If you want a beautiful astilbe to settle in your country house, planting and care in the open field does not pose any particular difficulties, as it is rather unpretentious, but very decorative. This perennial blooms in full color, feels good even in constant shade.
- Astilbe - description, appearance and features of
- Where to plant astilbaespecially interested in it. Everyone loves her for originality, lush beauty, professional, beginning gardeners, just lovers.
Astilba - description, appearance and features of
Astilba blooms most actively for about a month, starting from the first days of summer, the flowering process itself continues until August. Decorations are distinguished not only by flowers, but also by long-peeled dark green astilbe leaves growing on erect stems. The color spectrum of lush panicle is rich in a variety of shades: white, cream, pink, lilac, red. The delicate aroma of astilba is a bit like the fragrance of bird cherry.
The birthplace of the flower is Japan and Asia, the number of varieties reaches 200 varieties, there are dwarf( Liliput), tall astilbe varieties( Arens hybrids).Observance of simple agrotechnical rules even to a novice gardener allows to grow a lush, eye-catching plant - that is why this culture is so loved by many. For ideal growth, development astilbe need a shadow, but not too strong. The so-called "lace" shadow from the crowns of the trees - what we need.
Astilba photos:
Astilba will make every corner of the garden cozy
With the onset of cold weather, the above-ground part of the astilbe dies, and the overwintered root with the onset of spring gives new shoots. A remarkable feature of astilbe - its rhizomes are growing from above. Thus, on the upper part of the root system, kidneys are tied, which are exposed, therefore they require annual filling of the soil. Every year their size increases, forming new roots, with the lower part gradually dying off. Flowers-panicle reach from 10 to 50 cm in length, when the flowering period ends, in their place are boxes with seeds inside.
For comfortable cultivation, it is preferable to give your choice to tall varieties - those that grow up to 50-80 cm. They are more resilient, tolerate climatic changes, temperature drops.
As mentioned above, there are many different species of this plant, but most of the dacha residents liked the Japanese astilbe. This variety is also called astilba Montgomery - a hybrid bred by German breeder Georg Arends in 1837.
Arends hybrids are the most vibrant, beautiful, unpretentious, they grow well on any soil, resistant to cold, bloom for a long time( about 40 days).In addition to Montgomery, Gloria, Deutschland, Europe, Rheinland are popular with gardeners.
Astilba Japanese grows up to 80 cm tall, has ornamental leaves, its flowers bloom early. After the flowers ottsvetut, they do not lose their decorative qualities, do not spoil the overall picture of the garden with their appearance, are often used to compose dry bouquets.
↑ to the content ↑Where to plant astilba
The most important requirement when planting astilba is to choose a comfortable place for it, preferably in the northern part of the site. The planting process is best to start during the beginning of May / early June. Choose shady places or a territory near the pool, a reservoir( if you have one), keep in mind that only some varieties of astilbe prefer sunny areas. As mentioned above, this plant can grow on almost any soil, but especially it loves loam, fertile soil, soil saturated with potassium-phosphorus additives.
If there is a high acidity on the ground, it is recommended to add a little wood ash before planting to lower the pH level, you can also use dolomite flour for these purposes.
When planting, be sure to consider the proximity of plants, for example, nearby hosts growing not only will be in harmony with astilbe leaves or flowers, but will protect it from overheating in hot summer. You also need to pay attention to the variety, the timing of its flowering. Early, late varieties will be equally comfortable in a sunny, shady place. Those varieties that bloom in the midst of summer, you need to pick up only shaded places. High groundwater flow, as well as periodic water stagnation at the site is extremely undesirable for astilbe. In order for the root system not to get wet, you will need to arrange drainage or plant the plants on high ground.
Ensure that the planting material( astilba roots) does not have rotten or dead skin fragments. The roots should not be too wet or too dry.
Please see the astilba photo selection.
содерж to content ↑Astilbe - care and planting
Place on the site should be prepared before planting: dig, root the shrubs, remove weeds, fertilize with manure or add peat( approximately 2 buckets per 1 square meter).Holes for astilba bushes should be about 30 cm deep. It is recommended to pour a little ash( handful), mineral dressing into the depths of them, then generously pour water. Start landing. Make sure that at least 5 cm of soil is poured over the roots of the plant, which should be carefully compacted and then covered with a layer of mulch( also 5 cm).For mulching suitable peat or humus.
Astilbe - a photo of flowers in a flowerbed:
The main decoration of this flowerbed is astilbe.
Astilbe can be propagated by seed or vegetative methods, in the second case, fragments of rhizomes or buds are used. After the plant blooms, seeds ripen in boxes, they are sown in early March, but before that they are “hardened” with cold. To do this, take a suitable container, pour peat mixture with sand( equal proportions), sprinkle seeds on top, put a 2 cm layer of snow on top of them( you can use snow from the freezer).
The snow will melt naturally, digging the seeds inside the soil. After the snow has melted, cover the container with glass or plastic wrap, and then place in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. For these purposes, perfectly suited lower compartment, where they usually store vegetables. During this period, already hardened shoots will sprout, which will eventually turn into strong plants that are not afraid of cold and frost.
After the sprouts appear, move the container to the lighted place where the air temperature is not lower than + 20 ° C.Water the shoots should be very careful, for this it is better to use a syringe to direct a stream of water on the spine. After the appearance of the first 3 full leaflets, small astilbe can be seated in individual pots. It must be borne in mind that varietal cultures do not propagate by seed — hybrids do not retain their individual traits.
Rhizome division is the easiest, most effective way of reproduction. To do this, a full-fledged plant should be dug, removed from the soil along with the roots, with an earthy clod. Then gently shake the ground, expose the root system, take a knife, divide the root into fragments, with at least 4 buds on each piece. After that, you need to plant roots at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, water daily( not too plentiful).
Astilba - growing and care, photo:
Different astilbe varieties are in perfect harmony with each other.
Reproduction by the kidneys gives the fastest results. It is best to select seed in the spring, when the growth of new shoots is activated. The kidneys are carefully cut together with a piece of rhizome, the place of the cut is sprinkled with ashes or crushed mortar with a tablet of activated charcoal. After that, they take a container, fill it with a mixture of peat and gravel( 3 parts of peat 1 part of gravel), and then dig in the kidneys, cover it with glass or plastic film. When the plant grows, it will get stronger, it can be planted on the plot using the method described above.
Aesthetic, astilba undemanding, planting and care in the open field is not difficult, the main thing to remember about the unusual features of its root system, to ensure that the roots were covered with earth. Provide astilbe regular watering( according to the grade).Mulching is desirable. Both overheating and waterlogging are equally harmful to all plants, and the mulch layer will help keep the roots healthy. Remove weeds, water more often during flower formation, apply top dressings according to the season: in the spring - nitrogenous, in the middle of summer - potash, in the end of summer - phosphorus. Replace astilba should be every 8-10 years. With a competent approach to business, this plant will transform your summer cottage, give positive emotions, bright colors of summer.
содерж to the content ↑Astilba, color photo