Gladiolus - planting and care in the open field, cultivation experience

Such majestic, proud flowers are gladioli. Planting and care in the open field has its own characteristics. Every year they bloom in mid-summer, in time for my birthday. Maybe that's why I love them very much. A very important point in answering the question of how to grow gladioli, as I have already seen, is the choice of place for their planting. The size, number of flowers, and also time, duration of flowering will depend on it. Of course, the landing site will also greatly affect the quality of planting material for the next season.

  • Gladiolus - care, planting, choice of place
  • Gladiolus - planting depth

Everyone who plants these flowers has their own secrets. Someone assures that the selection of the bulbs is most important, someone thinks that the matter is in top dressing. All are right. I had negative and positive moments, so let me give some advice to flower growers for the care of these beautiful flowers.

Highlight a place in the sun literally under the gladioli. They are not afraid of the sun. Remember that if the plant is in the shade on the east side, the flowering time will be 15-20 days back, and if the shadow is on the south side, then you can not wait for flowers at all.

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If you have a problem area, in terms of light, you can make high beds for planting gladioli. Or make a bulk flowerbed, and plant gladiolus on its top.

If the location of the area allocated for gladioli was on the north or west side, then try to be protected from cold winds at least by bushes or just tall plants.

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Gladiolus - care, planting, choice of place

It is best to grow gladiolus on loamy or light sandy soils. On our Kuban heavy chernozem they can grow low. But there is a solution! Put in the wells before planting sand, compost, that is, make the soil easier. If you have the same soil as mine( heavy black soil), then sprinkle sand over the bulb, and only then the ground.

I would advise you to add nitrophoska( 5-7 pellets for each) in the wells before planting the bulbs. Mix the ground at the bottom of the wells so that the granules of nitrophoska were 3-4 cm lower than the bottom of the bulb corns.

Remember that you grew last year at the place chosen for gladiolus. If the bean - very good! Consider that you will not have a malicious enemy, the wireworm.

Now let's proceed directly to the planting of gladioli. Corm need to be separated from dry scales for 2-3 weeks before the intended landing. And remove the scales from the children just before planting.

Planting material can and should be disinfected, as well as treated with growth stimulants. You can disinfect the materials at hand, such as garlic extract( 100 g of garlic mince, pour 3 liters of water), in which to stand the gladioli corns and babies for 2 hours. For the same purpose, you can use a well pink solution of potassium permanganate - soak for half an hour. You can withstand gladioli corms in a solution of drugs Maxim, Home( for dosage, see the package).

Heteroauxin( Kornevin), Epin, others can be used from growth stimulants - they will help to form a strong root system.

And here's another detail in the cultivation of gladioli: to reduce the likelihood of disease and increase flowering - a month before planting you need to carry out the vernalization( germination) of corms, like potatoes. Spread them sprouts up in the light, but not in the sun. The central sprout should slightly grow. The allowable length of the sprout before planting is from 1 to 10 cm.

It is possible to plant gladiolus into the soil when the soil at a depth of 8-12 cm warms up to 8-10ºС.In Kuban, this is roughly the end of March and the beginning of April, and in the middle lane - the last decade of April and the beginning of May. I usually focus on the time of planting potatoes, once planted it, you can start planting gladioli.

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Gladiolus - landing depth

How much gladioli bulbs are planted at? It depends on the soil. If the soil is light sandy, then to a depth of 15 cm, if it is heavy, then the planting depth is not so large. In general, be guided by the diameter of the bulb - the depth of planting of the corm of gladiolus is equal to three times the diameter. That is, all bulbs and kids can not be planted at the same depth. Shallowly planted corms after germination and ejection of the flower arrow will bend, fall to the ground and raise them without risk of breaking the entire shoot will not succeed.

I wish you to grow beautiful, tall, unique gladioli! A generous flowering of your gladioli!

Gladiolus Kniazhich

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