How to pinch and pinch tomatoes

How a tomato bush is formed will depend directly on its yield, the quality of the fruit and the speed of ripening. Many have heard about the need to pinch and pinch tomatoes - what its essence and rules are about, what result it gives and will be discussed further.

Table of contents

  • Why pinch tomatoes
  • when it comes to pinching down templates to snippets?
  • process Pros and cons

Why pinch tomatoes

If we talk about what is pinching - it is not removing side shoots, as during staking, namely the topthe ear of a fruiting plant. Scientifically speaking - in tomatoes removes the growing point , which performs a lot of functions, but in our case it is necessary for:

  1. Improving the quality of the crop.
  2. Reduction of the natural time of ripening of fruits on a bush and extension of the fruiting period.
  3. Improving the power of the bush and its illumination.

When it comes to pinching tomatoes

They pinch tomatoes regularly, starting from the active growing season - this is usually the end of July and the beginning of August, when high varieties are removed from the top of the shrub.

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Practicing pinching to all varieties of tomatoes, but for tall ones - this procedure is required.
The pinching procedure is obligatory for tall varieties of tomatoes

How to do it correctly - description of the

process The procedure for pinching the top itself is similar to that carried out with a bush of grapes and other fruit trees. Each manipulation is performed so that all the nutrients in the plant continue to feed it, after the ovary. In this case, stands with sharp scissors or shears cut off the very top of the stem 2 leaves above the end of a tomato brush with already tied fruits.

Also, experts, experienced gardeners advise pinching tomato in high varieties, forming the bush itself in one stem, leaving no more than 7-8 brushes with the ovary on it. Agronomists are advised to leave at the root no more than 2 stepsons, and remove all others.

To carry out the manipulation, it is necessary to choose the morning hours, or to spend it after sunset, and place the cut - powder it with ashes or ashes. If carried out correctly, the plant will give a rich harvest, but if everything is done incorrectly, the vegetable will die.

What is the difference between the pinching and pinching

If we talk about what is the pinching - in this case there is an removing the so-called stepson , the lateral shoot on the tomato bush itself, which forms in the leaf root rosette itself.

Pastage of tomatoes - removal of the side shoot

They pull off all the juice from the fruit and make the shrub weaker, the crop and the fruits are smaller. In addition, it is worth remembering - too overgrown bush is more susceptible to late blight disease, especially if tomatoes are grown in greenhouse conditions.

If we talk about what pinching is - removing the top growth point .This procedure is most often practiced in respect of high varieties of tomatoes, thereby achieving a better harvest.

Differences in the pinching of tomatoes in the greenhouse and in the open ground

If we talk about the existing differences in relation to the removal of the growing point in a tomato grown in the greenhouse and in the open ground - agronomists do not make a difference in it.

A distinctive feature of the feature is not the process itself, but the timing.

If we talk about pinching in the open ground - it is carried out by the a month before the fully ripens the fruits on the bush, usually the end of July and the beginning of August, depending on the region of tomato aerodynamics.

Pinching in the open field is carried out a month before full maturation

If the vegetable is grown in a greenhouse, the time will be long, since the growth and ripening of the fruit is increased and, accordingly, the time can be set independently. Some pinch in the greenhouse in September, October and even the month of November - much determines, as noted earlier, the climate and even the variety.

Can you pinch the top and seedlings and why

Experienced gardeners say that it is not just possible, but even necessary, especially for tall varieties. If you do not remove the tip - will lead to a large number of substandard fruits .The purpose of the pinching itself is to slow down the growth of the bush and let the fruits absorb all the power and ripen in time in a natural way.

Particular attention should be paid to pinching on seedlings - most often it is practiced to get a thicker bush and to activate the formation of the root system at the very shoot.

Tomato seedlings are nipped to produce a lush bush.


process technique The method of pinching depends on the variety, but in practice agronomists distinguish 3 ways by which the stem itself, the tomato bush, is formed.

  1. Formation of in 1 stalk of - it is practiced for the tall variety and practicing nipping in this variant costs an entire summer.
  2. Formation of in 2 stalks of - in this case, the uppermost stepson is left on a par with the main stem. This allows for greater yield, but at the same time the process of tomato ripening is somewhat slowed down and they may not mature before the first ground frost.
  3. Forming an bush into 3 stalks - in this case, the 2 strongest stepsons are left under the color brush. This method of pinching should be practiced for early varieties, so that they have time to mature in their natural ripening period.
The scheme of the formation of a tomato bush.

. Pros and cons of

. Among the undoubted advantages of pinching, agronomists emphasize such points:

  1. . The growth of a plant and its development are accelerated several times.
  2. Get more quality crop , the fruits of tomato.
  3. After the additional staining, the fruits are larger, and the care of the tomatoes is simplified.

Among the drawbacks, it is worth highlighting the fact that improperly performed pinching procedure can provoke premature wilting and death of the plant.

If you remove too much, it will weaken the plant and also lead to its death or a decrease in the quality and quantity of the crop.

Summing up, we can conclude that pinching is an important component in the care of tomatoes, especially those classified as tall varieties. But it is she who helps to get a higher yield of high quality.

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