, 100, 100, 100 and 100.)))), 100, 100, 100, 100.)))))))), 100, 100, 100, 10000, 10000, 10000, 10000.Ficus is not an exception, rubber, care at home for which is quite burdensome, and appearance is very remarkable. According to legend, the first European to see this plant was Alexander the Great, who made his famous campaign to the east. The great trees and the ruler of the giant trees, and in fact, these groves with aerial roots and numerous powerful trunks, made an indelible impression.
And there was something to be amazed! The indigenous inhabitant of the tropical forests of India, Indonesia and Nepal, rubber-bearing ficus, in the photo, grows in nature to 40 meters in height, and, weaving other trees and growing aerial roots, builds live arbors and even bridges.
Becoming a houseplant at the end of the last century, this species has established itself as an unpretentious, fast-growing culture. By the 50s of the 20th century, in spite of the existing signs and superstitions, the rubber plant got the crown of the most popular home plant in the USSR.
Ficus rubber care at home
Ever since our grandmothers, ficus has gained the fame of a plant that feels good in any conditions, be it south windows, where the sun does not go most of the day, or the northern side, deprived of light. Indeed, the rubber-ficus, as in the photo, is very hardy. But the excess of light and its deficiency act on the plant depressingly. It is much better for a tropical guest to find a place on a windowsill that is well-lit but protected from direct rays:
- If the pot is in the dark, you cannot avoid drawing out the internodes, chopping the foliage. Ficus variegated forms become evenly green.
- In the sun, the foliage suffers from burns, brightens and can fall off, baring even young shoots.
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The maintenance of a flower in a warm dry room leads to similar consequences. To maintain high humidity and hygienic rubber-rubber ficus at home, plant care includes:
- foliar irrigation using a shower or a spray bottle;
- wipe large leathery plate plates with a damp cloth.
Household specialized appliances are also used to humidify the air.
Do not use synthetic substances for polishing foliage. This will briefly prevent the build-up of dust and improve the look of the plant, but it will firmly clog the stomata, disrupting the breathing of a large ornamental culture.
Ficus easily adapts to keeping in room conditions at a temperature of:
- from 20 to 30 ° C in summer;
- is 5–7 ° C cooler in winter.
The minimum temperature allowed for the plant is 10 ° C, and the variegated rubber plant ficus, as in the photo, can withstand a stay at 15 ° C.
The most important stage of ficus rubber care at home is watering. The plant is actively drinking, especially his need for moisture in the summer. Between irrigation, the surface of the loose, well-permeable to water and air substrate should dry out. And the excess moisture flowing into the pan, half an hour after the procedure, must be drained. In winter, the ficus, which slows growth, needs less water, so it is enough to water it only once a week.
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From spring to early autumn, complex feedings are made under the ficus. It is more convenient to do this using ready-made products with a predominance of nitrogen for deciduous crops. The interval between feedings is 10-14 days. If the plant has been transplanted in the spring, fertilizer need be applied only a month after the transfer to a new pot.
Transplantation and crown formation of rubber plant rubber
It is impossible to imagine caring for rubber-rubber plant at home without a procedure such as plant transplantation. It is extremely important to choose the right substrate and not to forget about the powerful drainage layer at the bottom of the pot.
The younger the specimen, the looser and lighter the ground should be. It is optimal to mix equal amounts of turfy and leafy ground, peat and sand cleaned for planting the rubber-ficus pictured on the photo. It is useful to add to the substrate a little charcoal, which will be a natural prevention from root rot and bacterial infections.
Young ficuses are transplanted annually, but then the frequency of the procedure is reduced, and the transshipment with partial trimming of the root system is carried out when the roots appear from a hole in the bottom of the pot. Large specimens to repot too laborious, and in this case are limited only to the replacement of the 5-centimeter upper layer of the substrate.
A characteristic feature and problem for plant owners is its rapid growth and loss of shape. When and how a rubber ficus, in the photo, to form a crown?
Ficus branches very reluctantly. Spring pruning helps not only to give the crown a shape, but also to make the stems give side shoots.
For the first time it is carried out when the main stem does not exceed a meter height. Formed for the season shoots next year are shortened, forcing again to branch, and all root shoots are removed. Having provided support and rubber care required at home for ficus, in a few years you can get a beautiful stem tree.
Read also: We grow up in the apartment a powerful handsome ficus rubber
Reproduction of a rubber plant at home
Having a mature plant on hand, it is easy for a grower to reproduce a green pet. The fastest and easiest way to reproduce ficus rubber at home is to use the apical and stem cuttings:
- Cuttings in the apical parts of the shoots are cut at least 10 cm long, while the tissue, glee, has to be formed to the roots, must be half woody.
- Stem cuttings can have both a few leaves and buds, and can be quite short - with a single healthy leaf.
Before rooting, the lower leaves are removed, and the remaining leaves are gently rolled. Dried stems are placed in water or a couple of centimeters buried in perlite or a mixture of sand and peat. Rooting takes place in the room greenhouse and can last up to a month.
If it is necessary to multiply a variegated specimen, then it is preferable to use air slips. The same method will help to obtain viable seedlings from an adult, as in the photo, rubber plant with lignified stems.
Get acquainted with the rules of ficus rubber plant care - video