Very beautiful plant! The garden is transformed when it blooms! Garden hydrangea - planting, care, how difficult they are for gardeners? This plant has another name - macrophilia hydrangea( hydrangea macrophylla).Gardeners around the world rightly consider it one of the most beautiful flowering plants. Back in the middle of the XX century.all varieties of this species were distinguished by low frost resistance: they withstood frosts only up to -10 ° С.Therefore, lovers of hydrangeas had to be content with their reduced room "copies."For the last 20 years, breeders have been actively working on breeding frost-resistant varieties of hydrangea that would withstand cold temperatures of -25 ° C or even lower.
- Landing hydrangea garden - how to choose the best place
- ground for hydrangea garden
- As watered hydrangea garden
- fertilizer hydrangeas, dressing - the fertilized
- Pruning hydrangeas - whether it is necessary
- Care hydrangea in the fall - preparation for
Hydrangea garden is a deciduous shrub. The height depends on the variety - from 50 cm to one and a half meters. The flowers are collected from him in very large spherical inflorescences, with a diameter of 18-20 cm.
At the beginning of flowering, the inflorescences often have a subtle lettuce color. And when flowering is gaining momentum, they acquire bright blue, pink, lilac, purple, snow-white shades. This type of hydrangea blooms depending on the variety from the beginning of June to October.
Among the flowering ornamental shrubs that are used for landscaping gardens, parks and gardens, the garden hydrangea is the undisputed leader in the duration of flowering. This period lasts for a plant on average about two months. Hortensia are the real aristocrats who have reigned in the gardens all summer. Indifferently walk past this magnificent flowering shrub is simply impossible! The variety, beauty of shades of its flowers is really amazing.
↑ to content ↑Planting hydrangea garden - how to choose the best place
Garden hydrangea is a large, long-lived shrub that does not tolerate transplanting, so you need to choose a place for it especially carefully. Unlike most types of hydrangea, garden prefers penumbra. The best place for her is the one that is lit by the sun from morning till noon. It grows well, this shrub develops near the house or small garden buildings that protect it from the afternoon hot sun. In addition, in such a place in the winter hydrangea will be sheltered from cold winds. It should be borne in mind that the less light gets into the area where the garden hydrangea is planted, the later the flowering occurs, the smaller the inflorescences will be.
In landscape design, hydrangeas are most often used as tapeworms on small green lawns, and low varieties look very beautiful, elegantly, like a hedge along borders. Especially bright, elegantly looks a hedge of hydrangea, if you choose varieties with contrasting flowers or different shades of the same tone.
Some varieties of large-leaved hydrangea can be grown not only in the open field in the garden, but also in large pots or tubs on open terraces or verandas.
Very often hydrangeas are planted at the entrance of a house or gazebo, where they look very festive, elegantly. It looks great, this shrub also feels fine on the shores of small natural or artificial reservoirs, as its decorative effect doubles due to the reflection in the water.
содерж to content ↑Soil for hydrangea garden
This shrub prefers a slightly or medium acid soil. However, they are not always found in garden plots; therefore, before planting a shrub, prepare a special mixture for filling the planting pit of equal parts of leaf and sod land, peat and sand. After planting in the soil, the plant should be plentifully watered and, if possible, compressed with compost.
содерж to the contents ↑How to water the garden hydrangea
Hydrangea is a very moisture-loving plant, not in vain in Latin it is called hydrangea.
Young plants( up to 2–3 years old) need a large amount of water. Frequent, abundant summer watering of shrubs during this period allows you to maintain a more or less stable temperature on the soil surface of the near-stem circle. In subsequent years, watering garden hydrangea should be sufficient and regular. The lack of moisture or drought can cause marginal burn of the leaves, the wilting of the whole bush, even its death.
↑ to content ↑Hydrangea fertilizer, top dressing - than fertilize
Spring garden hydrangea, before the appearance of buds like most flowering plants, requires complex fertilizer, in particular nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, necessary microelements. Fertilizer, dressing is required if you are counting on the lush, long flowering shrubs.
Hydrangea has one feature - during flowering, there is a bookmark of new flower buds. This means that the plant requires two times more nutrients, which must necessarily be given to him during this period. Feed the shrub with phosphate-potassium fertilizer( superphosphate and potassium sulfate) at this time, but you cannot add nitrogen. This is necessary for the normal preparation of plants for wintering.
With gratitude, the garden hydrangea will respond to watering with sour milk - whey.kefir.yogurt. Serum can be sprayed a couple of times per season on the leaves.
And another secret - periodically water your darling with a weak solution of potassium permanganate - this will give the plant strength and flexibility to the branches.
содерж to content ↑Hydrangea pruning - whether it is necessary
Unlike other species, large-leaved garden hydrangea does not require pruning, as most inflorescences are formed on last year's shoots. That is why it is important to keep them. The exception is spring sanitary pruning of frozen branches or damaged in winter.
But, it is recommended to periodically carry out a slight thinning, rejuvenation of the bush. In the latter case, shoots are removed older than four years of age.
Don't forget to cut off the wilted inflorescences immediately after flowering. It is better to do this gradually, during the entire period of flowering, when the flowers wither, but have not dried yet.
содерж to the content ↑Care of the hydrangea in the fall - preparation for the winterFor this, we recommend covering young plants for the winter.
First, for 2-3 years, planted shrubs adapt to a new place, get used to the soil, winds, the amount of sun produced.
Secondly, transferring a bush from a container to an open ground is a kind of stress for it. Therefore, it is better to be safe - to cover the plant for the winter. To do this, we first mulch with spruce leaves or sawdust on the ground at the base of the bush, and then cover the branches with a special white agrofiber.
If you purchased a shrub with long branches, you must first carefully bend down to the ground, fasten with metal studs and then cover. Some gardeners use ordinary plastic vegetable boxes to protect young plants from strong winds or large amounts of snow in winter. Such a simple shelter allows you to save branches without damage.
Adult shrubs hydrangea garden new varieties can withstand rather low temperatures, so it is not necessary to cover them.