This time I want to talk about flowers such as daylilies. Planting and care, reproduction - is there any difficulty in growing for a regular grower? I did not think about it earlier, but one day, one of the online stores sent me a catalog of vegetable seeds. There, besides the seeds, there were photos of numerous varieties of flowers, tubers, bulbs, processes — all this could be ordered. I can not say that I saw the daylilies for the first time. No, of course, I knew that there is such a flower. But then she was amazed by the huge number of photos of daylilies, the magnificence of their colors.
- What do I know about the daylily
- History of the emergence of modern daylilies
- Growing daylilies - care, reproduction, planting
- Daylilies - diseases and pests
Of course, I made an order, later I received a parcel with two roots. But I was not lucky - the parcel went for a very long time, the roots were poorly packed, they managed to dry out. No resuscitation events could not revive them. For two years I “forgot” about daylilies, I was afraid of a repetition of failure.
But, as often happens, the case helped! I visited my aunt once - in the front garden of her neighbor I saw two daylily blooming. You can not tell the rest, you guessed it yourself - I was presented with two large roots.
Now I have two daylilies growing in my country house. The first year, for some reason, they did not bloom, but this year they blossomed! Each plant produced only one flower stalk, but I still love it!
What I know about the daylily
This is a perennial from the family of lilies. The botanical name is gemerocallis. Folk - beauty. The second is more accurate, because the flower is very beautiful, it blooms only during the day, but this is my free translation from the national language.
However, there is one old variety - lemon-day lily( Hemerocallis citrina) - it blooms at night, blooms until the middle of the next day. This is a tall( up to 1.2 m), abundantly flowering plant with numerous graceful, pleasantly smelling, lemon-colored flowers
. By the way, very interesting information was gathered from a single daylily video. It turns out that Karel Čapek, a Czech prose writer, playwright, and science fiction writer, called him "the dream of a lazy intellectual."And the ancients called the flower of oblivion, as it was believed that by breathing in the scent of this flower, you can forget about earthly sorrows.
True, not all varieties have a smell. My daylilies, for example, have a faint smell, can be heard, if only a flower is brought to the nose. But, if you believe the many enthusiastic reviews of flower growers, there are very fragrant varieties with a pleasant smell that spreads in the evenings throughout the garden.
The form of a daylily flower looks very similar to a lily, but it does not have bulbs, but has a short rhizome with a thick tuft of thick, cord-like roots. Leaves like cereals are long, but all grow from the root. There are several flowers on a high peduncle. There are flowers sessile, that is, they all grow as if from one place, but sometimes, like me, they grow on lateral pedicels. Usually on young daylilies there is one or two peduncles, but with age the bush grows, the number of peduncles increases every year.
The life span of each flower is one day. On the one hand, this is a drawback - you do not have time to stop looking, and the next day the faded flower already lies on the ground. But daylilies, which are not less than three years old, have many flower stalks, that is, this deficiency is compensated by the duration of flowering of the whole plant as a whole( at least three weeks), if, of course, it grows with you for more than three years. In daylilies, growing not the first year, it happens, the number of flower stalks on one plant reaches 7-10.
What else did I like - my daylilies have faded flowers in the evening or at night they fall down themselves, do not spoil the bush with new blossoms in bloom. But, if this does not happen, then faded flowers should be cut off. Seeds should not be allowed to form, as this can reduce the number of flowers, the timing of their flowering.
содерж to the content ↑The history of the emergence of modern daylilies
It turns out that breeders were really interested in the daylily when, after special processing of wild varieties of colchicine, the first varieties appeared that could show decorative signs that cause true admiration. This happened at the beginning of the twentieth century.
After this, the variety of varieties began to grow rapidly. Now the number of varieties of daylily hybrids is more than 70 thousand. But this is an inaccurate figure, since hundreds of new varieties appear every year. At the same time, the unpretentiousness of daylilies in the process of breeding tests almost did not suffer.
I think that any florist who has such flowers in his garden cannot complain about their capricious temper.
↑ to the content ↑Growing daylilies - care, reproduction, planting
Care for them is very simple, does not require much time. Daylilies can grow on any soil, except perhaps too acidic. But this is not a problem - just spend the liming and plant flowers boldly. For planting, give preference to open, light areas, otherwise flowering will begin two weeks later than the usual period. In addition, the flowers will be larger in the sun.
But in the conditions of the Kuban hot, dry summer, I would not advise planting daylilies in the open sun. Let the sun illuminate them only half a day, at least six hours, better from morning to noon, and the rest of the time they will be in the shade.
In the Kuban orange daylilies are common, I don’t know how this variety is properly called, most likely it is wild. He is in almost every yard or front garden.
One warning! Do not plant varietal daylilies near these orange wild plants, as over-pollination may occur and all daylilies will turn out to be wild.
Once again, the care of daylilies is minimal: watering, loosening, feeding.
Remember, I mentioned at the beginning that my daylily didn't bloom the first year, but this year they gave only one flower stalker. I think that this happened because I never fertilized them at all.
Experts advise in the period from August 1 to August 15, that is, after the daylilies are bloomed, to add potassium sulfate, superphosphate so that their root system develops very powerful, so that the flower buds are laid in more than one peduncle( like mine)and a few. But in the spring daylilies do not feed, otherwise we will get a lush bush without peduncles.
Daylilies propagate by dividing the bush. This is best done in early spring. And if it became necessary to do this in the fall, then the bush should be divided into larger parts, cutting off all the leaves before it, so that the plant would settle down better in a new place. Before planting, add 1 teaspoonful of potassium sulfate before planting.
By the way, daylilies are super perennials. At one place they can grow well, bloom profusely for 15-20 years. Of course, the daylily in the garden will look very impressive if the bush is lush and there are a lot of flower stalks.
содерж to content ↑Daylilies - diseases and pests
I read a lot about daylilies. Everywhere emphasis is placed on their unpretentiousness, resistance to diseases and pests. Below you can watch the video - the opinion of its author is exactly the opposite. I will not retell the content, but I advise you to review it. The information is useful, will help you avoid many troubles when growing daylilies.
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