Compost pit do it yourself at the dacha

Contents areaThe gardener knows that in order to improve the crop, you need to fertilize the soil with compost. It will be much easier to save money on the purchase of fertilizer if there is a compost pit on the plot with your own hands, which is not difficult to do. In a private house, a sufficient amount of organic waste is accumulated, suitable for compost formation. Thanks to fertilizer, a sandy type of land will be better able to retain moisture, while clayey soil will become much more crumbly. Below are considered the main recommendations for the construction of the pit, as well as what should be put in the building to form high-quality fertilizer.

How to choose a place

Before you decide on the location of the structure, it is important to consider all the nuances. Do not forget about the level of groundwater, as the fertilizer should not come into contact with them. Pull the ditch lower than the well. Between the well, the reservoir and the prepared ditch should be a distance of at least 25-30 m.

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The design should be in the shade, not under the scorching rays of the sun. In the second case, the decay will stop, and the humus will simply begin to dry out. To equip the compost pit is relevant near the fence in the shade or near the house. The structure must be located far from the neighboring house, so that sometimes aromas do not reach them.

A simple pit

In the process of arranging the most usual compost pit, you will need to dig a recess 60-100 cm wide and 50 cm deep in the earth, 200 cm long. Then the remnants of food waste are poured into the recess and covered again with various weeds. A similar procedure is repeated with the formation of each layer, since with this technology no flies and stench will appear. Much neater compost pit will look if the perimeter to protect the groove with a wooden rim.

It will be much easier to rely on high-quality fertilizer if you periodically water organic residues. Do not forget to also mix compost with forks, covering it with polyethylene on top.

Composted pit with his own hands of the closed type

Before you opt for one of the types of structures you need to understand in more detail what kind of compost pits are. In addition to the open-type ditch, it is possible to choose a closed-type structure. Making the design will take more time, but is considered more practical. The pit consists of two compartments, where one section is intended for new raw materials, and the second for old compost.

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It’s very important before you make a closed compost pit on the plot and not to forget the cover. The process of preparing the structure involves the following steps:

  1. Level the site where the structure will be, removing the top layer of earth.
  2. Prepare ditches in the form of a rectangle. Width - 1.5-2 m, depth - 70 cm, length - up to 3 m.
  3. Make out walls when using concrete, they should turn out to be 10 cm thick. When arranging a compost pit with your own hands, make sure that the walls are tallerpit level by 30 cm;
  4. At the top of the structure, put a netting net or metal cover. It will be possible to supplement the construction with a wooden lid. In the latter case, drill a few holes for ventilation.

Compost pit slate

This design option is considered to be very convenient to use. Slate is a fairly durable material in which it is convenient to store humus. When making a box of slate, first make all the measurements and think over where it will be located, and also consider the number of sections.

Before making a compost pit of slate, a small recess in the shape of a rectangle must be dug into the ground. After that, in the corners of the ditch, make supports using boards or metal pipes. Along the contours of the ditch lay out sheets of slate to form a symmetrical rectangle. If necessary, use slate to divide the structure into two or three compartments.

Regardless of the option of making a compost pit, you need to remember a few rules for the rapid formation of fertilizer. Do not forget to moisten the organic residues with water and add composting preparations with live bacteria.

Wooden box for compost

Preparing a convenient compost pit with your own hands will be easier if you pay attention to this design. The wooden box implies the presence of three sections: the first is for the receipt of waste, the second is for turning over the humus, the third is for storing the mature fertilizer. Wooden boards will be required during the manufacture of the fixture.

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The process of making a box involves the following steps:

  1. Prepare 8 wooden bars. Treat the underside with motor oil or tar to prevent rotting of the wood.
  2. Pile the poles into the ground. If you wish, attach 4 bars to the fence in order not to dig a hole for them additionally and not to make the back of the box.
  3. Make in the drawer partitions, attaching to the pegs of the board. Between boards small gaps should be formed for free access of air.
  4. When making the first two compartments, sheathe the pegs with boards to the middle, since then from above it will be more convenient to attach the doors to the structure.
  5. In the process of designing the third compartment, nail one small board; this department will be the largest with one massive door.
  6. Install the crossbars to form partitions, rear and front.
  7. Attach the doors, they will function as a cover. On the front of the box, install two small and one large door.

The wooden box will not decompose, becoming part of the compost if the boards are pretreated. Choose a non-toxic impregnation in the store that will protect the wood from moisture and insects.

Regardless of how much a compost pit should stand and how long humus will form, do not forget to paint wooden boards.

Paint the surface in two layers. Choose the color of your choice, the main thing is that it fits perfectly into the landscape. At the final stage, install the latches and handles.

If you are wondering if the bottom of the composting box is necessary, but you want to install the structure for several years, then consider a concrete bottom or make it from plastic. Top with concrete drainage to the process of formation of humus was the highest quality.

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Compost pit of tires

Budget and at the same time this design option is considered to be simple to manufacture. If you have old tires in your house, then feel free to proceed to the construction of facilities. When preparing the construction, use 4-6 tires. Before making a compost pit with your own hands, cut the inner diameter of the tires to increase the size of the future structure.

Place the tires on top of each other and in the middle of the construction, fill the already prepared waste, then center the reinforcement( 2-3 units). With its help, sometimes move the layers so that oxygen flows to the lower layers of humus. By the onset of autumn the whole structure will be filled. Leave the compost until spring in the cylinder of tires. In the spring, the contents will settle, and you can remove the tires, removing the finished humus. Then repeat the procedure for the construction of a compost pit.

Do-it-yourself compost: manufacturing options

It will be much easier to rely on high-quality humus, if you not only prepare the right design, but also learn how to sort waste. Get high-quality fertilizer obtained from such organic waste as:

  • rotten fruits and vegetables;
  • needles, straw, leaves, twigs and roots of trees and plants;
  • coffee grounds and brewing;
  • manure;
  • small pieces of paper and newspaper.

It is important to understand not only what can be thrown into the compost pit, but also what waste is not suitable for the formation of humus. Products include this category:

  • tops from tomatoes and potatoes;
  • bones;
  • tops treated with chemicals;
  • pet feces, dangerous insects( beetles);
  • synthetic waste;
  • coal ash.

Thanks to the arrangement of the compost pit, you can count on free and completely natural fertilizer. Choose the type of design, taking into account your budget and capabilities.

Composting Wooden Pallets - Video

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