It is difficult to find such a gardener who would remain indifferent to the beauty and charm of a rose. She is rightly called the queen of the garden, today every summer resident has at least one rose bush on the site. In order for the roses to bloom in full color, to be healthy, to delight us throughout the season, the care of roses in the spring at the dacha must be especially thorough. It is in spring that the forces of all plants are activated, roses are no exception.
- Opening roses
- spring Spring pruning roses
- Garter, fertilizing, mulching
- roses Spring processing roses from diseases and pests

Opening roses in spring
The rose itself is a very sensitive plant. She reacts even to a slight warming. With the onset of spring, her buds swell, this happens even when the shoots are still under the covering material. Here it is important to correctly “guess” the moment - not to allow vypryaniya, when the shoots turn black and subsequently die. But the medal, as they say, has two sides - too early removal of the winter protection can also lead to the destruction of the bush from the cold.
When do roses open in spring? The answer to this question depends on the climatic features of individual regions. For example, in our Kuban, roses are sheltered for the winter only after planting in the fall, and all the other years, the roses just spud. With the onset of spring, the land is simply otgrebatsya, then already pruning and subsequent care.
In those cases when the bushes are covered with protective material, their winter sleep stops with the onset of the first heat. At this time, buds wake up, but the roots in the ground are still asleep. Therefore, in more northern regions, when there is still snow in March, small drifts throw over covered rose bushes, and are already removed during active melting( early April).
If melt water accumulates around the roses, it is best to make grooves to drain moisture. When the spring confidently comes into its own, you can begin to raise the edges of the protection - thus providing airing for the bushes. At this time, the land around the rose garden can be slowly loosened.
Fully remove the covering material in spring when the earth thaws under the roses will warm up to a depth of 20-25 cm. It is better to do this in the evening so that the sun's rays do not cause stress to the shoots that lost the winter. If the sun is very active, then at first the shoots will not be prevented by shading, so that they get used to the new rhythm of life( acclimatized).Next comes the time to trim.
содерж to contents ↑Spring pruning of roses
How to prune roses in spring?
The most important condition for care is pruning before the first buds are released, before the onset of active growth. After the roses fulfill their purpose - they will delight us with flowers for several years, their branches die off. The process begins at the top of the stem, while at the same time a new young shoot seeks upwards, activating from the bud located below. Dying stems need to be promptly removed, because in addition to disrupting the general appearance of the bush, they are a breeding ground for pests or pathogens.
Pruning roses in the spring is the most important; in addition to removing the outdated shoots, it allows you to create attractive outlines of the shrub, to provide an active abundant flowering.
For this process you should have:
- pruner( for coarse branches);
- garden shears with elongated handles( to penetrate the thick of thorny branches);
- small saw;
- sharp knife;
- work gloves
- garden pitch( for covering up cuts).
The trimming technique is a delicate matter, but there are no special intricacies. It is only necessary to understand the general principles, to study the peculiarities of care of individual varieties. The specifics of how to properly prune roses in the spring, for beginners, gardeners will become clearer if we tell you more about the sanitary and basic way of this pruning.
Sanitary pruning: first remove dead, diseased or frost branches.
Thin growths are also removed, since they will not become full-fledged shoots, but will only pull forces from the bush, spoil the general appearance of the crown. If you see shoots growing inwards, then remove them too. Cut diseased branches better burn in order to avoid the spread of disease.
Basic pruning: choose strong branches, and then shorten them with shears at the level of the upper living bud.
Sleeping buds are at the very bottom of the shoot, it will take a long time until they germinate and become active. We make pruning in the spring in such a way that the center becomes open - the crown must be “aired”.An open center crown also allows the bush to get more moisture when it is watered or during rain.
The cut-off position itself must be level( take care that the tool is sharp).The cut must have a white core.
Care of a rose in the spring provides for the processing of each slice with a garden pitch, do not forget about it.
If in the area between the base of the leaf and the branch you see a lot of shoots, then delete all but one( the most powerful).
Pruning roses in spring is divided into three types: short, medium, long. With a short escape from the bottom, four active buds are counted, and the rest is removed - this method helps to restore strength to the old bushes( to rejuvenate them).This method is used as a "reanimation" of frost-affected plants, as well as when planting young seedlings.
The average pruning of roses in spring is used to stimulate early flowering, in addition, this method has a positive effect on the decorativeness of the plant. In this case, 7 buds are counted from the bottom of the shoot, the rest is removed, thus, the future buds will be larger, and the flowering is lush. Similar operation is useful not only in the spring, but also in the summer.
Long pruning is used for easy shortening of the branches, but for some groundcover roses, it is the main one. In summer, this technique is used to remove faded buds.
Pruning roses is also made according to the requirements of the variety: tea leaves can be left with 80-100 cm stems, floribunda - 40-50 cm, common types - 15-30 cm.
содерж to content содержGarter, fertilizer, rose mulchingThe branches sets the shoots in the right direction upwards or sideways. For this purpose, special supports and strapping( self-locking) garden wire are used, but you can use a regular rope. Supports and a garter in the spring are very important for the formation of a bush, as well as for climbing grades - the direction of their branches is determined from the very beginning of development.
How to care for spring in roses? Fertilization after waking shoots is a must. For roses, two dressings per year are enough - in the spring( after pruning) and in the summer( to give strength before the second wave of flowering).Spring dressing contributes to the rapid development, lush flowering, magnesium, potash, phosphate, nitrogen fertilizers are excellent for these purposes. A single dose of top dressing is about 30 grams. Also, chicken dung, which is actively added to the general fertilizer by experienced gardeners, will not be superfluous. Before feeding, the soil near the bush should be loosened, saturated with moisture, the fertilizer is distributed evenly in a circle, and then mulched with organic matter.
Roses care in the spring implies soil mulching - a method necessary for maintaining plant health. Mulching not only accumulates heat, moisture, useful components of fertilizers in the ground, but also protects the root system. In addition, scattered wood chips or finely chopped tree bark looks very attractive, giving a well-kept look to the rose garden. When mulching the soil, it is necessary to ensure that the materials evenly cover the ground around the roses( 4-6 cm layer), but do not cover the aboveground part of the bush.
As a mulch for roses, you can use sawdust( which cannot be fresh for more than a year), hay( dry grass), compost, shredded paper, bird droppings. Make sure that there are no chemical compounds, herbicides, plant seeds, or any other harmful substances in the mulch material. If you have already cut roses in the spring, than to feed them with what material to mulch the soil - now the most important stages of caring for them. Mulching is done immediately after fertilization, for each bush you will need about 4-6 kg of material.
содерж to content ↑Spring treatment of roses from diseases and pests
As soon as roses enter the phase of active growth, they can already be processed with special means to protect against diseases, parasitic insects. Usually spraying is done 3-4 days after cutting the branches. With spider mite, rosaceous aphids, cycadas, as well as powdery mildew, rust, Marsonina, chlorosis, and other misfortunes of roses, it is best to fight with complex universal preparations. Insecticides( "Karbofos", "Rogor-S", "Antio", "Aktellik", etc.) work on the destruction of pests.
The use of good old kerosene( 1 tsp / 10 l of water) and copper sulfate( 3% solution) gives good results against diseases against diseases. However, experienced gardeners strongly praise, recommend the universal powerful drug "RoseClear", which combines the qualities of insecticide and fungicide at the same time. The treatment of roses in the spring from diseases and pests using this tool allows you to get rid of two problems in one fell swoop.
Such irrigation should be carried out on a windless day, wearing a respirator mask. Recommended treatment bushes every 2 weeks, the drug is diluted according to the attached instructions.
It is also worth mentioning that excessively aggressive chemicals should not be used to protect and treat roses. The branches and foliage of roses can suffer( chemical burns), and there will be more harm than good.
Roses are a wonderful decoration of a garden or a summer cottage, given to us by nature itself, and we can easily provide comfortable conditions for them. Caring for roses in the spring at the cottage begins from the first days of March( for Kuban) or April( for the middle band).If you do everything right: you will prune, fertilize, shrub the bushes with protection from pests, then they will delight you with their magnificence every day until late autumn.