Potato Luck - brand description and care rules

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Planting potatoes is a laborious process. During the painstaking work at the dacha everyone is eager to get a plentiful and delicious harvest. Before choosing a variety, many pay attention to potatoes Fortune, because unpretentiousness in the care and easy adaptation to any type of soil does not leave anyone indifferent.

If you want to get a rich harvest of potatoes, Luck is an excellent solution.

Early ripening variety easily adapts to any growth conditions. Not afraid of drought and heat, provides abundant and good yield. Resistant to high humidity, not afraid of viruses, rhizoctonia and blight of tubers. In case of mechanical damage, it does not deteriorate and grows well in the future.

The only negative of such potatoes is susceptibility to nematodes, late blight and alternaria.

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Potato Luck - a description of the variety

Description of potato variety Luck is significantly different from other food types of potatoes. The shoots of the vegetable are sprawling, lush, medium-sized. Has a lot of leaves on each bush, a deep dark green hue. Inflorescences small, white. Light sprouts of a spherical shape, which is painted in a red-violet hue.

Tubers rather large, round sometimes oval in shape, have a thin beige skin, covered with a large number of shoots. Flesh is white, the content of starch is from 12 to 14%.

If, during the cultivation of potatoes, the success of the plant is fed with potassium or chloride top dressing, during the cooking process such a vegetable can change its color closer to the dark one.

This variety has proven itself among farmers and dacha enthusiasts, because the cultivation of such potato has enough positive moments, but also, like any vegetable, its own limitations.

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Planting a variety Luck is no different from the standard process.

Unlike other types of potatoes, the variety Luck has:

  • high yield and long-term storage;
  • has an excellent presentation;
  • does not require special care rules.


Like any vegetable culture, luck has a flaw in the form of a peculiar taste. Some people quite like it, and some try not to resort to planting such a variety.


Main characteristics

One of the distinguishing characteristics of potatoes of the Luck variety is the high yield despite the growing conditions. During harvesting from each bush, you can get from 10 to 20 tubers weighing 120-150 grams.

During state tests, potatoes Luck was tested for maximum yields. From one hectare of land, this variety gave more than 45 tons of vegetables.

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Potato vegetation period Luck is about 85-90 days from the time of landing. At early harvest, for example, on the 50th day after the shoots were formed, you can harvest a good harvest - up to 20 tons per hectare.

Cultivation and care

As mentioned - potatoes Luck grows in all kinds of soil. In order to collect good tubers during the harvest season, the soil needs to be prepared from autumn. The best predecessors of this vegetable are legumes, cucumbers, cabbage and melons.

It is not recommended to plant potatoes in the same place for several years in a row. Thus, the soil accumulates pests, which it will be more difficult to fight with each year.

How to prepare the soil

To grow well, the tubers must be loose and soft. To do this, it is necessary to dig up the site in the autumn and apply nitrogen fertilizers.


Before planting, the inoculum is treated with potassium. After this, the potatoes should be well dried and left to germinate.

Planting of potatoes is carried out according to the standard scheme. Tubers are placed at a distance of 20 cm, between a number of at least 35 cm.

In each well, 100 g of overgrown compost must be added, which is mixed with wood ash:. Planting a vegetable culture is necessary in view of all the rules of planting.


If you predict frost, such potatoes must be hidden, but this is only if the first leaflets started appearing on the plant.

Read also:Ash as a fertilizer is an excellent result without costs

Care for potatoes is carried out with the following rules:

  • timely weeding from weeds;
  • loosening of the soil around the bush;
  • the implementation of independent irrigation with a strong and prolonged drought.

Additional fertilizing

Lots of potatoes Luck is very fond of nitrogen fertilizers. To make top dressing recommend during loosening, carefully making sure that the composition does not hit the leaves and trunk.

For top dressing of potatoes it is possible to use wood ash, egg shell.

Fighting diseases and pests

With high humidity, potatoes Fortune is easily affected by root blight. Therefore, for those who cultivate this variety it is recommended to always carry special fungicides, such as: Maxim, Ridomil Gold, Metaxil and others.

But the fight with the Colorado beetle is much more difficult. Usually experienced summer residents destroy the pest by hand, using folk remedies for sprinkling.

Regular spraying of the foliage with a special composition will reduce the risk of damage to the plant by the fungus, relieve insects from pests.

Potatoes Luck is absolutely easy to care for - it is not afraid of drought, it is partially resistant to insect pests. To choose this grade for planting or not - it's up to the dacha, maybe for some its specific taste will seem even a highlight.

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