Buddley David - the decoration of your garden

Buddleja David( Buddleja Davidii) - beautiful woody shrubs with large, fragrant, colorful flowers that are very attracted to butterflies. This is one of the reasons for the growing popularity of this plant in our gardens. In addition, the shrub grows quickly, requires little attention. The buddley family is diverse, with more than 100 varieties.

  • Buddleya David - growing from seeds
  • Budley David - planting and care in the open field

Budley David, photo:

Buddley are small and large bushes, tree vines, even tall trees. They grow in the tropics, subtropics of Asia, Africa, and America. Some species are found in mountains, semi-deserts, even deserts.

Different types of ornamental shrubs grow and bloom differently. In some flowers bloom on the shoots of the current year, in others - in the spring, before the appearance of leaves, only a few bloom from early spring to late autumn.

Small flowers are gathered in panicles or inflorescences, similar to large spikelets. It depends on the variety what color they will be - yellow, orange, lilac, white or purple-red.

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Buddley - flower, photo:

All types of this beautiful flowering shrub are heat-loving plants. But only buddleya David managed to acclimatize not only in the south, but also in our middle latitudes. This is a tall, up to 1.5-2 m, spreading shrub with oblong leaves. Top sheet is dark green, bottom - light, pubescent. Stem also pubescent.

Flower-shaped brushes resemble a blooming lilac. With abundant flowering bush looks very impressive. To achieve this, it must be properly cut, otherwise rare inflorescences will flaunt at the ends of bare branches.

Buddhatails are pollinated by insects, mostly butterflies. That is why the name of the flower translates as "bush of butterflies."

It would seem that a flowering shrub should attract bees, but a narrow flower tubule, accessible only to a thin, long butterfly trunk, leads to nectar.

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Budley David - growing from seeds

For reproduction by seeds of a butterfly bush, the best time is the last days of February - the beginning of March. Prepare a special light soil substrate consisting of 1/3 of garden soil, 1/3 of sand and 1/3 of humus. The seeds of buddley are sown on the wet surface of the soil, slightly sprinkled on top of the soil and covered with film. Seeds sprout in 3-4 weeks. After the threat of spring frost has passed, the seedlings are planted in open ground, at a distance of 50-70 cm from each other. Blossom seedlings grown from seed, will begin in the second year of life.

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Buddhley David - planting and care in the open groundFeed the bush with ash, mineral fertilizers 3-4 times over the summer. Fertilizing before flowering( July-September) is especially useful.

From May-June the bush attracting butterflies begins to grow rapidly, reaching a height of 30-50 cm by the end of summer. The bush blooms in the third, sometimes in the second year.

In autumn, all branches are cut, leaving hemp 3-5 cm. In the south, you can not do autumn pruning, but for better flowering, it is recommended in spring, before bud break, prune the bush to 1/3 of its original height. Stems freeze slightly in winter, but grow back in spring. Young plants should be covered with peat( 15-20 cm) or spruce branches.

It should be remembered - David’s buddley does not tolerate wrapping film for the winter, since condensation forms under thaws under the film;high humidity, which can destroy the plant.

The Pink Delight variety of

Budley David is especially good on the lawn when there are no other plants around.

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