Repairing strawberries: planting and care

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videoAmong citrus, strawberry crops there are remontant varieties. The French origin of the word "remontant" means "newly blossoming."That is, for the season, the culture blooms several times and gives the harvest. Usually, fruit growers receive two times, in rare cases more. The peculiarity lies in the fact that immediately after fruiting, the remontant strawberry from seeds, seedlings immediately begin to tie up the flowers and buds. Thus, one bush provides the grower with a large number of berries. Fruiting begins in mid-spring and ends in late autumn.

In order to guarantee a double crop, you should carefully monitor the crop, water it abundantly, feed it with fertilizer.

The only negative - strawberry remontant, "Queen Elizabeth", "Fresco" can not "boast" as a garden large fruits. The berries are small and poorly preserved. The reason is the constant loading of bushes, continuous "work" of the plant. Because of this, the “forces” are depleted, the culture begins to ache, weaken and gives small berries

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. Remontany strawberries at home will please the lover with fragrant berries, which can be obtained in the days of late autumn. The main thing is to know what a repair strawberry is, planting and caring for a crop.

First crop

After the first year of planting, the remontant strawberry from seeds, seedlings gives only 30% in relation to the second fruiting, the second time is 70%.Often after the first harvest, strawberry remontant bushes die. But if the first season was successful, the bushes live up to 3 years. For those who are important to get large fruits, you need to abandon the first harvest. It should remove all flower stalks, and in the spring. The berries of the next harvest will be the same size as the garden varieties.

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For reproduction of strawberries through the antennae, the gardener needs to give up the second harvest, as the whiskers take away strength from the main bushes, and you should not expect berries. On the contrary, it is necessary to feed the earth with fertilizers, trace elements, nutrients. Thus, the strawberry does not spend power on the formation of flower stalks and rosettes.

Popular varieties of strawberry repair

Modern gardeners, unlike their older colleagues, can easily buy repair strawberry seeds, seedlings. In a specialized shop or agrofirm there are many varieties of culture available that bear fruit several times a season. Each of them has its own unique properties. Gardeners prefer varieties especially sweet and tasty, with hard and fleshy large berries. In addition to taste, the resistance of the culture to germs, diseases, and transportation is taken into account.

Popular brands include:

  • Strawberry Remontant Queen Elizabeth;
  • Strawberry Freska Remontant;
  • Tireless Remonthia Strawberry;
  • outboard;
  • Irma;
  • "Lyubasha";
  • "Tribute", etc.

How to plant remontant strawberries

When choosing strawberries, first of all, pay attention to taste. This parameter is determined only by breaking a ripe berry. You should also plant several varieties for selection and, after fruiting, decide which one is best for planting.

Gardeners are more and more interested in remontant strawberries from seeds, as the variety is cleaner. For planting strawberries, it is desirable to use soil intended for vegetable crops. Humidity should be at least 70-80%, without lumps. A dense container with a diameter of 15 cm will be suitable as a container; prepared soil will be poured into it, leaving 3 cm of the surface free. Sprinkle seeds over the soil and sprinkle with a small layer of dry soil, irrigate with thin streams of water.

Repairing strawberries in a greenhouse requires more care. Illumination is necessary, if the days are short, artificial lighting should be adjusted. The more light, the more seeds will rise. The whole container is covered with a transparent material - a film and set in a room with room temperature. The first sprouts appear in 3 weeks, which is watered 1-2 times a week.

Planting in open ground

Large-fruited strawberry remontantny of different varieties grown well in open soil. To do this, it is required to grow seedlings from seeds and plant them in early May on the site. Soil should be pre-loosen, clean from dry grass, weeds, fertilize and moisten the soil. In the wells you need to plant a bush, taken out of the container along with a lump of earth, carefully water and sprinkle the root system with a special preparation "Kornevin".Around the bush soil should be compacted so that there is no cavity inside.

During the growth, flowering and fruiting of the remontant strawberry, the ground should be loosened, watered, fertilized, cleaned of weeds.

For the control of pests, solutions of garlic diluted with water are used. Three heads of garlic bred 1 bucket of clean water. Insist day, spray and water around the bushes. From annoying birds, sweet teeth will help scarecrows, rustling bags. If ants get bored, they also do not like the smell of garlic. Wasps are distracted from the sweet berries on the jars with sweet compote, which should be placed around the perimeter of the plot with large-fruited strawberries remontant.

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Strawberry amuleted remontantnaya

This variety is particularly attractive for those who like to grow remontant strawberries at home . Brand Benefits:

  • Frost resistance.
  • Long fruiting period.
  • Large fruit.
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Strawberry amber patchwork begins to bear fruit in May, the last harvest is harvested with the onset of frost. Each bush forms at least 20 peduncles, which gives almost 1.5 kilograms of berries from one bush. Also, a culture in warm conditions lays a crop at any time of the year, which guarantees a fruit even in a cold period. Berries are dense, fleshy, sweet, has an exquisite aroma.

For planting amulet remontant strawberries, a ground mix of sand and humus should be prepared from a ratio of 3: 5.

The prepared mixture is heated in an oven at a temperature of 80-100 degrees for 3 hours. Landing should be made in February, March. Seeds gently scatter on the surface, pre-moistened. Capacity is covered with a transparent film. The first shoots appear after a month, to speed up the process, the containers should be put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 3 days. Then the pots are set in a room with a temperature of 22 degrees, after the appearance of the leaves, the seedlings are swooped and stored in a room at a temperature of 15 degrees. Landing is possible with the appearance of 6 sheets at a distance of 25-30 cm in a checkerboard pattern. The usual care - cleaning of weeds, loosening the soil, watering, fertilizing fertilizer.

According to the recommendations of professional gardeners, remontant strawberries at home in winter should be exposed to frost several times for a short time. Frozen and dried bushes are cut off, the container is covered with material.

Choosing a variety of strawberry repair -

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