I must say that the question from the title itself - which seeds are the best - is not entirely correct. Since we will talk with you about what kind of seed treatment is used by manufacturers and why it is needed at all. And to understand which seeds are more suitable for us, it is necessary. Experience shows that one who tests, checks all new and new seeds, does not lose, but achieves the best result.
- Plasma Seeds
- Framed Seeds
- Inlaid Seeds
- Seeds on Ribbon
When I became involved in the garden, I sometimes bought them from the large specialized shop “World of Seeds”.In addition to the colorful bags on the shelves of this store were large glass jars with seeds. It was possible to buy them by weight. Very convenient for farmers sowing large areas. But such gardeners, like me, also have something to “profit”.I noticed that, for example, almost all the seeds of cucumber in the window were multicolored. In one variety, the seeds were orange, in the other - yellow, in the third - poisonous blue.

My question about the unusual coloring was that the seeds are very good, with excellent germination, and the color depends on what special composition they are processed for better germination. I am sure that many of you will be interested to know what they are treated with, how it affects the future harvest.
What do manufacturers pursue when processing seeds? They simply improve their properties - make them more convenient for planting, accelerate germination, increase protection against adverse factors.
Now I have a very positive attitude to such multi-colored seeds and, in general, to seeds with preliminary processing. At first, carefully sorting through such bags, I felt only a sense of curiosity, and now I try to buy only them, because I have already seen the best results, I can share my experience.
содерж to content ↑Plasma Seeds

These are seeds that have undergone plasma activation or low-temperature plasma flow treatment. Its biological action is multicomponent. That is, not only one component of the plasma acts on the seed during processing, but directly the entire plasma flow in the complex. The main biological components of the flux are:
- flux of electrons and protons,
- free radicals,
- ultraviolet radiation spectrum, which acts as a stimulating seed,
- ozonation of air.
These components collectively contribute to the enhancement of the biological activity of seeds. They increase their germination, are more resistant to external stresses.
When plasma is applied to the seed, the seedlings become more uniform before sowing, the plants are less exposed to various diseases, and are able to resist weeds.
Plasma treatment is aimed at changing the wetting properties of the surfaces of various seeds, leading to a significant increase in their germination rate, germination percentage.
The cold plasma treatment process creates tiny holes on the surface of the seed, so that it increases its ability to absorb more moisture during germination. Seedlings or plants grown from plasma seeds, larger in mass, have greater vitality.
Another great advantage of cold plasma seed treatment is their ability to resist disease. Treated seeds acquire antimicrobial, antifungal properties, the activity of any bacteria, pathogenic fungi present on the seed, or even reduces it to nothing.
The potential of this technology is amazing. Scientists believe that this will help preserve rare, endangered plant species. Perhaps this is our salvation from GMO seeds.
Externally, the seeds are no different from untreated. On sale go in colorful bags with an inscription - "plasma seeds".

The effect of plasma seeds retain their properties for 2 years. But this applies only to seeds that are inside a sealed package.
Plasma seeds do not need to be soaked, processed before planting.
↑ to contentDried seeds

Dried seeds are very popular with gardeners. Typically, small seeds, such as carrots, parsley, celery, petunias, and others are subject to drazhirovanie. Drazhirovanie increases the size of the seed several times. Such enlarged seeds are easier to sow.
I didn’t even have to thin out the carrots sown with seed seeds.
What does the shell of such seeds consist of? First, it is a fairly dense shell, which still performs the function of protection. Secondly, it is a nutrient shell, as it includes various nutrients, plant protection products - fungicides, growth stimulants.
Producers' intention: when disembarking into the ground, the seed thus treated already has the necessary amount of nutrients, trace elements for germination and development. Shoots are more friendly, uniform. The only condition - it will be necessary to water the crops regularly and abundantly. This is necessary in order to dissolve the nutrient shell, the seed sprouted.
Framed seeds save our time - you do not have to thin out the seedlings.
They are sown dry, without prior soaking and germination before sowing.

Sowing seed seeds should be in very wet soil and such a bed should always be kept moist until germination. I usually cover such a bed after sowing with a film or a more dense covering material with a density of at least 60 units. I remove it only after shoots appeared.
Not long ago, a variety of pelleted seeds appeared - helium-coated seeds. I liked them very much - the gel retains moisture well, and the seeds themselves germinate a week earlier than even the coated ones.
Remind you! The shelf life of such seeds is a maximum of two years!
содерж to content ↑Inlaid seeds

These are seeds that are colored with different colors, or rather covered with a multi-colored shell. They are treated with special formulations that cover the seed with a thin film that does not increase the size of the seed. As I noticed, relatively large seeds( cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, watermelons, corn, and others) are treated in this way. Despite the fact that plenochka is very thin, it includes growth stimulants, which significantly increase the germination and yield. In addition, the coating blocks pests and pathogens.
They are also sown dry!
If you try to soak or germinate them, then destroy the useful properties of the coating, nullify all the benefits of processing. But the soil must be necessarily moistened, because seedlings will not appear in dry soil.
The shelf life of inlaid seeds is no more than 2 years!
содерж to content ↑Seeds on tape

This method of planting seeds on paper tape allows you to evenly arrange the seeds on the bed in straight rows. Each strip consists of two layers of thin biodegradable paper, between which seeds are evenly spaced. Just make a groove, spill it well, unfold it, spread the ribbon along the furrow, trying to keep it in contact with the surface of the ground, cover it from above with soil. You will get an even bed with shoots through the same distance. It is not necessary to thin out such shoots!
So which seeds are the best? You decide!