Crop rotation - agrotechnical technique, based on a meaningful alternation of crops during planting. The plants have different needs for nutrients, they attract different pests and create prerequisites for soil diseases."Changing the situation" makes it possible to restore the land without leaving it under pairs. If you harvest a tomato, it is important to know what can be planted in this place the next year.
Table of contents
- Crop rotation rules
- When it is time to change the tomato planting site
- What can you plant after tomatoes
- What kind of crops can not be planted with the next year's crop?in one place for several years in a row;
- after root crops grow fruit plants, and vice versa, to make it easier to remember: alternate “tops and roots”;
- crops with a high need for nutrients are planted after those whose need is lower;
- There are cultures that heal the soil ( for example, garlic and onions), we must make sure that they are consistently planted on all parts of the garden;
- in case of an annual change of plantings, it is necessary for to take into account the belonging of plants to certain botanical families - the “inheritance” of land within one family is undesirable.
Planting plants from the Solanaceae family after tomatoes is undesirable.
Make it a rule to keep a planting diary that will allow you to analyze changes in yields and causes of diseases of different crops. It will not be superfluous to draw up a schematic plan of your garden and mark plantings on it.It is possible to plant crops on the basis of the predecessor most suitable for them - this is a very time consuming method, but is the most effective .In addition to the alternation of planting, it is important to pay attention to how the vegetables get along with each other in the neighboring beds.
When it is time to change the place of planting tomato
The tomato likes an easily heated, loamy soil, loose and with good permeability, it is not picky about acidity. Ideally, need to replant tomatoes to a new location every year.
But some owners leave them for several years on the same bed, resorting to small tricks to preserve the crop:
- change the top layer of the soil on the garden( you can shift it to where you plan to grow radishes - it grows best after tomato);
- nitrogen fertilizer application;
- the right choice of crops for neighboring tomato beds - legumes and fragrant greens;
- planting tomatoes by the method of Kizima , in a cellophane diaper with the formation of a deep root;
- autumn planting of legumes and mustard crops after the removal of tomato bushes.
To improve the condition of the soil after the tomatoes can be sown mustard
Do this way you can up to three years .But anyway, sooner or later you will have to think about optimizing crop rotation. A sign that it is time to change the place of tomato dislocation, there are diseases that affect tomatoes.
Under conditions of nutrient deficiency, the ovaries are poorly formed, and the fruits of the tomato become smaller. There is a growing risk of infection by phytophtora, a fungus living in the soil, which is carried by parts of tubers and roots. Moreover, in the greenhouse, these processes proceed faster than in the open field.
If you ignore these signals, then can be left without a crop - the soil is gradually depleted.
When cleaning the garden in the fall, try to completely remove the stems and rhizomes of the plants from the beds.What you can plant after tomatoes
Among garden crops, a tomato has an average level of nutrient requirements .Does not deplete the soil, but loves nitrogen.
For re-planting of tomatoes at the same place, the earth is fertilized with nitrogen from the autumn
The level of acidity changes slightly, making it more acidic after several growing cycles in one place. It is an acceptable precursor for most vegetables, except those with which it has common diseases.
Under what crops it is best to take a tomato bed next year:
- first of all fit all plants that saturate the soil with nitrogen - this is legumes ( peas, beans);
- cabbage is not afraid of diseases typical for tomatoes and is indifferent to a deficiency in the soil of nitrogen, after a tomato a good harvest will be provided for any of its species;
- cucumbers are also not susceptible to fitoftor, but are very sensitive to the quality of the soil, compost must be introduced before planting cucumbers;
- Zucchini - Chinese, zucchini and squash - will grow well after a tomato;
- can also be planted roots : carrots, beets, radishes, radishes have deeper roots, they feed on healthy substances that tomatoes do not reach and allow those layers of soil in which their roots lie.grown "according to Kizime", then the roots after them it is better not to plant);
- Onion or Garlic disinfects the soil and needs a minimum of nutrients that tomatoes leave for them;
- any greens will grow beautifully.
Only can return the tomatoes to their original place after two or three years .At the same time, it is necessary to plan crop rotation in such a way that onions, garlic, legumes or crucifers will become their predecessors.
Dilute garden crops with flowers: plants such as taghetis and calendula planted next to the vegetable beds protect them from pests.Calendula is able to protect against pests if it is planted next to tomatoes
What crops can not be planted after tomatoes next yearsoil depletion;
- will harm this neighborhood strawberry , it can be infected with blight;
- after tomato is not planted gourds crops, because their roots lie at the same depth;
Restrictions on planting crops after tomato are fairly simple, but sometimes there is no choice if you have to cultivate many plant species in a small area or in one greenhouse. Falling yields can be avoided by correctly fertilizing, renewing the earth and practicing methods of suppressing pests and fungal diseases in your garden.
Plant in the fall siderats , they saturate the soil, give her rest. At the end of the season, they should be dug up to mulch the soil.
Introduce the meaningfulness in the crop rotation on your plot, and it will become easier to work, and the harvest will please.