English roses - planting and care

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English roses - the most beautiful of all roses. This new variety appeared in the 80s of the previous century. They appeared thanks to the English breeder David Austin by crossing vintage roses with modern groups of hybrid tea and floribunda roses.

English roses borrowed a lot from vintage roses. Vintage roses do not have a large range of colors. Their palette is limited to white, pale pink, purple and magenta. And they bloom only at the beginning of summer. But the heady aroma and harmonious shape of the bush have no equal among roses. Vintage roses look great in gardens, parks, flower beds.

A huge range of colors of hybrid tea roses, gorgeous clusters and repeated flowering of the Floribunda species - all these best qualities have absorbed English roses. The simplicity and sophistication of delicate old roses, combined with new varieties, helped to create a kind of roses that surpasses them in their qualities by several orders of magnitude. A harmonious union of old and modern - these are English roses.

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The main advantages of English roses:

  • have an incomparable, unsurpassed fragrance;
  • have a long flowering cycle of up to 4 months;
  • implies the ability to evenly bloom throughout the bush from the bottom to the top of large inflorescences.

The flower shape is divided into types:

  • small bowl;
  • open bowl;
  • deep bowl;
  • pompon;
  • socket;
  • cross-shaped socket;
  • back-curved socket.

Roses of this species may exhibit different abilities in different climatic zones.

Roses of this class are light-requiring as all roses, but also shade-resistant, 4-5 hours of sunshine per day are enough for them. It depends on the fact that their homeland is the cloudy, rainy climate of England.

Disadvantages of English roses:

  • in the period of prolonged rains, some varieties of flowers with a deeply cupped shape cannot open; you have to help them manually;
  • young branches are strongly bent under the weight of flowers, losing their decorative effect;
  • weak re-bloom in some varieties.

Planting English roses

You do not need to be a great specialist to grow an English rose. Landing is quite possible independently, adhering to simple rules.

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Before planting, the roots of the rose are pruned and soaked for a day in water. Make a hole 50x50, add humus to it, compost, all mixed with the ground and filled with water. When planting you need to pay attention to the site of grafting stock. The boundary of the stock should be embedded in the ground by 7-10 cm, in order to avoid the formation of wild growth. After planting the ground part of the bush spud, for better rooting of the seedling.


General rules for the care of roses apply to English roses. They are: watering, weeding, pest control and fertilizer. Watering is done as the soil dries, usually in the evening, at the rate of 5 liters of water per bush;for climbing species - 15 l.

Fertilizers containing nitrogen are added before flowering, and phosphate and potash fertilizers are added during the flowering period. Already in the summer you need to prepare the English rose for the winter. The peculiarity of the wood structure of these roses is looser than in other species, it contains more moisture, therefore it tolerates frost even worse. To help ripen wood, potash fertilizers are applied regularly.

After the rain, the bushes must be shaken so that the moisture does not linger on the buds, which leads to the disease of gray mold. If the stems are already affected, then it is necessary to remove the affected areas to the upper developed bud.

In addition, in wet weather, the buds bloom poorly - the upper petals dry out and prevent it from opening. Therefore, you need to manually help the bud open up, removing the top dry petals from it. Faded flowers are also removed from the bush, which gives impetus to the formation of young buds.

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English rose needs pruning. All weak, underdeveloped, old, diseased stems are cut out mercilessly. Then proceed to the formation of the bush, depending on what requirements are imposed on it. If you need a small bush with large flowers, the stems are shortened by half, and if in the garden you need a large bush with a huge number of buds, then pruned to a third. Climbing varieties of roses are cut by 1/5 length. Pruning in any case is necessary, as it serves to educate young, powerful shoots. For the winter, the English rose is covered with an air-dry method.

English Bush Roses - Video

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