What is ipomoea? Planting and care, photos, features of the plant - let's consider all this, see what varieties you can choose for your garden. Some are so perfect that whenever you admire the graceful Ipomoea crows, a stone flower comes to mind that Danila the master created! The family of convolvulidae, to which the ipomoea belongs, numbers about four thousand species. Among them are annuals, perennials( about 500 species), shrubs, creepers, and even trees.
- What morningglory
- favored grade Ipomoea
- Ipomoea purpurea( Ipomoea purpurea)
- hederacea morning glory( Ipomoea hederacea)
- Ipomoea Nile( Ipomoea nil)
- Ipomoea kvamoklit( Ipomoea pennata) or cypress vine
- Blue morningglory( Ipomoea heavenly blue)
- Moonflower Ipomoea( Ipomoea noctiflora)
- Ipomoea - planting and care in the open field
- When to plant ipomeyu for seedlings?
- How to plant ipomoea?
- Reproduction Ipomoea cuttings
- How to care for ipomoea?
- Pest Control
- Morning Glory in winter

What is the Ipomoea
Morphora is a decorative and unpretentious vine. Its other name is Farbitis. Many people call this plant a bindweed, which will surely become a bright decoration of your arbor, hedge, arch or pergolas. It can reach five meters in length. In our gardens, an annual or perennial vine is often planted in the gardens, which is also called the flower of the morning dawn. This poetic name was given to Ipomoea not in vain, its bud-gramophones bloom one of the first, in the early morning, when other flowers have not yet awakened from sleep.
Depending on the variety, the flowers of the Ipomoea may be double or regular, the colors being the same various - blue, purple, blue, purple, pink, white, red, pale lilac, two-color. As mentioned above, the ipomoea is unpretentious, it grows very quickly and braids any support it offers. Long flowering is another advantage of this flower, from the first days of summer until the onset of cold weather it will decorate your garden.
Every day a new flower blossoms. He lives not for long, sometimes until noon, sometimes until evening. And long-term flowering is achieved due to the huge number of flowers and buds.
Ipomoea, photo:

Cultivation of morning glory is possible not only in the open field, but also in apartment conditions, especially on balconies and loggias, where it will feel great.

This plant is very often used in landscape design. Its bright beauty, excellent survival rate and rapid growth help in a short time to change for the better the look of the gazebo, veranda, fence and other garden elements.

Ipomoea leaves are also noteworthy and decorative - large, lobed, heart-shaped, rich dark green shade.
In landscape design, the ipomoea is perennial often used, but annual varieties can be found all the time in the summer cottages, in flower beds, flower beds, in flowerpots, and also in the form of live carpets. The plant prefers sunny places, good watering( especially in summer), does not like drafts, but still grows normally, even in windy places.
Ipomoea has an interesting feature: the buds bloom with the onset of morning, and close after noon - this factor is due to the sensitivity of the plant to lighting. If there are cloudy days, the flowers may not close at all, but remain open until dusk.
to content ↑Favorite varieties of morning glory
Of all the huge number of varieties of morning glory, about 25 species are used in culture. Let's look at some of them.
↑ to content ↑Ipomoea purpurea( Ipomoea purpurea)
This is one of the most famous varieties. In favorable conditions, the length of the shoots can reach 8 meters. The flowers are large, 5-7 cm long, can be red, white, pink, blue, dark burgundy, purple. The variety has both common and terry varieties. The most common species are: Star of Yalta, the Milky Way, Scarlett O`Hara.
Especially interesting is the variety of Ipomoea purple Paradise Stars - it is a flowering plant, reaching a three-meter height, with buds of different colors, heat-loving, light-loving, characterized by long flowering.
Purple ipomoea, photo:
Ivy ipomoea( Ipomoea hederacea)
Liana in length can grow up to 3 meters. The shape of the leaves is three-lobed, reminiscent of ivy, hence the name. The flowers are medium in size( about 5 cm in diameter), mostly blue, light blue shades, but there are also red, pink. Blooms in mid-summer( July) and continues to bloom until October.
Ipomeus ivy-shaped, photo:
Ipomoea Nile( Ipomoea nil)
Also reaches a three-meter length. It blooms from July to mid-autumn. The flowers of this variety are distinguished by amazing decorativeness: contrasting bicolor, with edging of different shades, with an unusual color( pink-brown, bright orange, creamy-pink, golden variegated).The form of a bud can be star-shaped, with double edges, with rounded petals.
IpomoeaKvamoklit branches reach a five-meter length, flowering begins in July and lasts until September. This is a very showy plant, with rich green foliage and bright red multiple flowers. Kvamoklit unpretentious, quickly goes to growth.
Kvamoklit, photo:
Blue ipomoea( Ipomoea heavenly blue)
Sometimes this kind of morning glory is also called “Glorious morning”.She pleases the eyes with sky-blue flowers from mid-summer and until the first frosts. The flowers are large, in diameter can reach 10 cm, shoots grow up to 2 meters. This heat-loving plant, preferring the sunlit areas, loves watering, but it does not like overwetting the soil.
Ipomoea blue, photo:
Moon-blooming ipomoea( Ipomoea noctiflora)
Amazing night flower blooming in the dark and closing its buds with the onset of morning. The shoots of this plant reach a three-meter length, the flower itself is about 10 cm in diameter. It begins to bloom in mid-July and continues until October itself. Delicate almond fragrance - another plus of this snow-white flower.
Ipomoea moon-blooming, photo:
Of course, there are a lot of varieties of morning glory, they are all beautiful in their own way, each of them has their fans. Through the efforts of breeders, more and more hybrids appear, striking in their beauty and individuality.

Today, you can freely buy a variety of different types of homewear, using all the different kinds of imitations in the market for all kinds of ipomey Blue Bliss
содерж to content ИIpomoea - planting and care in open ground
The most common method of reproduction of this plant is self-seeding, in which ipomoea sheds seeds after they mature. With the onset of spring sprout young ipomoea bite and reach for the sun. You can also buy seeds of the desired variety, and then, according to the rules of sowing, germinate them and sow them in the ground. You can even just sow the seeds immediately into the soil, deepening the hole by about 2-3 cm - there will be a positive result. The distance between the pits should be approximately 20 cm; 2 or 3 ipomoea seeds are placed in each depression. This process can be safely launched as early as the second half of April( in the Kuban) or May( central Russia).
Ipomoea seeds of different varieties, photo:
You can go a more complicated way and germinate the seeds on seedlings. To do this, they are germinated and planted in peat tablets or in a container with a suitable soil.
содерж to content ↑When to plant ipomeyu on seedlings?
In March, pre-soak the seed in warm water( for 24 hours), and then put it in tablets or in separate cups with earth. If some seeds are not swollen after such a daily bath, then you can use a needle and pierce them, and then put them back in water for a similar period of time.
The method with seedlings is more suitable for cold regions, since at the same time high-grade young plants are planted in the soil, and not tender seeds. Caring for seedlings is simple, shoots can be observed as early as 10 days, watering is carried out as the soil dries up( slightly warm water).In the room where the seedlings are located, the air temperature should not be below + 19 ° C.
In the last days of May or in the first week of June, already grown up morning glory can be transferred to open ground.
содерж to content ↑How to plant ipomeyu?
Try to carefully remove the plants from the tanks, with a large clot of soil, as this culture does not respond well to replanting. The distance between the holes should also be about 20 cm. After planting, water the flowers with warm water, when they are actively growing, install a support near each plant( if you didn’t have planted ipomeyu near the support element).
Seedlings ipomoea, photo:
Propagation of ipomei by cuttings
Multiplication by cuttings is recommended for certain varieties of ipomoea. At the same time, the shoots are cut, fragments with two internodes are selected, cuttings are cut so that the lower place of the cut is located 1.5-2 cm below the nodule. After selection, the cuttings are placed in water. After 5-7 days after the appearance of the roots, they can be planted for permanent residence in the open ground. Within a week, the stalk will take root completely in the ground.
содерж to content ↑How to care for ipomoea?
As for the care, it is quite simple and does not include any special requirements. Ipomoea annual, as well as perennial, grows well on any soil. The main thing - provide it with regular, but not too abundant watering( so as not to rot the roots).This plant does not need additional feeding. However, if you really want, then a complex mineral supplement can be made with water during irrigation, during the period when the morning glory is actively growing. To make it look aesthetically pleasing, remove damaged or dried shoots. Periodically flush the ground, remove weeds. The most important thing for Ipomoea is a reliable and strong support for growth and further weaving.
Ipomoea photos:

In the open field, as well as at home( on the balcony or loggia), there are no particular differences between the requirements for growing this flower. All actions are similar, water the plant and provide it with support, then the ipomoea on the balcony will feel as fine as her relative in the dacha.
содерж to content ↑Pest control
As for pests, the spider mite and aphids can be considered the most malicious enemies of this plant. In the early stages of aphids can be removed by irrigating the leaves with a strong soap and water solution. Spider mite surrenders its positions from ordinary cold water, however these methods work at the very beginning of the pest invasion. If the parasites attack the plant in full force, then they need to be fought with the help of systemic insecticide preparations, such as Karbofos, Aktellik or Fitoverm.
содерж to the contents ↑Ipomoea in winter
With the onset of winter, the ipomoea perennial should be carefully dug out and moved to a voluminous pot, which should be placed in a room or basement. At the same time, the ground part of the plant is naturally cut off. If you have in the region are not too harsh winters, it may well winter in open ground.
Here, in principle, and all the nuances relating to this plant. With minimal labor costs, you can create unprecedented beauty at your summer cottage. You will love the ipomoea! Planting and care, photos of this flower and all the above information, I hope, will help you to strengthen in choosing an option for decorating the dacha, gazebo, fence or other garden element.