Gaillardia is such a complex, not very familiar to our ear, the name has beautiful perennial flowers, which we, as children, called "suns".At our house, the “suns” grew in glades. Gailardia's front garden was very decorated! Planting and maintenance will not cause any difficulties for florists. Everything is very simple.
There are many types of gaillardy, it seems, more than twenty. This is a very popular flower in our Kuban. Rarely does a front garden do without it. Why is it popular? Yes, because gaillardia blooms all summer without interruption and until late autumn. Very beautiful bouquets of gaylardii. Plus, they are long cut. In my opinion, this is a very unpretentious flower that does not require special care when grown.
There are tall( above 70-80 cm) and undersized varieties( 30-35 cm) of gaillardii. I prefer stunted varieties, as they look compact in a flower garden, do not fall apart and do not tie them up, unlike tall ones.
It is believed that gaillardia can grow in one place for about 4 years. Then it should be transplanted to a new place or simply sow new seeds. I have never done a planting or transplanting for the purpose of updating, since it seemed to renew itself in my hands - it sprang up by self-sowing. And the old plants themselves disappeared, and the new ones rose and occupied their place in my flower garden. It will happen to you, if you do not remove all wilted buds of gaylardii. Self-seeding is sometimes so abundant that you even have to thin out.
If you have hybrid varieties of gaylardii, then the colors of flowers grown by self-seeding may differ from each other. Different colors of flowers will only decorate and emphasize the individuality of your flower garden.
By the way, gaylardiya reproduces very well by dividing the bush. In this case, varietal or hybrid features are preserved. From one two- or three-year-old plant you can get by dividing several new bushes. I do not advise, when planting or transplanting, divide the gaillardii bush into more than three parts, since small bushes will grow for too long.
But if among your friends there are no owners of this flower, you can sow with seeds. Just keep in mind that if you sow the seeds immediately in the ground, they will only bloom in the second year. And when planting seedlings in the soil gaylardiya bloom this year.
No wonder this flower is popularly called the "sun" - the finest of all, it will grow in a well-lit place. The soil gaylardiya loves light. On heavy chernozems, when planting or sowing, add ash and coarse sand to the soil, you can add compost. Watering this plant should be moderate, since gaillardia does not like waterlogging. It should be watered regularly only in dry, hot weather.
For a longer and more abundant flowering of gaylardii, faded flowering flower should be regularly removed. Leave only some for self seeding. Perhaps the removal of peduncles and watering in the heat are the most "difficult" items for the care of the "suns".
Like any plant, gaillardia loves feeding. Experts advise to feed the flowers three times per season. The first dressing, when they begin to tie buds. The second - during flowering. The last - in the autumn, when everything had already faded, a month before the onset of cold weather. Any complex mineral fertilizers fit. For example, Kemira universal.
Honestly, I don’t have time to pay so much attention to gaillardia. Around the end of October, I cut off the flowered flower stalks and pour out “liquid fertilizer” under the bushes, which I myself prepare from cut grass.
Gailardia tolerates our Kuban winter well. She never hid her.
A variety of gailardia flowers, varietal differences, look here: