Tomatoes of the variety “Gift of the Trans-Volga region” have long conquered the hearts of gardeners with their taste and unpretentiousness. This is one of those tomatoes that will not leave even the inexperienced novice gardeners without a crop. In the article we will talk about its merits, as well as present the description and description.
Table of contents
- Description and characteristics of tomato Gift of the Volga region
- The main features of the plan are the common abstinence and the common abstinence of the abyssa.and the characteristic of tomato Gift of the Trans-Volga
The plant has a limited growth, reaches a height of not more than 70 cm. The stem is sturdy, thick, the number of leaves is average. Up to 8 brushes with large, flat tomatoes develop on the stem. It has a well-developed rhizome. The leaves are light green, wrinkled, not pubescent medium size.
Tomato belongs to medium-level , the crop ripens 110 days after sprouting.
The mass of one tomato is about
80-100 g .You can grow as an open field, in those regions for which it is bred, and in greenhouses, if the climate is more severe.The mass of fruits of the variety is about 80-100 grams of
. On average, from 1 m2, up to 7 kg of tomatoes are harvested, and experienced gardeners and up to 5 kg from one plant.The originator is the GNU Volgograd Experimental Station VNIIR them. N. And, Vavilova of the RAAS.The grade is intended for cultivation in the Central, Vologda, North Caucasian regions. However, gardeners have experimentally proved the acceptability of growing this variety in more severe conditions.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
- The variety is characterized by a close return of the crop.
- Due to its low growth, it is not necessary to trim the tops of the shoots.
- has a good sweet taste .
- Resistant to cracking, good transportability.
- High Yield grade.
Soil requirements for planting
grows best on black soil. For plants of this variety it is very important that the soil is breathable and saturated with moisture.
Feels good on slightly loamy and sandy soils, but with proper care.
Planting Rules
Tomato Seeds Dar Gift Volga
To sow tomatoes best in mid-March .Before planting, seeds should preferably be treated with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate to prevent the development of diseases. You can additionally soak the seeds in some growth stimulator for a couple of hours.
Soil can be taken ready universal or for vegetables, but you should not save on it.The future harvest depends on the quality of the soil for seedlings. And you can cook yourself. For this, garden soil is taken, mixed with humus or peat 1: 1, sand is added, if the soil is heavy, and superphosphate.
Seeds are buried in the soil to a depth of 2 cm, the same distance should be between adjacent plants. Next, they need to be watered well, it is better to spray it out, so that the soil is not washed away, and cover with a transparent film or glass.
For emergence, requires sunlight and a constant temperature of .It is desirable to grow seedlings on the southern windowsill, where there are no drafts.
After seed germination, the film must be removed so that the seedlings do not get sick with a black leg due to the high humidity. If it is not possible to provide bright light to young tomatoes, you can additionally illuminate the seedlings with UV lamps.
Transplanting Tomatoes in the Open GroundIn heated greenhouses can be planted earlier.
Pre-seedlings need to be hardened. To do this, in the afternoon, in warm weather, plants are carried out to the open air for 1-2 hours, gradually increasing the time spent on the street until the whole day.The distance between adjacent plants should be 40 cm , and between rows - 60 cm .In the soil you need to make a small hole, pour a handful of humus or peat into it, a bit of complex fertilizer or cow manure.
Put the spine in the hole, it is allowed to be dredged, watered abundantly and covered with earth. Be sure to compact the soil at the root, but do not ram. It is important that no air bags remain, but the oxygen permeability is maintained.
Grade care after transplanting
“Gift of the Trans-Volga region” - light-loving variety , therefore it cannot be planted even in partial shade. The most comfortable temperature for the plant is +22 degrees and +18 degrees for the soil.
In a strong heat, the needs to mulch the soil with with peat or grass to protect the roots from overheating. In addition, mulching helps to avoid drying out of the soil and impaired oxygen metabolism. Otherwise, abundant watering and frequent loosening are necessary.
Mulching helps to avoid drying out of the soil and disturbing the oxygen exchange.
Ovary formation occurs better at high air humidity, therefore it is good to spray flowering plants in strong heat.
The variety is characterized by the simultaneous formation of a large number of ovaries. Therefore, plants need to tie up in order to avoid breaking off the stems. For grade normally education stepsons, will have to remove them.
You can also pick off 1-2 extreme flowers in the brush, so that the fruits are larger. If a tomato is grown in a greenhouse, then regular airing is necessary. From high humidity, late blight can develop on both leaves and fruits.
must be fed to tomatoes. Once every two weeks you can make complex fertilizers, manure or nitrogen-containing compounds.
With the onset of flowering, the introduction of nitrogen is stopped, because it will stimulate the growth of greenery. But you can continue to feed complex fertilizers. If the stems have acquired a purple hue, then it is necessary to fertilize phosphorus-containing compounds, although more often it is necessary for seedlings.
Diseases and their prevention
The variety is quite resistant to diseases. But in rare cases, late blight or tobacco mosaic may develop.In the fight against tobacco mozayka wood ash
helpsThe second problem will help to deal with wood ash, which should be sprinkled with soil under a tomato.
How to get seed varieties for the next year
Tomato seeds can be harvested on their own. To do this, select large overripe fruit of the correct form on a healthy plant. Seeds are squeezed out and washed well, and then dried in the sun( possible on the windowsill).Store the collected seeds in a paper or cloth bag.
“Dar Zavolzhye” refers mainly to salad varieties and is grown commercially for these purposes. But gardeners successfully harvest them for the winter in a variety of forms, which indicates the universality of this variety.