If you want to please yourself or your loved ones by March 8, the best option is to distill the tulips. What could be better than bright and tasty flowers smelling of freshness for the beloved Russian holiday? Distillation for the holiday is a set of activities that aims to achieve flowering plants in an unusual period. On how to make a distillation of tulips by March 8, we will talk further.
- Bulbs of tulips for distillation - how to prepare
- Planting tulips for March 8
- Tulips after forcing - what to do
The advantage of these flowers is that they grow well even with artificial lighting. Tulips are relatively easy to give in to such a process at home, but in order for the result to be pleasing, it is necessary to correctly select the tulip varieties for distillation, and to prepare them correctly.
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Before you choose varieties of tulips for distillation, you need to carefully examine their classes, color options, stem height, flowering time, resistance to disease of this variety. For the forcing of flowers, bulbs weighing 20 g and more will be suitable for March 8.One of the most popular varieties of tulips that are suitable for forcing are London, Diplomat, Vivex, Hamilton, Parak and Eric Hofsieh, as well as varieties of Darwin hybrids.
It is necessary to prepare the bulbs for forcing before they are dug, that is, when they are still growing. The quality of tulip bulbs depends on the soil where they were grown. It is very important that it contains all the necessary minerals, nutrients - nitrogen, magnesium, calcium. If there is a nitrogen deficiency in the soil, the buds will be small, and the flower stalks are weak. A lack of the other two substances will cause the flower to wilt.
In addition, on the second or third day of the flowering of a tulip, a flower should be broken off without touching the leaves. Such an action will improve the quality of the bulbs, significantly reduce the percentage of blind buds obtained during distillation. Mark with a color ribbon or tag those tulips that you decide to leave for distillation.
If you want to get the flowers by the New Year, you can dig out the bulbs as soon as the leaves start to turn yellow, and if by March 8, you need to wait until the yellowing part of the flower is approximatelyby 2/3.
After digging the tulip bulbs, organization occurs in them, that is, the budding of flower buds, the accumulation of active substances. They are put in storage in a dry dark room and kept for a month at a temperature of + 20 ° C.Beginning in the second half of August, as a rule, stamen, pistil, and perianth are already formed inside - this stage is called “stage C”.
Then the temperature needs to be slightly reduced( to + 17 ° C), and the bulbs should be stored for another 1-2 weeks. This helps to increase the length of the peduncle, the tulip flower itself.
In September, bulbs should be placed in a room with a low temperature. Since, under natural conditions, flowers begin to bloom after the winter cold, it is necessary to self-cool, thereby ensuring the blooming of tulip buds when needed.
There are two main technologies:
- storage at + 5 ° С or + 9 ° С.This option provides for the cooling of the bulbs at a temperature of + 5 ° C for 12 weeks. This option is optimal for use in urban environments. After cooling, they need to land in boxes, move to where it is warm, there is access to the light. Buds approximately appear in 5-7 weeks;
- storage of bulbs at a temperature of + 9ºС.You can keep them in the fridge on the lower shelves for the first 6 weeks if it is too warm for now. It should be borne in mind that tulip bulbs cannot be stored together with fresh fruit that produce ethylene harmful to plants. After that, they are planted in boxes, put in the cellar, where the desired temperature was established - + 9 ºС.The advantage of this cooling option is that the tulips will be brighter, higher, larger, in addition, lower the risk of obtaining low-quality flowers.
Planting tulips by March 8
The moment when they bloom directly depends on when to plant tulips for distillation. To buds began to bloom on March 8, the bulbs need to be planted in early October. The substrate can be sand, peat, garden soil, sawdust, perlite, etc. You can not take the greenhouse earth, because the likelihood of infection of tulips. The substrate must be selected so that it allows air to pass through and is moisture-intensive. Very many pros involved in forcing tulips, use for these rotten sawdust. Capacities can also be different: boxes, containers, ceramic pots - it depends on the number of flowers you want to grow by March 8.