The benefits and harms from the use of pumpkin seeds for women

Contents of the article:

Can pumpkin seeds be useful for women and can there be harm to this product? Consider not just a person, namely, the female body with its specificity. Purpose of a woman in motherhood, to bring into the world beauty, kindness, harmony. These feminine qualities are sung in the ages. Always be a woman is not easy. And pumpkin seeds, one of the products that help to cope with the task.

How are pumpkin seeds useful for women?

Rich composition allows you to use pumpkin seeds as a prophylactic agent and to combat physiological disruptions in the body. Common problems for the female body is a decrease in bone density over the years. The consequence is frequent fractures. This is osteoporosis. The composition of minerals will strengthen bone tissue. At the same time a portion of the seeds will increase hemoglobin in the blood, because it contains iron. Potassium and magnesium will improve the functioning of the heart.

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Pumpkin seeds are an indispensable product, their use will help:

  • to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • renew epidermis, remove acne, make skin supple and young;
  • antioxidant properties of selenium actively stimulate metabolic processes;
  • fatty acids moisturize the skin, stop hair loss, eliminate the causes of dandruff.

Phytoestrogens help to cope with the problems of menopause, improve mood, improve sleep. There will be headaches and hot flashes, pain in the joints will disappear. This will help tryptophan, which helps in the creation of melatonin, a stimulator of healthy sleep.

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Use the pumpkin seeds for women without harm, with the benefits you need.according to certain rules. To do this, use the purified seed. Skin should be removed with nails, to spare tooth enamel. Soak the kernels for several hours. After that, remove the film, and dry the seeds to flowability. Only now all the nutrients as quickly as possible absorbed by the body. Take at one time can be no more than 60 grams of product. At the same time slowly chew up the slurry in your mouth. You can grind or crush the seeds and eat them with honey. You can not eat bitter seeds. Is it dangerous.

All the benefits of pumpkin seeds depend on the method of use. Useful substances are organic compounds that, with increasing temperature, change into another form and lose their beneficial properties. Therefore, only raw dried seeds are beneficial. Roasted pumpkin seeds are a delicacy, but not a dietary one.

Can I eat pumpkin seeds during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is not a disease. At this time there is a restructuring of the whole body, the mother is experiencing certain discomfort, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Pumpkin seeds during pregnancy can be of great benefit with moderate use.

Morning toxicosis and odor intolerance will ease a handful of seeds eaten on an empty stomach. In the second half of pregnancy - other problems. The use of a small amount of pumpkin nucleoli will create a laxative and diuretic effect, which will greatly facilitate the condition of the mother. Iron is involved in the process of blood formation and prevents anemia of pregnant women. Simultaneously contained trace elements make the skin of the future mother radiant. Mother's blood is saturated with nutrients and this is transmitted to the baby. The child is born strong, develops quickly, without deviations.

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But not only the internal method is useful for the future mother, her stomach after birth will become elastic and without traces of stretch marks, if in the last stages of pregnancy the belly massage was regularly performed using a composition based on pumpkin seeds, such as Mary Kay lotion. The action of the seeds allows you to avoid microtraumas, makes the skin supple and allows you to stretch without breaks, and later recover in the same volume.

The question and whether it is possible to consume pumpkin seeds in pregnant women is decided in favor of a useful product. However, the reception of this tool should be limited during pregnancy 40 pieces per day.

Can I eat pumpkin seeds when breastfeeding?

The newly appeared baby is picky. While he eats mother's milk, there are always restrictions in the diet of a nursing mother. Therefore, the question of the possibility of introducing pumpkin seeds into the diet is mandatory. But the composition of the seeds is so useful, and their number is limited, that pediatricians recommend the young mother some seeds, but not earlier than a week after giving birth, but be careful when administered, observing how the baby feels.

When breastfeeding pumpkin seeds are added to the diet of protein foods, while animal proteins are undesirable because of the antibiotics they contain, which is no longer a secret. And milk from a domestic cow is not always possible. Therefore, a small amount of pumpkin seeds is good, a large one will cause constipation in both the mother and the baby. It is needless to repeat that the seeds should not be roasted, only dried in the sun.

For those who want to lose weight, pumpkin seeds are also good. Only this high-calorie product should not be used for a snack, but included in the balance of calories. A healing product stabilizes blood sugar levels and is therefore useful for diabetics. As a result of taking seeds, the depression improves, nerves calm down, and stress is removed. Acceleration of metabolism leads to fat burning and weight loss, if this does not disturb the energy balance of products.

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Applying pumpkin seeds in cosmetics

Both home and industrial products are used in cosmetics;

  • creams;
  • lotions;
  • ;
  • masks.

Pumpkin seed constituents are oleic and linoleic acids, they are used in many cosmetics that nourish fading skin. However, a nutritional mask can be made at home by adding some butter or honey to the pumpkin composition.

Masks can be nutritious, but depending on the additives with a cleansing, moisturizing and even drying effect. Well clean the skin from age spots, raw ground seeds, ground with water and honey. With daily care, face whitening is guaranteed. In order for sluggish skin to acquire its former elasticity, starch is added to its composition.


For centuries, a proven method of gently removing parasites from the intestines is based on the action of cucurbitin, an antihelminthic substance. It is necessary to take 100 pieces of seeds with peel, divide them into 4 doses, thoroughly chew and swallow. An hour later, drink a spoonful of castor oil and wait for the results. This should be done some time after eating, that is, not on an empty stomach. Within 2-3 days the body will be cleansed of parasites.

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