How to grow an Asian buttercup ranunculus in your country house, planting and caring for which require some conventions? Let's look at all the nuances, especially the cultivation of this flower. Ranunkulyus - a flower of amazing beauty and tenderness, depending on the type, it can have quite a variety of colors, bud size. Despite the fact that this plant is not yet so popular with us, due to its attractiveness, it wins more and more fans who want to have it in their country house or in a pot.
- The Nuances of Growing a Ranunculus
- A Ranunkulus Flower in the Country House
- How to care for a ranunculus?
- Ranunculus flowers - planting and care, photo
- Testimonials who planted ranunculus
The ranunculus flower can reach 7-10 cm in diameter, the petals are close to each other, outwardly it resembles a peony, and when it finally dissolves it is a rose. Some varieties of ranunculus look like blooming poppies.
Its varieties have quite eloquent names - pion-shaped ranunculus, French semi-terry ranunculus, Persian, talmidae, others. Peony-like, as is already clear from the name, are externally similar to peonies, have large terry buds. The French variety is distinguished by semi-double flowers of medium size, the Persian ranunculus is simpler in appearance, low, the flowers may be ordinary or semi-double. Talmous representatives can boast of particularly large spherical buds, lush, terry.
Ranunkulyus, photo of flowers:
Today there are about 600 species of this beautiful flower, and the shades of buds are just amazing. On sale more often you can see the soft pastel colors of the buds( white, cream, pink, lilac).Bright orange, rich red, dark purple, even blue ranunculuses are bred by breeders to date.
The plant itself is distinguished by a long flowering period( from May to August), the buds bloom rather slowly, and the cut flower can stand in a vase with water for up to 14 days without losing its attractiveness. Due to this feature, the ranunculus is successfully used for making wedding bouquets for brides, decorating tables and terraces, to give the interior a festive atmosphere.
Ranunkulyus, photo:
Nuances of growing ranunculus
There are several simple rules that will help you achieve positive results:
- Wherever you grow a flower, at home or on the site, it should be noted that the ranunculus does not tolerate replanting - itfor it must be chosen finally and irrevocably.
- During budding, flowering potash dressings must be made( potash salt, potassium sulfate), and lime water will also be relevant.
- According to the recommendations of gardeners who have experience in growing this flower, fertilizers for ranunculi should include biohumus at all stages of growth.
- When applying fertilizers, the flowers should be in the shade( evening, cloudy day), the amount of water for irrigation should be reduced - such “tricks” prolong the flowering period of the ranunculus. For this period, indoor flower pots or containers are also better to move to a shaded place.
- Consider that this flower is not frost resistant. Before the onset of the first cold weather, you should have time to remove the tubers from the soil; this is usually done immediately after the foliage has dried.
- In one capacity, you can plant different varieties of colors, the resulting bush will delight your eyes with a variety of colors, bright colors.
At the time of flowering, remove the flowering buds on time, so you will give strength, stimulus to new flowers.
содерж to contents ↑Ranunculus flower at the cottage
When planning to grow a flower in open soil, prepare the ground in advance: when digging, you can immediately add compost to it, as well as pour a solution of foundationol( the dosage is indicated on the package).What is not to the liking of the plant is the loamy soil, the ranunculus loves light, fertile soil mixed with sand and humus with chernozem is also perfect for him. Peat with chalk( chalk neutralizes it) will be his liking, do not forget to provide the plant with good drainage - pour sand or very fine crushed stone to the bottom of the flower hole. The main requirement for the soil is good absorption of moisture( water should not linger long at the roots).
Ranunkulyus does not tolerate over-wetting of the soil, so a good drainage must be laid in the landing hole, a layer of at least 10 cm, from small stones or broken bricks.
This plant is not afraid of bright sunlight, but it feels much better in partial shade( the colors will be brighter and the bloom will be long).It is better not to plant a ranunculus on a windy stretch, and before planting you need to be sure that the cold will not return. Depending on the weather conditions of your region, by the end of April / mid-May, it is possible to start planting tubers.
Planting material should be placed in wet sawdust or filled with room temperature water. To water, you can add a little potassium permanganate or the drug "Kornevin", "Appin", "Zircon" - to stimulate growth. The tubers of the plant are a small “bud” with sharp tips, these tips are buried deep in the ground( down) to a depth of about 6-8 cm, the distance between the bulbs should be at least 10 cm. After falling asleep in the soil, for greater reliability, the place of the futureflower bed can be covered with straw or a special material( spunbond).The first flower stalks will appear after a couple of months, and a little later you will be able to admire your own blooming ranunculus.
Ranunkulus flowers - planting and care, photo:
Still worth mentioning seed growing, although this method is rather controversial - weak germination of seed, a lot of conventions. If you have a creative interest, want to try to grow a ranunculus from seeds, then be patient. As soon as the first buds bloom in your dacha, take the gauze and carefully wrap the flowers with it. Thus, you can collect your seeds after flowering.
Approximately by the end of February, sow them in a container with fertile soil, cover with plastic film on top, put them in a well-lit place. At the same time, the air temperature should be +15. . + 18ºC, and the soil should be periodically moistened with irrigation( a spray bottle).
If you did everything correctly, the first shoots will appear after 15-20 days, by which time the film needs to be removed. When the leaflets grow in the seedlings, the time comes for picking - placing them in separate small pots. The ranunculus that has gained strength is planted in the ground in case of already established warm weather, but only next year it will be able to please you with flowering.
содерж to contents ↑How to care for ranunculus?
Provide regular, but moderate watering to the plant - the roots should not be in excessive moisture, otherwise they may rot. If you have noticed traces of mold on the foliage or discarded buds, this is the first signal that the plant root system is over-wetted. In this case, remove the affected parts of the flower, loosen the soil, reduce the amount of moisture during watering.
As already mentioned above, the flowering buds need to be cut off, regularly push the ground around the plants, feed them with organic matter twice a month. During flowering potassium supplements or wood ash are recommended.
If you spray a ranunculus with the appearance of buds with a solution of Atlet( 1 ml per 1 l of water), remove the dried inflorescences in a timely manner, the flowering can be extended by 2-3 weeks.
It must be borne in mind that Persian buttercups attract not only the admiring glances of gardeners, but also parasites( aphids, thrips, spider mites).For prophylaxis, before starting flowering, I spray plants with a solution of Karbofos( 60 g per 8 l of water) or a 0.5% solution of soda ash.
If the summer is very hot and there has been no rain for a long time, pests can become more active - spider mites, aphids, thrips, root nematodes are a danger to ranunculus. Periodically inspect the plant, if you suddenly notice white spots on the foliage, do not pull with the processing. In this case, the appropriate insecticides will help you( “Biotlin”, “Karbofos”, “Mercapthos”), for prevention the plant can be irrigated with a weak solution, for example, mercaptophos( 2 times a week, 0.2% of the composition).
Root worms-nematodes pose a more serious threat, they infest in the root system when excessively wetting and temperature is +25. . + 30 ºC.The fight against them is to extract the roots from the ground, rinsing with hot water( +55 ºC).The first indicators of the manifestation of the nematode - slowing down the growth of the plant, twisting the leaves, oval "ulcers" on the roots.
With the onset of autumn days, the ranunculus needs to be dug out, yellowing or drying up the ground part of the plant serves as a signal for action. The leaves with stems are carefully cut with a knife, fragile roots are removed from the ground, ensuring that they are not damaged. Since this plant is not frost-resistant, it is better to winterize at a temperature of +4. . + 7 ºC, for this, the tubers are wrapped in paper, stored in a ventilated dark place.
To prevent the future harmonious development of the flower, you can pre-treat the roots with a solution of foundationol( hold for 25-30 minutes), then allow them to dry well( about three days).
содерж to content ↑Ranunkulus flowers - planting and care, photo
In truth, there is no particular difference in caring for a plant at home or on the site.
For home cultivation of ranunculus, it is recommended to purchase a bulky pot to plant different varieties at the same time. This tank must have drainage holes, the process of planting tubers is similar to the gardening method: pre-soaking the bulbs( for 24 hours), gravel of small fraction( or sand) on the bottom of the pot, suitable for the peat substrate plant.
If the bulbs are properly inserted into the soil, their tops should look out a little. After planting, the ground should be watered well. The first time to keep the tank in a room with a temperature not higher than +12. . + 15 ºC is very important( !).Regular, but very moderate watering is required.
When the shoots appear, they get a little stronger, the temperature can be raised to +20. . + 23 ºC, but during budding, flowering it should not fall below +18 ºC.High temperatures during flowering are also undesirable - the plant will quickly bloom.
The most basic rule for home cultivation of a ranunculus is the presence of good lighting + moderate watering( top, without over-wetting the roots).
The flower shows itself well near the windows facing the east or west side, the window sill on the south side is ideal for accommodating ranunculus.
With the onset of summer, the pot can be taken out onto the balcony, fertilizing is brought along with the water for irrigation. With the onset of summer heat, the plant can be irrigated with water from a spray bottle.
After the flowering period is over, the capacity with the flower is transferred to a cool shaded place, where the ranunculus will still grow for a while, gradually falling into a period of rest. Before "falling asleep" foliage, the plant stems turn yellow, dry out - this is normal. All this time, the flower should be in a room where the mercury index does not exceed +15. . + 17 ° C.After the outer part is completely dried, the plant should be transplanted into fresh soil, and after about a month you will be able to see new sprouts.
With proper care throughout the growing season, each tuber gives 5 or 7 shoots, they are carefully removed from the ground, transplanted in new containers or stored until spring in a cold place( basement or a long shelf of the refrigerator for vegetables).It should be borne in mind that the tubers that have lain in the cold will be somewhat weaker than the fresh ones( the buds will be slightly smaller), which is why many gardeners prefer to buy ranunculus with the onset of spring, buy its fresh tubers.
This beautiful flower has all the necessary qualities in order to win your sympathy. During flowering, it will miraculously decorate your cottage or apartment, will be a great addition to the gift, if you decide to cut a few buds, form a bouquet of ranunculus. In its beauty, it is not inferior to the queen of the garden - the rose, and the luxurious colors can be a serious competitor to well-deserved garden favorites.
Plant a ranunculus in your area; planting and caring for it will not be a problem for you. This plant requires standard care with some nuances - the individual characteristics of this garden culture.