Solero Rosa floribunda - what is it? Look at the photo and you will agree that the Latin word “floribunda” translates as “blooming roses”.It really is. Any variety of these flowers is characterized by abundant and long, almost continuous flowering. They are resistant to cold, to the majority of diseases inherent in roses. These are special representatives of the rose family, which are distinguished by elegance and decorativeness. Perhaps it is difficult to imagine a favorite garden or a summer cottage without these luxurious, beloved flowers.
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Floribunda roses - description of the characteristics of the variety
Back in 1924, the Danish breeder Svend Poulsen brought out the first variety of the hybrid rose. By crossing the tea, nutmeg and polyantha roses, floribunda was born, which combined all the best qualities of the "parents".The shape of the buds, their size, a rich palette of shades were borrowed from hybrid tea roses, and the cold resistance and good immunity of floribunda was adopted from polyanthan representatives. Today, many varieties of these roses have been bred, this type is extremely decorative: lush buds are “classical”, scyphoid or in the shape of a cup, they can have semi-double, terry or regular petals. Her inflorescences can have a variety of sizes. The height of rose bushes varies from 30 cm to 1 meter( and more), flowering lasts throughout the summer. Faded buds are replaced by blooming, and you can admire this beauty until autumn.
What makes floribunda roses different from hybrid tea? These two species are very similar to each other, both are characterized by long flowering, but the hybrid tea gives a color to the waves, and floribunda blooms continuously. Despite the lush beauty of Floribunda, in fairness it is worth noting that it is still somewhat inferior to the hybrid tea for its decorative qualities. With regard to disease resistance, care requirements and growing conditions, here floribunda is a stronger representative. The escape of the hybrid tea rose is crowned with one luxurious bud, while the floribunda stem has many inflorescences( up to 10-12 flowers).
Floribunda Rose, photo:
If desired, floribunda can be arranged in the form of a lush bush, planted in the appropriate pot or pot, turned into a standard tree.
From this type of roses, hedges, curbs and garden paths are made. In a single landing, they also look impressive and elegant. Floribunda feels great after the cut, with its help all kinds of holiday and even wedding bouquets are made. These flowers love sunlight and heat, react badly to drafts, but, in principle, planting and caring for floribunda is not very different from garden worries with ordinary rose bushes. Thus, knowing the simple rules, even a novice gardener can grow a beautiful floribund.
содерж to content ↑Planting floribunda roses - time, place, ground
The optimal time for planting roses is May or June, however, residents of the warm regions of our country can do it in September or in the middle of October. You should choose a windless place in advance, which will be lit most of the day. There is a small nuance here - the area should be light, but the roses should not be under the direct rays of the sun all day, because they will simply fade. Light shading is necessary, then floribunda will bloom long and magnificently. Also beware of drafts.
The composition of the soil is important: if you have a clay soil at the site, then dilute it with compost and river sand before planting roses. You can also add bone meal and superphosphate( 40 g per well) to the earth mixture. With sandy soil should do the same - to dilute, make clay in half with humus. Or you can prepare in advance the composition of equal parts of peat, sand, humus, clay and garden soil, which you need to add on a handful of bone meal and superphosphate. The pit under the rose should have approximately the following dimensions: 50 × 50, depth - 30 cm.
Planting process:
- The roots and shoots of rose seedlings are cut to living tissue( if there is such a need).Even healthy fragments need to be pruned, they are left about 30 cm long at the roots, 35-40 cm at the shoots.
- The roots of the seedlings should be immersed in water in advance( for 24 hours).You can add a little means of "Kornevin"( on the package indicated dosage).
- A hole of the indicated dimensions is dug out, to the bottom of which water is poured, after it is completely absorbed, the soil mix( see above) with superphosphate is poured. Remember that the floribunda rose does not like crowding, so the seat should be relatively spacious.
- A seedling is placed on the filled earth mixture - this should be done in such a way that in the “ready” planted form, the grafting site of the seedling is located 2 cm above ground level.
- Further, the roots of the rose are covered with earth, which is slightly compacted by hand. Sapling well poured with water, after it is absorbed, spud soil.
- From above, the soil can be mulched with peat, humus or sawdust. If the planting was done in the spring, but the sun is already burning with all its might, form paper caps and cover the seedlings with them, do not remove this covering until the roses take root in the new place. Floribunda
needs abundant watering, fertilizer forming pruning, which is carried out during the growing season. In this case, the shoots are cut so that they remain 6 buds, side branches are also shortened. Dried and badly damaged fragments are also removed. In principle, neat formative pruning can be done throughout the season, and renewal, medium pruning can be done with the onset of spring.
содерж to content ↑Floribunda roses - care and cultivation
The care is not intricate: loosen the earth in time, remove weeds, do not forget to mulch. The main focus of floribund care is pruning. To the above information should be added that spring pruning is the main, shaping and sanitary. Summer pruning aims to increase the timing of flowering roses. But in the autumn this process should not be carried out so as not to weaken the plant before the upcoming winter.
Keep in mind that weak and poorly growing floribunda should be cut more actively and stronger than powerful and strong representatives - this process activates the vitality of the rose, provokes the growth of new and renewed old shoots. If the spring is very pruned bush, then flowering may come late, with the advent of August or even September( in some varieties).
Floribunda likes to drink plenty of water, with the arrival of summer heat at least 10 liters of water must be poured under each bush. This should be done once a week, but with the advent of intense heat, it is possible twice. The best time for watering roses is early morning or evening, it is not worth doing this on a sunny day. It is especially important to saturate the plant with moisture during budding and foliage, as well as after the appearance of the first flowers.
With the onset of autumn, watering becomes less frequent, especially when it starts to rain.
As for fertilizers, it will not be superfluous to feed the plant with a nitrogen supplement or mullein during the active growth phase( 1 or better 2 times).By the end of the summer, floribunda can be fertilized with potassium-phosphorus additive( for example, potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate, ammophos, superphosphate).Top dressing is introduced as follows: around the bushes form grooves, flood them with water, after water is absorbed into the ground, there comes a turn of liquid fertilizers, after which everything is again filled with water, filled with soil. Keep in mind that in the first year after planting the bush is not fertilized with anything.
To prevent the appearance of fungi, until the buds on the rose are dissolved, it should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate solution.
Insecticides such as Actellic, Karbofos, Rogor will help prevent pest infestations.
For the winter, be sure to cover the rose, and before the shelter, cut off all the buds, remove the foliage and the underexposed shoots( they are red in color, not green).After that, the shrub is treated with Bordeaux liquid, and all remote plant fragments are collected and burned.
In trimmed form, floribunda shrub should be about 30-40 cm tall.
For the winter, they pile it up and cover it with peat or river sand, so that the plant is completely covered. For reliability, especially if the winter promises to be cold, from above you can additionally cover it with fir tree branches. Or you can cover the bush with some special material( for example, lutrasil), and then additionally spud with sand and cover it with pine or spruce branches.
содерж to the content ↑Floribunda roses - varieties, photos, description
There are no ugly roses, the same varieties are liked by someone more, someone less. Calling a particular variety as the most beautiful is a matter of taste, so here I will mention some of the most frequently encountered species that our compatriots prefer to grow in their gardens and in the dacha plots.
содерж to content ↑Floribund Leonardo da Vinci
The variety is considered one of the most frequently planted with us. These roses have rather large buds, the diameter of which can reach 10 cm. The goblet flowers are painted in a rich pink color, have a subtle delicate aroma, densely shaped. This variety looks equally good in single or mixed plantings, it is also used to create standard trees. Floribunda "Leonardo da Vinci" grows to 1 m in height, resistant to disease and rain.
Leonardo da Vinci Variety:
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Floribunda Rose Acropolis
Roses of this variety have a unique color of petals. Initially, they have a pink tint, but over time, dissolving more and more, become coffee. Acropolis shrub grows to 1 m in height, each bud has 4-6 cm in diameter. This rose is resistant to cold and disease, looks equally good in the garden and in the vase. In a cut form long keeps freshness.
Acropolis Variety:
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Floribunda Rose Raffles
Attracts attention with its large and lush buds, and the petals on them seem to be corrugated, cut into edges. It looks unusual and exotic, the petals look openwork. Raffles can have a different color of petals, grows up to 40-60 cm, blooms profusely all summer until late autumn. This cultivar, alas, is vulnerable to rose diseases - this factor must be taken into account when planting and caring for a plant. Shrubs should be placed at a distance from each other, so that they are well ventilated, because excessive thickening provokes the manifestation of diseases.
Floribunda "Raffles":
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Floribunda Carte Blanche
The variety is tall, the foliage is very thick and decorative in its own way. White terry buds are of medium size, but abundant flowering and resistance to various "pink" diseases make this species one of the favorite among our gardeners. This rose grows up to 60-80 cm in height, blooms for a long time, like all its tribesmen, until the cold.
Rose of Floribunda Carte Blanche:
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Rosa Niccolò Paganini
This variety is called the ideal floribund. Luxurious large bright red buds crown straight-growing shoots that grow to 70-80 cm in height. This rose is also used to make bouquets, flower arrangements, floribund has all the “advantages” - it is cold-resistant, has strong immunity, its fragrant flowers do not fade in the sun. This variety begins to bloom one of the first, 10-12 buds are formed in the inflorescence.
“Niccolo Paganini” floribunda rose:
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Rose “Blue for You”
The variety will surprise you with all shades of lilac and blue. This is an extremely decorative look, and the unusual coloring of the inflorescences only adds personality to it. The shape of the bud is remarkable by the fact that even in the phase of its full disclosure, it remains, as it were, not fully revealed. This is a real blue rose, with its natural shade. The bush grows to 80-90 cm in height, gives flowers until October inclusive, feels comfortable in partial shade, as well as under the bright sun. This variety is resistant to cold, almost not affected by disease, normally responds to precipitation.
Rose for Floribunda "Blue for You":
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Floribunda "Easy Does It"
The variety is famous for its bright, rich orange flowers that have a delicate, slightly fruity aroma. It is noteworthy that the rose petals change their color as they bloom - from dark orange they become pale apricot, and then bright orange, the color of ripe orange. When the bud is at the stage of wilting, the petals turn pink. Since flowering buds replace each other during the summer, all the stages of hues transition can be observed simultaneously on one bush. The bush grows up to 80-100 cm in height. Disease resistance and normal rain response make this variety very attractive to gardeners and summer residents.
Rosy floribunda "Easy Daz It":
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Rose "Blue Wonder"
The variety grows to 60-70 cm, its dark emerald leaves look attractive, but the main “highlight” looks like an attractive, but the main “highlight”.are blue and pale lilac flowers. The buds are medium in size, terry, gathered in lush inflorescences. This is a very decorative variety, but at the same time very gentle, vulnerable in terms of diseases, pests, and atmospheric conditions.
“Blue Wonder” variety, photo:
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Floribunda rose “Blue Rhapsody - Rhapsody in Blue”( Rhapsody in Blue)
If you want a rose to have a unique, unusual, unusual, unusual, out of the blue, Rapsody in Blue
If you want a rose to have a unique, unusual, unusual, unusual, and real, way, a human, to make a unique, unusual, unpleasant, blue" for you. Each of its large, semi-double flowers has a completely unique warm shade of bluish-purple color, which, when fully revealed, shows rather large bright yellow stamens-cilia in the middle. Leaves are leathery, dark green. Aroma is, very pleasant, sweet fruit with sourness. The variety is named after the popular blues-style Rhapsody by American composer George Gershwin. Blooms all summer with a short break. But the gap in flowering may not be - it all depends on the conditions of growth. In the southern regions it is better to plant in partial shade. Each of the flowers lasts only 1-2 days, but usually there are many of them, so the plant is very decorative all season. When choosing a landing site, keep in mind that the bush grows in width up to 70-100 cm. It can reach a height of 1.20 m. Almost no disease is affected.
Variety of Blue Rhapsody:
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Floribunda “Nina Weibul”
It will decorate your garden with rich red roses that will delight from early summer until frost. This is a variety with a very strong immunity, almost no illness, calmly reacting to precipitation. Among gardeners engaged in the cultivation of roses, there is an opinion that varieties that give red buds are more healthy - perhaps this version is not unfounded. This floribunda grows up to 80-100 cm in height, its dark green foliage with a lacquer shine attracts attention and emphasizes the juicy shade of flowers.
Grade "Nina Weibul":
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Rose Floribunda Novalis
The variety will not leave anyone indifferent! Delicate roses, amazing lavender shade, with very large buds will become a true decoration of your cottage or the local area. Novalis bush can grow to a height of one and a half meters, cup-like buds abundantly cover straight-growing shoots. With all this, the plant has good immunity to the main enemies of roses( black spot and pepelitsa), as well as moderate resistance to precipitation.
Novalis variety:
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Rose Tchaikovsky
Tchaikovsky variety is a non-capricious, cold-resistant, strong( in terms of diseases) representative with white-cream buds of the classical form. This elegant rose is 12 cm in diameter, has multiple petals( up to 45 pieces in a bud), as well as a pronounced sweet aroma. The bush itself grows up to 90-100 cm in height, and glossy dark green foliage looks especially impressive against the background of luxurious buds. This variety reacts very badly to winds and drafts, careful selection of a landing site, as well as shaded areas is recommended.
Tchaikovsky Floribunda Rose:
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Floribunda Prince of Monaco's Anniversary
Floribunda's Prince of Monaco's Anniversary draws attention with its unusual coloring. While the bud has not yet fully blossomed, the petals have a white-cream color with a bright crimson edging. The more a rose is revealed, the more actively the crimson color captures the petal, becoming brighter and brighter. At the same time, the flower has a creamy shade of the bases of the petals, all together it looks very decorative and remarkable. The bush grows to 50-60 cm in height, resistant to cold and disease.
Floribunda Rose “Prince of Monaco's Anniversary”:
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Rosa Samba
The variety also belongs to floribunds, which change their color as the flowers bloom. Compact bush grows up to 40-60 cm, semi-double buds in diameter are about 6-8 cm, bloom profusely and long. The peculiarity of this species is elegant bright yellow flowers, which gradually become bright red, starting to change shade from the tips of the petals. This type has good resistance to diseases, unpretentious care, normally reacts to precipitation. Buds "Samba" do not fade in the sun, on the contrary - they become more saturated colors. This rose is characterized by long-lasting freshness after the cut( up to 15 days).
Floribunda Samba Rose:
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Rose of the Vibibunda Solero
Looks elegant and luxuriant, thanks to the thick-colored buds of white-yellow or lemon hue. Flowers "Solero" look great in any stage of disclosure, their diameter reaches 6-8 cm, and the bush itself can grow up to 70-80 cm. Like most representatives of the Floribunda species, this variety is resistant to diseases, as well as to sunlight and rain.and cold. The lush foliage of rich emerald color very harmoniously emphasizes the white-lemon inflorescences.“Solero” blooms until deep autumn, refreshing the overall picture of the garden and giving it some solemnity.
Solero Floribunda Rose:
All representatives of the Floribunda species are diverse and individual in their beauty. They are considered to be the favorites of gardeners and summer residents, they can be used to revive any site, to place bright accents on the territory, to emphasize or highlight any element of landscape design. These unpretentious roses can be grown even in indoor conditions, the main thing is to follow the rules: know the composition of the soil, take into account the size of the pot, place the flower on the windows that face the south side. The plant needs to ensure proper ventilation, proper watering, timely feeding, and to limit the access of hot air from heating devices.
I hope you got an answer to the question: floribunda roses - what is it? This is a magnificent gift of nature, enhanced by the efforts of breeders. The Queen of the Garden will abundantly and continuously bloom to decorate your plot or house, while she is almost unpretentious and resistant to adverse factors.