Kalina! Where did the name of this medicinal plant come from and what does it look like? According to one of the versions, the bush berries become tasty and sweet after froze them. Let's take a closer look at ordinary viburnum, its varieties and species, which are described below.
Table of contents
- Kalina: what kind of plant, tree or shrub?
- How does hedge
- Description of Viburnum ordinary: the benefits and harms
- types and varieties of red and black berries
- Zhalobovskaya
- Vigorovskaya
- Ulgen
- Taiga rubies
- Zarnitsa
- landing rules and care
- Reproduction
- Gathering and preparation for the winter
- Healing juice
- Marmaladefrom viburnum berries and apples
- Conclusion
Kalina: what kind of plant, tree or shrub?
The Kalina ordinary is a shrub whose fruits have been used for food by our ancestors for many centuries. In our harsh conditions, it was an additional source of vitamins, especially in late autumn, when the period of fruiting and ripening of other berry crops was fully completed by this time.
Eating bright red berries started after the first frosts of , when the bitter astringent taste disappeared or the sludge became smaller.
Great-grandmothers had a sign of : if you put a sprig of blossoming viburnum in a bedroom, then even a tired husband, after a hard day's work, will love you more.
Successfully used the peculiarities of the berry crop root system. She is powerful and branched out. As a result, solid turf was formed in the upper soil layer. Therefore, often Kalina was planted on the yard areas where the soil was most eroded by ( hills, slopes, ravines).
The common viburnum is an unpretentious plant, but for its successful cultivation at the dacha, you need to know some tricks. For example, if in its natural habitat viburnum likes wet places , then in cultural plantings, if possible, it is better to give preference to dry soils with low groundwater levels.
How a Hedge looks like
For a long time, villagers have grown Kalina around the perimeter of the site. It turned out a dense hedge that hid the house from prying eyes of curious. Modern owners can use this experience of ancestors. Now, with a variety of garden tools, it is possible to form an environmental fence of any height and shape. After all, viburnum - a universal plant.

It is well combined with various trees and shrubs, so you can use both group plantings and single. It is not bad to plant viburnum on areas with slopes and slopes to strengthen them , using the biological feature of a well-developed rhizome.
Description of Viburnum: Benefit and Harm of
Viburnum berries have healing properties for various diseases. The fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C , twice as much as citrus fruits, 100 grams - the daily dose needed by a person.
The bark of the plant has healing properties. It contains ether-like, tannic and resinous substances , from which various organic acids and chemical compounds are formed during hydrolysis. This huge variety of chemical composition of viburnum fruit bark forms the pharmacological properties of the plant.
Benefit :
- Reduces Cholesterol ;
- Has expectorant effect;
- Improves the overall condition of in heart diseases ( hypertension, CHD, atherosclerosis);
- Helps with skin diseases ( eczema, carbunculosis);
- Increases production of bile ( hepatitis, cholecystitis);
- Increases the tone of the uterine muscles ;
- Used for the treatment of with diabetes mellitus ;
- Improves digestion ;
- Use for heavy menstruation ;
- Reduces edema ( heart, kidney);
- Lowers blood pressure .

Contraindications :
- Low pressure ;
- Increased blood clotting ;
- Individual intolerance ;
- There is an risk for the development of abnormalities in the fetus , so pregnant women should stop using this plant.
Species and varieties of red and black berries
Viburnum has a huge number of species - about 200 .There is viburnum with black fruits, there are forms in the form of evergreen shrubs. Viburnum has become widespread in our latitudes. Thanks to breeding, cultivated fruit varieties surpass wild-growing in yield, size of berries and chemical composition.

Good variety for home use. Suitable for both storage and processing. The pulp will be pleased with the minimal presence of bitterness, the yield of 5 - 6 kg from the bush .

Bright red berries, in the shape of a pea, weighing 0.5 g. The bitter taste, after processing, becomes slightly bitter. The plant grows to 3 m .Productivity 6 - 10 kg from a bush.

Universal variety, distinguished by a late ripening period. Sweet-bitter to taste berries, well stored and well processed. Yield from a bush 5 - 8 kg .
Tapping rubies

Annual fruiting variety, winter hardy. Berries attract attention with their unusual dark ruby color. The average yield from the bush 7 - 8 kg .

Variety of winter-hardy, stable yield for 20 years. The color of the berries is bright red. The average yield from the bush 6 kg .
Rules of planting and care
All of these varieties can be successfully grown in summer cottages in the Moscow region. In Western Siberia, this plant is cultivated to the south of 61 ° north latitude, and grows in Eastern Siberia in the basins of the Yenisei and Angara rivers.
Plant viburnum in spring or autumn .Autumn planting is no different from the spring. Before you start planting this medicinal plant you need to pay attention to the quality of planting material. Visually we look at the absence of visible defects. Buy for planting need 2 - 3 summer seedlings.
Pit digging for 2 bayonet spade width and 1.5 depth. It is important that on the surface of our cutting there should be at least 3 well developed buds. Shrub will delight you with the first healing crop already at 3 - 4 years old .Easy care. In the autumn it will not be superfluous to make additional fertilizing with manure, if you cannot get this valuable biological material, you can successfully apply potato peelings, tea leaves, banana skins.

These seemingly simple elements will enrich the soil with minerals. In our technological age, it is better to use as little chemistry as possible at your summer cottage. But if not at all, then to the store: there is the widest choice of complex fertilizing and fertilizer. Usually in our climate, plants do not need watering .But in the temperate zone is a dry summer. In this case, the caring owner should not forget about this unpretentious culture.
There are several ways to reproduce our healing shrubs. They can easily be found on the Internet. Consider one of the most common ways that any summer resident can handle on his site. We need to take the lower branch of the bush, tilt and prikopat in one place. The tubercle must be reliable and well rammed. In autumn or next spring, when the root system of the new bush is formed, we separate it from the main plant. Everything, you can plant yourself or share with your neighbors.
Harvesting and harvesting for the winter
Kalina, depending on the variety, is cleaned depending on the variety in September-October. Brushes with berries cut with secateurs. Fruits in brushes stored in the refrigerator or freezer .Viburnum produces fragrant jam, jam, delicious juice and kvass.
Healing Juice

Recipe №1. Take 1 kg of berries and squeeze the juice. Pulp pour a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes. Then strain and connect with the juice. Add 200 g of sugar to the mixture, bring to a boil and pour into a container. Hermetically capped.
Marmalade from viburnum berries and apples

Recipe №2. It is necessary to take apples and berries of viburnum, wash, cook separately to a soft texture, mix and rub through a sieve. In the resulting product pour sugar in a ratio of one to one and boil over low heat, stirring occasionally until a thick mass is formed. When this mass is behind the spoon and the bottom of the dish - the dish is ready.
The resulting marmalade is poured into shallow dishes, allow the product to cool and dry it in an oven at 60 ° C .
The viburnum viburnum has useful properties in such quantity that it can compete with many other gifts of nature. Summer residents and gardeners should carefully look at this healing and unpretentious plant. After all, this healing culture will benefit the whole family, especially in the period of catarrhal diseases, and in order to preserve valuable qualities, you should use the freezer.