Proper planting of potatoes in the Moscow region

Potatoes are a root crop planted by all garden and dacha owners. The method of cultivation, the time of gathering and planting depends largely on the region, therefore gardeners have many questions in this regard. When planting potatoes in the Moscow region, you need to strictly monitor the temperature, and also know whether you can plant tubers without sprouts, and if they are, do it with long sprouts up or down.

  • . Contentsplant sprouted potatoes
    • With long spikes
  • Landing conditions in the Moscow region
    • Timing
    • Depth
    • Planting with
    • K by sideto use green manure technique
  • Besklubnevaya
    • Preparation
    • Planting seed tubers
    • Cleaning

temperature air and land for planting potatoes

higher the soil temperature, the faster the shoots appear.

If the potatoes are planted at a soil temperature of 11-12 degrees, the shoots will appear on the 23rd day of , 14-15 degrees - on the 17-18 day of , etc.

The kidneys of the eyes of potatoes “awaken” at an air temperature of 5 degrees, but in order to avoid illnesses, it is better to wait for the air to warm up to

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12-15 degrees .

Kidney buds of the eyes awaken at a temperature of +5 degrees

Popular methods for determining the optimal weather

When planting potatoes, people are guided by the flowering time of apricots and bird cherry. Also pay attention to the appearance of small leaves on the birch. This indicates that the soil and the air are well warmed.

Permissible soil moisture

The need for potato tubers in moisture at different periods of development is different. In the period of sprouting of , at the beginning of the formation of tops, the need for moisture is minimal.

After the onset of flowering and the appearance of tops, it significantly increases. During planting, the soil moisture should not exceed 75%, otherwise the fruit will simply rot.

Planting tubers without sprouts

Before planting potatoes, it is recommended to germinate in a warm room so that the tubers appear sprouts. Due to this, the root fruit is better. However, not only this parameter affects the quality and quantity of the crop, so there is no clear correlation here.

If the soil is fertile, and the climatic conditions are good, then it is possible to do without without first sprouting .

If the soil is fertile for planting - it is possible to do without sprouting

. Can you plant non-sprouting potatoes

It is difficult to give an exact answer. If other landing conditions are observed, then it will sprout already in the ground, release the leaves and yield a crop.

If you plant unsprouted potatoes at the wrong time, do not fertilize the soil, then under such conditions neither fruit with sprouts nor fruits without them will germinate.

How to plant tubers without sprouts

  1. step by step, sort out the potato, discard all substandard fruits of .For sprouting potatoes keep 1-2 weeks in a warm room, but if you plan to plant it without sprouts, then you do not need to do this. You can proceed to disembarkation immediately after you have taken it from the basement or purchased it in a store.
  2. Further landing technology is almost indistinguishable from the classical one. Since you do not have sprouts, you can put the fruit in the hole any side .Do not forget that you need to fertilize potatoes and spud in time. Another important point is regular watering.

Consider that potatoes that have been planted without fruit need more time to ripen.

Potatoes, planted without sprouts, need more time to ripen

Planting technology of sprouted root crops

By planting potatoes with eyes begin to prepare in early spring in the last days of February. Fruits are sorted out, only is selected, the strongest and the highest quality .If there are sprouts, you need to pick them off.

Arrange the potatoes in small boxes in 3-4 layers and transfer to a warm place. It is important that the tubers are well illuminated by indirect sunlight.

At the time of disembarkation, the tubers have time to turn green. On shoots appear very small leaves.
At the time of planting, the tubers turn green and small leaves of

appear on them. Planting

The prepared sprouted potatoes are planted in late March and early April .The exact time depends on the weather conditions.

One day before planting, put boxes of sprouted potatoes into a solution prepared from 10 liters of water, 1 tsp.copper sulphate and boric acid. Water should have a deep pink color. Leave the box in the solution for 10-15 minutes. In the same solution can be processed and the remaining boxes. Prepared potatoes put dry under a canopy.

The disembarking is carried out the next day. Sprouted potatoes are planted in the wells, landing depth 16 cm .Between the rows, it is necessary to maintain an optimal distance in the 60 cm .

Planting is done in wells 16 cm deep.


Immediately after the first shoots appear, make a shallow loosening using the motoblock. After the bushes grow to 10-15 cm spend the second loosening. Be sure to free the soil from the grass. Throw it away is not necessary, spread out between the beds.

After the bushes have reached a height of 20 cm, make a deep hilling. If there are bushes with signs of disease. To mass cleaning proceed in late July .The leaves are completely dry.

As the length of the tops of 20 cm is reached, hilling is carried out.

How to plant sprouted

potatoes are traditionally planted with sprouts upwards .It is believed that the shoots are pulled out faster and foliage appears on them. However, to achieve a good harvest, as you can when planting potatoes sprouts down and potatoes sprouts up. When choosing a suitable method, it is necessary to take into account several important factors.

  1. If you plan to plant potatoes early, when has not yet had enough time to warm up the , then the tubers should be sprouted down.
  2. If you are accustomed to to plant potatoes shallowly , then you will approach planting sprouts up.

Benefits of planting sprouts down:

  1. Sprouts grow in different directions, do not accumulate and do not "gather" in one pile. Because of this, they do not interfere with each other and receive adequate power .
  2. The first leaves appear later than when sprouting up. This allows them to easily survive the threat of frost.


  1. It is not possible to plant tubers deeply, since sprouts need to be “made a long way”.
  2. The soil for planting should have a sufficient level of moisture. To do this, it is enough to mulch the soil with a layer of grass.
The first leaves appear later when planting sprouts down.
If you are not sure which planting method to choose, plant potatoes with experimental beds.

Plant some of the beds with fruits, placing them with sprouts down, and some with fruits, placing them with germs up. At the end of the season you will understand exactly which landing method suits you best.

With long spikes

If the potatoes were kept in too warm room , long shoots appear on it. This is not very good, since the fruit itself spends on the germination of power and loses its elasticity.

If the length of the sprouts is more than 10 cm , then the potato is unsuitable for planting. If the sprouts are smaller, you should carefully prepare the fruits for planting so that they give a rich harvest.

At first, tear off the longest sprouts and leave only those that have an that does not exceed 3 cm .In the upper part of the root is desirable not to break off the sprouts.

If the sprouts are longer than 10 cm - the tubers are not suitable for planting

Place the treated tubers in a box, provide them with diffused sunlight. The temperature in the room for the storage of potatoes should be 13-16 degrees. After 14 days, the tubers will be fully prepared for planting.1-2 times a day, irrigate the tubers with water so that the sprouts are not planted. Prepared potatoes are planted according to the classical scheme.

Landing Conditions in the Moscow Region

Each region has its own climatic features that must be taken into account when planting potatoes. The Moscow region is a rather cool region, so with landing should not be in a hurry .


The main condition for good potato germination is , heated soil .Here it is appropriate to focus on the appearance of leaves in bird cherry and birch. In Moscow it happens at the end of May.

You can plant potatoes from May 17 to 25.The first shoots will appear in about 10 days.

The soil moisture of the is of great importance for the dates of planting potatoes in the Moscow region. In May, the soil moisture is sufficient for planting potatoes, but in June, the soil becomes too dry. For this reason, do not delay with the planting of potatoes until the beginning of June.

June 1-5 - the deadline for planting potatoes in the suburbs of

June 1-5 - this is the deadline for planting potatoes in the suburbs. In very dry soil, potato tubers feel bad, so there is a high probability that they will not germinate at all.


If the soil moisture is sufficient and the weather is fine, then it is possible to plant potato tubers in the Moscow region at a depth of 10-15 cm .

Planting with

siderats nitrogen and phosphorus have a positive effect on potato growth. These nutrients in large quantities are found in legumes: vetch, peas, sweet clover and alfalfa. Wheat, mustard, and colza can also be used before planting. Plants not only enrich the soil, but also protect it from leaching and deflation.

White mustard has another useful feature - it scares off pests .Beans do an excellent job with this task. It should be planted between the rows of potatoes. But after the potatoes, you can plant cabbage. At the place where he grew, she will give a rich and very high-quality harvest.

How to use siderates

Siderates can be sown only in well-prepared soil.

Grown plants need regular watering. They are sown 1.5 months before the onset of cold weather .From 100 g to 2 kg of green manure seeds will be needed for a hundred of land.

If you failed to plant the plants in the fall, you can do it in early May. Siderates should be cut a couple of weeks before the intended planting of potatoes. During this time, they must foul and enrich the soil.

Buckless technology

The technique is called bucketless. It is not new, but for some reason rarely used by gardeners. This method was used by breeders when they wanted to quickly propagate a valuable variety.

What did they do? The sprouts were separated from the potato tuber and planted in insulated soil. Modern experiments have shown that the quantity and quality of the crop when planting potatoes with sprouts is the same as when planting tubers.

On potato tubers there are 2 types of sprouts: light and shadow. The first are formed as a result of keeping the potatoes in the sun, and the second - as a result of keeping them in the basement.

For breeding, shadow shoots are most commonly used. They have a very delicate structure, so you can not keep them at high temperatures. They should be planted immediately after separation from the tubers. For planting, it is better to use sprouts 6-8 cm long. Light sprouts are strong, therefore they are very productive.

Preparation of

It begins 30-45 days before the intended planting of potatoes. Seed tubers are selected first. Preference is better to give mid-season varieties.

Make a small box from the boards, install it on the southern window-sill. Cover the bottom with sand, place cups filled with nutritious mixture on top. There should also be sand drainage at the bottom. It will protect the soil from drying out. Soil cups pour a solution of boric acid or potassium permanganate.

Planting seed tubers

In the first row of cups( the one closest to the window), use for planting seeds. Make here deepening, plant tubers. Wait until sprouts appear on them 6-7 cm long .Cut them off and transfer them to the cups of the next two rows.

Water the seeds of 2-3 times a week. .After rooting, transplant them to a permanent place.

Spread the seedlings obtained from sprouts regularly, as they have not received the necessary nutrients from the mother tuber.
Seed seedlings from sprouts of potatoes

After the first rain, rasp the potatoes. In dry weather, beds are enough to loosen. Be sure to remove the weeds that do not give the plants to fully grow. After 2-3 weeks, spend the second feeding and spud them again. It is better to plant potatoes in this way after May 10th.


Once the tops have begun to dry, you can proceed to harvesting. Approximately it comes after 50-60 days .Time to harvest the potatoes can not, because the fruits are reduced in volume, lose their density and nutrients.

Proper preparation and planting of potatoes is the key to getting a good harvest. It is important to take into account the temperature of the air and soil, soil moisture, planting depth, variety of tubers, location of sprouts.

Landing time is largely determined by the climatic features of the region. Pay attention to details, and you will enjoy delicious home-grown potatoes.

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