Refined lily flowers - a living garden decoration

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Ever since ancient times, people treated lilies with reverence. It is believed that this flower already grew in the Garden of Eden and the first people enjoyed its fragrance. Many centuries later, the lily was associated with the divine personalities of Greek and Roman mythology. In nominal Christianity, the flower became a symbol of purity and purity. And in the Holy Scripture it is called the most beautiful of all wildflowers.

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Often used lily to emphasize their power. In France, she has long adorned the emblems of the great monarchs of antiquity. She later appeared on the royal coat of arms and banners. Even in our time, the lily is used on the arms of some French provinces. In addition, poured out of gold lilies decorated the famous temple of Solomon. What is the secret of the popularity of a simple garden flower? Let's try to figure it out.

General description of the sophisticated beauty

Lilies grow throughout almost all of Europe. They are familiar to residents of the North American continent and Asia. It decorates the gardens and summer cottages of Russia. Its delicate aroma like not only women but also men. Therefore, there are a lot of poems and songs about it.

Lily belongs to the family "Lily".Her close relatives are tulips, onions and grouse. Like them, flowers are perennial plants grown from bulbs. In nature, lilies are of different species. Biologists have about 80 options. Many of them became the basis for the emergence of new varieties and hybrids.

Lily bulbs are unclosed succulent flakes. They are fixed on the lower part of the plant, in the place of root growth. Therefore are considered loose. In size they are different. For example, tiny - in diameter reach only 1 cm, and large ones can be about 30 cm. Most often, bulbs are egg-shaped or spherical in shape.

The roots of the plant are:

  • basal;
  • retractors;
  • supludkovye.

Basal and retractor roots grow in the area of ​​bulbous Donets. Nadlukovye roots are formed on the stems during one season. After the shoots dry up, and the roots die.

When transplanting lilies, it is advisable not to damage the main roots that are at the base of the bulb.

The garden lily has a straight stem that grows to a maximum height of 250 cm. Some species reach only 15 cm, but this does not deprive them of their charm. Along the entire length of the shoots adorn lily leaves. Depending on the species, they can sit on it in the form of:

  • spiral;
  • whorls;
  • basal outlet.

There are lilies in which the leaves are tightly pressed against the vertical stem. At the base of them much more than on the top of the shoot. Other varieties of the flower are characterized by the appearance in the leaf axils of the air bulb. They are usually attached to the stem of the plant.

Decorate straight shoots with original inflorescences in the form of:

  • cylinder;
  • cone;
  • umbrella.

On each brush, on average, grows to 16 buds. Royal varieties boast 30 flowers at a time. They all bloom in turn. First lower, then upper buds. Each of them does not fade within 9 days, so, in general, the lily blooms for about two weeks.

Lily flower includes 6 petals( some varieties have more).They surround the pistil and 6 stamens with large anthers located inside the bud. The shape of the flowers is different:

  • in the form of a bowl;
  • tubular;
  • like a large bell;
  • flat bud option;
  • funnel;
  • star;
  • is halid-shaped.

Depending on this, the sizes of lily buds differ. For example, turban-like variations in diameter can be about 10 cm. They very much resemble Chinese models of lanterns. Voronkovidnye flower types have a diameter of 4 cm, and reach a length of 15 cm. Flat buds grow to 25 cm. A truly magnificent sight!

Coloring lily flowers is simply amazing with its diversity. They are orange and apricot, pale pink and bright red, white and dark purple. Incredible beauty - two-color options with rainbow overflow. There are flowers with tiny specks, elegant strokes and even with the original edging at the tips of the petals. In nature, there are no blue lilies. When buds bloom, fruits are formed on the plant. Long neat boxes filled with flat seeds ripen in November. So ends the flowering season of charming garden beauties.

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In order to constantly enjoy lilies, it is important to properly breed them. What is the secret of planting these lovely flowers? Just a few sequential operations.

Basic rules for planting lilies

In order for subtle and tender lilies to appear in a country cottage, it is important to plant them correctly. Especially exotic species need it. There are several rules for planting lilies and caring for them:

  • choosing a suitable site;
  • soil preparation;
  • depth of the landing of the bulbs;
  • arrangement of lilies in the front garden.

Before choosing a place for planting flowers, you should think about how they will look in tandem with other plants. If you want to dissolve tall varieties, they can be planted in small groups. Another option is to place flowers on the back side of the flowerbed to create a unique background for miniature plants. Low-growing varieties wonderfully combined with bushes of roses or peonies.

The neighborhood of lilies with roses allows you to create a reliable shelter from the winter cold. Under the joint veil flowers are unlikely to suffer from severe frosts.

Most species of lilies like open sunny areas of the garden or partial shade. The main thing is not to plant them under spreading trees, where there is little light and dry soil. In view of this, when acquiring plant bulbs, one should become familiar with the preferences of this type of flower.

In order for lilies in the garden to show off for a long time in a flower bed, it is necessary to prepare the soil before planting. To do this, make it a little ready humus, clean sand and natural peat. This fertilized soil helps to strengthen the bulb and, as a consequence, the active development of the flower. In addition, depending on the variety of lilies, choose a suitable primer. Some prefer an acidic environment, others are alkaline in nature. For most colors, neutral soil is suitable.

If the place is chosen and the land is prepared, you should figure out how to plant the lilies correctly. First of all, it is important to take into account the variety of the flower and the size of its bulb. We also take into account the ability of the lily to release the roots on the shoots.

Almost always, planting material is lowered into the ground to a depth that is 3 times larger than its diameter.

Depending on the nature of the soil, the depth of planting lilies is determined. Bulbs are planted in sandy soil much deeper than in heavy ground. Due to this, during the hot summer the plant receives a sufficient amount of moisture. In the cold winter months, this depth allows you to create a suitable temperature for the bulb. And in early spring, the plant is not afraid of unexpected frosts. In addition, a large number of young bulbs and stem roots form at the depth.

To ensure comfortable care for lilies in the garden, choose the appropriate plantation of planting in a flower garden. There are several options:

  1. Single line tape option. For this, bulbs with roots are planted at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. The width between rows is up to 50 cm.
  2. Two-line method. It is used for lilies of medium height. The gap between plants is within 15 or 25 cm. The gap between the lines is also 25 cm. The gap between the ribbons is at least 70 cm.
  3. Three-line landing method. Most often it is used for dwarf lilies. Individual onions are laid out in pits with an interval of about 15 cm. The main rows and additional lines are placed in the same way as with the two-line version.

The process of planting cute flowers is carried out in this way. First, dig holes in the marked places. Their depth should be three times deeper than the diameter of the original planting material. At the bottom of the funnel poured a protective base, made from pure sand and ash. Spread onions on top. So that they quickly ascend, the roots are gently straightened, and then lightly pressed to the sand. Then, the hole filled with earth, watered with cold water and mulch with peat.

Lilies can be planted in spring, autumn and even in summer. Spring option will help protect the bulbs of the plant from freezing. At this time, the root system is especially actively developing, which contributes to successful survival. Lilies planted in the fall, have time to safely take root before the onset of winter. Due to this, the plant will be able to withstand the spring frosts. And in the winter, he will be protected by additional shelter made by a caring owner.

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Useful guidelines for the care of lilies

In order to ensure proper garden lily care, you should follow simple guidelines. First of all, it is important throughout the season to feed plants. For this, ash and special fertilizers are used. For every square meter of soil scatter 50 grams of this mixture. The process is repeated 3 times:

  • at the beginning of spring to strengthen the roots;
  • during bud formation;
  • after the lilies bloom.

A solution of ammonium nitrate can be applied for spring fertilizer at the rate of 40 grams per 10 liters of water. Also pus diluted in liquid is considered a good top dressing. Proportion: 1 part of cow pus per 10 liters of water.

It is important for lilies to ensure proper watering. As a rule, water should be poured under the root so that it does not fall on the leaves. Otherwise, the droplets will attract the sun's rays, which can cause burns. Despite the fact that lilies do not like excessive sputum, during the dry period they need regular watering.

Practice shows that bulbous plants do not like when the soil overheats on summer days. This leads to a violation of the growth of the plant and its lush flowering. To prevent the problem, soil mulching with natural materials will help. It is especially important to use straw, mowed grass and even sawdust.

Often lily beetles and flies appear on the leaves or buds of lilies. Special chemicals designed for such pests will help get rid of them. Some color lovers collect insect larvae by hand, which is also effective.

Planting and maintenance of lily flowers involves constant monitoring of the plant. If tall species are expected, then supports are prepared for them. When the stems grow, they are tied up to them, so as not to break or fall. Experienced gardeners are trying to think in advance where it is best to put support.

For lilies to always look attractive, wilted buds should be removed on time. Flower stalks are cut off after the plant has faded. At the end of the season, it is desirable to mow the shoots so that in winter they do not become a conductor of cold air to the bulb. In addition, they do not interfere with additional shelter of foliage, sawdust or pine spruce branches. As you can see, when you know everything about lilies: landing, care, and external description it is easier to choose the appropriate option. Are there many varieties of delicate flower known in our territory? More than really plant on one plot.

Welcome to the kingdom of refined lilies

Almost every lover of flowers can imagine a glade where hundreds of lilies grow. They are all different shapes, colors, heights and aroma. Is it easy to choose the most beautiful of them? Hardly. Perhaps the American botanist Jan de Graf ran into this situation. To resolve the situation, he systematized the varieties of lilies into groups. The basis of each of them was taken the origin of the plant, since most of them require the same conditions for growing. All lily flowers were divided into the following groups:

  • Asian;
  • Martagon;
  • candidate;
  • American;
  • long-flowered;
  • tubular and orleans;
  • eastern;Interspecific
  • ;
  • decorative.

Having considered some of them, you can visit the enchanting realm of soda flowers.

Asian group of hybrids

This group includes lilies that do not require special attention. They are found in different places of the planet, even in Siberia and Alaska. Flowers tolerate harsh winters. To do this, the shoots are cut at ground level so that the snow completely covers them. The lilies of the Asian group have small white bulbs that develop well in mild soil. All of them are quite hardy and unpretentious to the growing conditions. They breed with the help of bulbous babies. Bloom in the middle of summer.

The Asian group includes hybrids growing up to 1.5 m in height, as well as dwarf specimens - up to 40 cm in height. Some of them produce tiny onion in the axils of the leaf plate. For this they are called bulbous flowers.

According to the coloring they are:

  • white;
  • cream;
  • yellow and orange;
  • dark and bright red;
  • combination of several shades.

The most famous varieties of lilies of the Asian group cause considerable admiration.

Adeline Variety

The fascinating flowers of the Asian group belong to the early garden plants. Grow to medium size. Most often, the buds are colored yellow. Their shape resembles an oriental bowl. Almost always have plenty of colors per season.

Flora Pleno

Terry beauties grow to a meter height. In each inflorescence there are up to 30 buds, whose diameter reaches 20 cm. They bloom, depending on the climate, from May to August. Perfectly endure harsh winters.

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Curly March of

The charming hybrids of this group are particularly enduring. Flowers are frost-resistant, can grow for a long time in one area, and are resistant to various diseases. They are practiced to grow even in Siberia. In the middle latitudes, they are best planted in shady areas to protect from the scorching sun.

Arabian Knight Grade

The magnificent tall lilies of the martagon group are considered long-livers. They easily endure winter frosts and bloom profusely in the warm period. On each stalk grows a huge inflorescence of 50 buds. They are maroon-yellow with small specks and orange stamens. The shape of the flowers resembles an oriental turban.

Guinea Gold

Lilies of this variety have yellowish buds, sometimes with a pink shade, color. The base of the flower is orange or yellow, the edges are slightly lighter. All petals on the inside are covered with lots of dark spots. On a stalk grows up to 10 pieces of buds. Bloom gradually.

Snow-white Candidums

The lily of snow was the ancestor of this group. Although it includes not so many varieties, but they all have a persistent aroma. Buds often resemble a wide funnel or tubules. Color - yellow, terracotta or white.

Apollo Grade

The white lily of the Candidum group grows to a meter height. The peculiarity of the variety is that it does not have stem leaves, they are collected at the base into a rosette. The lower leaf plates are much longer than the upper ones, which makes the plant stand out against other colors of the front garden. Delicate lily buds, about 7 cm in diameter, are collected in original clusters on the upper part of the shoot. The only drawback - the flowers are prone to disease, therefore, require special care.

Terracotta species of lilies

Most often, the flowers of such specimens have a wide open shape. They look up and smell good. Impress with its rich color. Cause a pleasant sensation during the flowering period.

American group of hybrids

The plants of this group are characterized by amazing beauty and charm. Quite often there are two-color variants of American hybrids. If the buds are light, on the petals you can see red specks. Such lilies love a lot of light, so growing in open places need regular watering. In winter, they should be covered so that the onions are not affected by the cold.

Cherrywood is a bright American hybrid

. Many gardeners plant red lilies of this group on their plots. The rich color and pleasant aroma of the buds that delight the eye in the middle of summer amaze with their elegance. They prefer non-acidic soils and require regular watering. Well tolerate Russian winters. When planting, drainage is necessarily added to the wells, so that the plants adapt quickly and do not hurt.

Lilies Cherrywood do not like transplants, so it is better to immediately choose the right place for such an elegant beauty.

Colony-shaped varieties of lilies

Unusually beautiful lilies of this variety are considered the most popular in Russia. They perfectly tolerate harsh winters and temperature fluctuations, resistant to various fungi and viruses. They bloom for 3 months, and in southern latitudes until mid-autumn.

Proper planting and care of the lily of the columnar gives good results to lovers of garden flowers. Usually such plants are planted in April in the prepared soil. If there is a lot of clay or sand in it, it is advisable to add a little peat or home humus.

At the suitable site dig the wells at a distance of about 12 cm. The bottom is filled with drainage mixture. Spread onions and covered with earth. At the end of the landing area plentifully pour water.

Plant care includes:

  • moderate watering every two days;
  • pruning stems that bloomed in mid-autumn;
  • additional shelter for the winter;
  • top dressing 3 times a year( in early spring, when buds appear, after flowering);
  • , if necessary, to make supports;
  • transplant no more than once every 3 years.

By following these simple rules for caring for flowers, you can constantly rejoice at their presence at the dacha.

Unfortunately, it happens that lilies are attacked by pests that devour buds, leaves or bulbs. These include lily flies, beetles, aphids, bears, larvae of May beetles. To effectively deal with them, it is best to use chemicals. Such care for lilies brings much joy and satisfaction.

Amazing Lilies in the Garden - Video

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