

The variety created by manufacturers makes it easy to choose a chair of the right size, height, color and design. The size and height are selected depending on thepurpose of use: if the chair serves for rest and light snacks on the nature or on the balcony, it can be quite low, but if it is used along with the dining table, it should be so high that it is convenient for the person sitting food.

Color of the productcan be anything, but more often you can find chairs in different shades of gray and brown. Do not forget to pick it up right away.soft pillows, so that rest on the armchair would be as comfortable as possible.

The design of the wicker chair may differ. The most common are regular armchairswith legs or with a solid running board, since they are the most functional and can be used for rest and for arrangement of the dining area. On sale it is possible to meetrocking chairs, which provide the seated maximum comfort and relaxation.

The most interesting option -pendant chair, which will find application in the city apartment, and at the cottage. The product is attached to a sturdy metal stand and allows you to withstand up to 250 kg. Since the tripod has a base that installs on the floor or ground, the chair can beplaced anywhere and easy to move if necessary. Such products, as a rule, have an oval or round shape, but can be square. There are many options, you can even attach a pendant chair to a tree branch in the garden.

If a table, sofa or any other items made of artificial rattan is purchased with a rattan chair, it is important to consider in advance how much they will be combined. In order not to bother, it is better to pay attention to ready-made kits. In size, the selected pieces of furniture must correspond to the room or the designated area on the site.

№6. Care and maintenance

Armchairs made of artificial rattan are veryunpretentious in care. To maintain cleanliness they can sometimes be wiped with a damp cloth or watered directly from the garden hose. For cleaning from more serious contaminants use a soap solution and a hard brush.

Most of the failures can be fixed at home. Ifthe fiber burst, then the damaged tapes are boldly cut off, and then bought in the store with similar strips braid the hole. A rusted fastener is easy to replace with a stainless steel, having cleaned the corrosion spots beforehand. If you want, you canrepaintin any desired shade using an acrylic spray paint.

Perfect appearance of wicker chairs made of synthetic rattan make it possible to create a nice and cozy zone rest, and excellent performance will provide furniture durability and will relieve the owner from the hassle of care for her.

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