Potato peelings as fertilizer - for which plants can or cannot be used?

Many of you have probably heard that potato skins can be used as an organic fertilizer for country plantations. This is true because they contain starch, potassium, and other valuable mineral constituents. This method of fertilizer is absolutely harmless, economical, helps protect the garden from Colorado beetles( as well as their larvae), slugs, wireworm. How to use potato peelings as a fertilizer, for which plants they are suitable as top dressing - consider below.

  • How to harvest fertilizer?
  • How to apply fertilizer?
  • Potato peel and currant

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How to prepare fertilizer?

Potatoes are loved by so many of us, in most families it is considered the most popular, most often eaten vegetable. After cleaning the potatoes, the skins always remain, and the highest content of valuable components is in them and in the layer, which is located under the skin. Potato waste contains a lot of macronutrients, trace elements, as well as an impressive list of vitamins. If you use them rationally, do not throw them in the trash, then all the useful elements will give their properties to the soil, the plants in your garden.

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Residents of private houses are much easier to determine the place for organic fertilizers, they have a plot of land allotted for garden. In this case, you can immediately send potato peelings to compost.

If the visit to the dacha is seasonal, there is also a way out - the skins can be dried or frozen. When the temperature is below freezing, cleaning can be laid out on an unheated balcony( on suitable surfaces).They will be frozen and thus preserved. New "portions" of cleanings can be easily brought to the balcony as needed. As soon as the early spring comes, you will have to visit the cottage and take them there, because this product rots in the heat, spreads an unpleasant smell, and nobody needs it.

Drying cleaning is more troublesome way to save, but more reliable, convenient. They can be dried on a hot battery or in the oven - so they will be better stored. If you make additional efforts, after heat treatment, grind them in a meat grinder, and then dry them in the oven, you will get the perfect raw material for fertilizer.

With the onset of spring, frozen or dried skins from potatoes are placed in a large container( for example, a barrel), poured with very hot water, leave to soak for 2-3 days. This nutrient mixture should be periodically stirred. Thus, potato peels are used as a fertilizer rich in starch, salts, minerals, vitamins.

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How to apply fertilizer?

The resulting gruel is simply ideal for improving soil fertility when planting seedlings of cucumbers, cabbage, melons, fruit and berry trees, bushes. A small amount of the obtained potato infusion with gruel is poured to the bottom of the holes and beds, and then the plants are planted. This fertilizer acts as an organic dressing, thanks to which onions, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins, all varieties of cabbage are well developed, actively growing. Make this dressing( by watering the bushes under the roots) can be every 10-14 days, for this, the infusion is pre-filtered through a sieve.

Potato peelings are the best fertilizer for currants and similar berry crops. Thanks to this infusion, it becomes large, sweet. It is especially good to add top dressing at the stage of emergence of the ovaries, during the ripening of the berries, before harvesting.

However, there are some limitations - tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggplant, and other solanaceous crops should not be fertilized by this method, as this fertilizer will simply not work on them. In some cases, it can harm these plants, because they are prone to common diseases( black scab, late blight).

If you still want to feed the tomatoes with this organic composition, then use only those peelings that have previously been in the oven. The past hot processing of raw materials does not already contain the phytophtora, if you pour boiling water over it before putting it into the soil or just prikopat near the plants, nothing bad will happen.

It is good to use potato peels for fertilizing fruit trees, berry bushes. For this they are buried in the area of ​​the circle of the trunk. It is best to carry out this procedure in the spring.

It is also possible not only to use potato peelings as fertilizers, but also useful properties contained in them. With their help, you can scare off pests and save your crop.

Variants of the “external” use of potato blisters:

  1. You can spread them out between the beds, as well as in the places where slugs accumulate - they are attracted by the smell, they willingly crawl away. After that, they can be easily collected and destroyed.
  2. If you put lots of potato skins between rows of potatoes, this will attract the Colorado beetles, their larvae. After the pests crawl into piles they are collected together with oshurkami and burn, pre-poured over kerosene.
  3. Cleaning will also help to significantly reduce the number of wireworms, only here you will have to donate a few potato tubers additionally. Cleaning and cut into several pieces of potatoes are added in various places of the site, and 3-4 days later they are removed from the ground along with voracious pests. Subsequently, the wire with the bait is likewise destroyed by burning.
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Potato peelings and currants

According to many positive comments from summer residents, currant feeding with potato peels gives an excellent result. This berry bush "loves" starch and glucose, and it is the rind of tubers that is richest in these elements. Dry potato chips can be buried under currant bushes in spring and summer. They decompose in the ground, giving it all the useful components during the process. You can also fill the cleaning with boiling water, after the infusion has cooled, you can water the bushes.

In order for currant berries in size to approach the fruits of cherry, feel free to “treat” the bushes with extract of potato peelings.

With the onset of autumn, remove the foliage under the currant, loosen the soil, pile up dry skins in a circle, then cover the ground with dry grass. The result of your efforts will pleasantly surprise you later.

You can use potato peel for currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries. This fertilizer is very well suited for garden flowers, indoor plants( filtered infusion).

This simple free dressing helps to improve soil fertility, is safe, non-toxic. It is an effective alternative to chemical drugs - and this is a significant plus. Do not rush to throw away the product rich in useful elements, especially since it dries easily, quickly, and is well stored in fabric bags. Use potato peelings as fertilizer, for which plants they can be used, and for which it is impossible - we have tried to concretize in this article. Generous to you harvests!

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