Planting flowers under the winter seeds in the garden - when, how, what

Yes, yes, do not be surprised - planting flowers for the winter is possible! Just need to know what kind of flowers can be planted in the fall, so that they will delight our eyes all season. And in the Kuban flowers can be planted even in winter.

The main rule for all regions is to plant after the first frost, when the land is already crushed by a frost crust.

What kind of flowers are planted before winter

  • asters,
  • Columbines,
  • delphiniums,
  • cornflower,
  • alyssum,
  • calendula,
  • echinacea,
  • marigolds,
  • eschscholzia.

I would advise you to make a sub-winter sowing of aquilegia, delphinium, esholtsii. Try not to sow them in the spring.

Why? Because these are flowers that grow very tight - they need stratification. If you carry out stratification at home, you will have to withstand the seeds in the cold, for example, in a refrigerator or a snowdrift. And this, you see, unnecessary trouble.

One feature of growing delphiniums. These flowers during subwinter seeding may change color. For example, sow white, and grow blue or purple. When this happened to me for the first time, I decided that the seed producers were to blame, but then I read the information on the Internet about the interesting effect of negative temperatures on the seeds. To prevent this from happening, sow your delphinium seeds before winter - as you sow, they will grow.

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Planting flowers in autumn - when planting

It is best to sow the seeds of these flowers when the first frost touches the ground. In the middle lane, this is approximately the beginning of November, and in our Kuban region or to the south - the end of December or even January.

Of course, the flower bed for podzimny planting flowers is prepared in advance - it should be dug up, and the soil should be crushed on it - no lumps of earth should be. Prepare the grooves in advance, and so that the wind does not fall asleep them, cover the garden with a piece of old plywood, roofing material or something else.

But it does not matter if you did not make the grooves. There is an exit! Sprinkle flower seeds on frozen ground, and sprinkle them on top of the previously harvested soil, which was still warm. This may be purchased land.

By the way, you can sow marigolds for the winter. I love them very much! An abundance of colors! Unusually bright decoration beds for all summer and before the cold. But, there is one "but."For planting in the winter, buy small-flowered, low-growing seeds. Tall varieties sown in winter for some reason grow some kind of flawed, ugly.

One important tip! When sowing flowers before winter, it is not necessary to put a thick layer of earth on top of the seeds.

Do not be afraid - all the seeds are not frozen. And if you cover the seeds with too thick a layer of soil, then by spring this layer of earth will be compacted under the weight of snow, melt water, it will be hard for the seeds to germinate.

Seeds planted before winter, no matter what kind of vegetables or flowers, have a much lower percentage of germination than if you planted them in spring. Therefore, they need to sow thicker. Double the number of seeds - do not lose.

A reasonable question - why sow them before winter, if some of them may still die in the winter? It is very simple - those flowers that will emerge in the spring after a podzimniy sowing will bloom very abundantly, I would even say wildly. They will not be afraid of sudden spring frosts. By the way, asters sown before winter have three times less fusarial wilt( the disease manifests itself at the budding stage).Agree, you can take a chance! Moreover, in the spring you will free up time for other work on the site - we always lack it.

So, get ready for planting flowers before winter - you will not regret!

The following information is available to you:

  • .winter
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