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When it matures sweet, with juicy pulp and almost no signs of sweet cherry acid, the benefits and harm to health are often not taken into account. Large and small gourmets rush to enjoy the taste of one of the first summer berries, but do not forget that beneath the thin, bursting skin, there are lurking useful substances and possible dangers.
In appearance and structure of the cherry berries closest to the cherry. But those who have had the opportunity to compare their taste at least once can tell about several important differences. Cherry is inferior to sweet cherries in sweetness, while accumulating more acids and more fragrant.
Sweet cherry attracts with the early ripening of large berries, which, depending on the variety, can be densely burgundy, scarlet, pink and even white.
Thanks to the mild sweet taste, this berry is more loved by gourmets of all ages. But if the delicacy is intended for children, it is important to know how old the sweet cherry can be given to the child. To whom, and in what cases this berry will be beneficial, and when it is better to abandon the dessert, so as not to harm any family member.
The nutritional value and calorie content of sweet cherries
The beneficial properties of any food product depend on its composition and quality. Traditionally, fresh berries and fruits are generous sources of vitamins, trace elements, organic acids and natural antioxidants. Sweet cherry confirms this opinion.100 grams of fresh berries contain:
- 10.5 grams of sugars;
- 1.1 grams of dietary fiber;
- 0.1 grams of saturated fatty acids;
- 0.5 grams of ash;
- 0.1 grams of starchy substances;
- 0.1 gram polyunsaturated fatty acid;
- 85.7 grams of moisture;
- 0.6 grams of organic acids.
Those who care about their own weight and state of health, rightly interested in the calorie content of products in the diet. How many calories are in a sweet cherry? It is impossible to give an exact figure, because the accumulation of nutrients, taste and energy value depends on the variety, degree of ripeness and growing conditions.
It is believed that one hundred grams of ripe fruit accounts for 50–55 kcal, which makes it possible to recommend cherries for weight loss. True, it is better to use it moderately, without forgetting about sweetness.
Juicy, melting cherries in their mouths is actually rich in fiber. It helps to quickly get enough and gently balance blood sugar levels, which is also important when following a diet.10–12% of sugar accumulated over the summer determines how much carbohydrates are in the sweet cherry.
What are the minerals and vitamins in sweet cherry?
The value of the culture is not only in the delicious taste of the fruit, but also in high concentrations of vitamins, minerals and other bioactive compounds. The composition of sweet cherry includes such macro-and micronutrients as potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus, magnesium and sodium.
Which vitamins in cherries are most beneficial and interesting in the organization of preventive, dietary and therapeutic nutrition? The leaders are vitamins PP and E, K, C, B2 and B1, A and beta-carotene.
Ascorbic acid is an important element of many metabolic processes. Vitamin C provides the body with energy, responds to the immune defense, timely cleansing of toxins, the regenerative ability of tissues.
Vitamin A and beta-carotene are responsible for the health and beauty of the skin and hair, the reproductive system and immunity, the ability to rejuvenate and protect against infections. Together with anthocyanins, these substances actively resist aging and the negative influence of the environment.
Vitamin K has a beneficial effect on calcium absorption and the quality of muscle, cartilage and bones. This compound is involved in energy metabolism.
One of the most important antioxidants is tocopherol or vitamin E. It not only prevents aging, but also, together with vitamin K, prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and positively affects muscles. Due to the presence of this vitamin, sweet cherry is beneficial for the woman’s body, which arouses the interest of those who have difficulty conceiving and carrying a baby. Sweet berries in the diet will help to establish the potency in men and the work of the endocrine system.
Thiamine and Riboflavin as B vitamins and an integral part of the beneficial properties of sweet cherries are necessary for the renewal of the cells of the whole organism. These compounds respond to the digestive, nervous, vascular and heart systems.
Sweet cherry properties useful in the treatment and prevention of diseases
Vitamins, iron and other biologically active substances in cherry composition have a beneficial effect on blood quality:
- increases hemoglobin content, improves blood supply with oxygen, thereby preventing the development of anemia;
- preventing the formation of clots that can degenerate into blood clots.
In addition, among the beneficial properties of cherries is the strengthening of the walls of large and small vessels, which is extremely important with an increased risk of hypertension, atherosclerosis, varicose veins and other diseases of the vascular system and heart.
Not only that sweet cherry berries are the richest source of vitamins and minerals. Fiber-rich pulp perfectly stimulates digestion, activates the bowels, helping the body gently and naturally get rid of harmful waste and toxins.
If there are no contraindications, sweet fruit juice can be used for sluggish bowel syndrome. Reception 1 tablespoon three times a day will help to normalize the situation.
What is useful cherries, so it is the ability to accelerate rehabilitation after surgery, injuries, debilitating disease. Berries not only replenish the body with vitamins, amino acids and minerals. They:
- improve appetite;
- toning, improve mood;
- have a mild analgesic effect;
- relieve swelling;
- fight inflammation.
The color of the fruits of the different kinds of cherries is different. If pink, yellow and white berries are valued by people with a tendency to allergies, bright red and burgundy fruits are a godsend for those who seek to preserve their youth for a long time, to cope with insomnia and other effects of stress.
Why is cherries useful for a woman's body?
Including a sweet cherry in the diet, a woman “kills two birds with one stone”.First, the menu is replenished with a delicious dessert, and secondly, the berries help to perfectly maintain beauty and health.
Dark colored sweet cherry is indicated for anemia, which is especially dangerous during the waiting period of the baby and with the threat of miscarriage. At an older age, this berry will ease menopause, delay aging and prevent the development of hypertension. Sweet cherry:
- has a mild laxative and diuretic properties;
- increases hemoglobin;
- strengthens blood vessels;
- relieves nervous tension.
How else is the sweet cherry beneficial to a woman's body? Juicy berries can be used not only in food, but also externally, making them homemade face masks and hair. Sweet cherry is a source of moisture, fruit acids, vitamins and antioxidants that resist aging. The pulp cleans the integument from dirt, cornified particles and skin secretion. In addition, sweet cherry helps eliminate swelling and eliminate the signs of inflammation without the risk of drying out.
Can I have a sweet cherry when losing weight? Yes, the berry containing both fiber and some carbohydrates does not provoke weight gain, will support the mood, tones, and provides with energy and vitamins.
How old is a baby cherry?
Given the abundance of nutrients and the universal love of children for sweet cherries, parents at the first opportunity indulge the kids with this juicy berry. However, it is not always that which is useful for an adult is good for a fragile children's organism.
Fiber contained in the pulp of the acid, an abundance of carbohydrates and especially allergens can cause a deterioration in health at an early age.
Sweet cherries with light, yellow and white berries are classified as food products with a low allergenic hazard. In order to have a sweet cherry with benefit and without harm to the body, the baby must be at least 8 months old.
Dark-colored sweet cherry, like cherry and other red berries, often causes an undesirable reaction. Therefore, it can be given to a child from 10–12 months.
Include berries in the diet carefully, 2-3 pieces per day, watching the baby's body recall.
Young mothers often ask if cherry is strengthening or weak. Stimulating the work of the intestine, the berry has a slight laxative effect. However, intestinal discomfort in a child can be a sign of an allergy. In this case, a negative reaction to the sweet cherry can be expressed:
- in respiratory phenomena, for example, in the congestion of the nose and throat, redness of the eyes, sneezing;
- in redness, swelling, irritation and itching of the skin;
- in indigestion, consisting in diarrhea, excessive gas formation, spasms, pain.
In the main risk group, children who already have signs of food allergy to other types of products. If there are no visible changes in the behavior and well-being of the baby, gradually increase the portion.
Consumption of cherries in type 2 diabetes
Due to the nature of their well-being, diabetics treat their diet with serious attention. In diabetes of the second type, the body produces an excess amount of glucose, and you can cope with the negative consequences of this by following a special diet.
The cherry glycemic index is 22, while the berries do not contain too much carbohydrates, but they are rich in fiber and anthocyanins. Dietary fiber slows down the process of digestion and absorption of sugars. And anthocyanins, which are natural antioxidants, stimulate the production of human insulin. Therefore, the use of sweet cherries in type 2 diabetes is allowed, unless the attending physician has any other reason for the ban.
Berry can be eaten fresh or frozen without sweetening half an hour after the main meal, carefully observing the sugar level.
In moderation, juicy fruits not only diversify the menu. If the daily portion does not exceed 100 grams, the berries support the body, saturate it with vitamins, improve mood and activate the digestive processes.
Contraindications for drinking cherries
Despite the abundance of beneficial properties, the use of cherries can be the cause of exacerbation of diseases and deterioration of health. You can not eat fresh fruit in the presence of:
- allergy to this type of stone fruit;
- pancreatitis in the acute stage;
- acute gastritis, colitis, dyspepsia or exacerbation of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
If the diseases are in remission, the fruits can be included in the diet after consulting a doctor and following the recommended guidelines. Women are extremely important to comply with the measure during pregnancy and lactation.
In order to eat a sweet cherry with health benefit and without harm to health, you need to pay attention to the available contraindications and follow the recommendations of dietitians. Doctors do not advise to use fresh fruit on an empty stomach and immediately after a dense meal. Even healthy people better serve berries after half an hour. In this case, they will bring maximum pleasure and benefit by pushing the bowels to work.