Description and characteristics of early ripe varieties of tomato countryman

Many novice gardeners ask one question how to find tomato seeds in order to get a good harvest. Tomato Countryman is considered one of the few vegetables, that are fully suited to inexperienced professionals who do not have good greenhouses or free time to pay due attention to culture. Description and characteristics of this variety are presented below.


  • description and characterization of tomato Countryman
    • history of breeding and growing region
    • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Planting Seeds
  • Transplant seedlings in open ground
  • Growth conditions
  • Features fruiting varieties
  • Disease Control and Prevention
  • Conclusion

description and characterization of tomato Countryman

Grade determinate,not standard, perfectly suitable for the regions of Siberia and Central Russia. The first crop is harvested after about three months from the day the sprouts appeared.

Early tomato variety Countryman

Early maturing culture, represented by a small but strong bush, reaching a height of seventy centimeters. Each brush forms from twelve to fifteen fruits of red color, the shapes of which are slightly elongated, resemble plum. The average weight of one tomato is about seventy grams.

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Yield when grown in a greenhouse reaches ten kilograms per square meter, and in unprotected soil conditions, this figure drops to five to eight kilograms.

Tomatoes taste sweet, juicy, have a pleasant freshness of the flesh. Use them fresh, added to salads and snacks, allowed to make juices and sauces. In addition, the variety is very convenient in whole canning.

Breeding history and region of growth

The culture is due to its origin to specialists in breeding works from Siberia. Accordingly, is recommended for growing in areas with adverse climatic conditions, although the plant can be cultivated in any area.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fruits of a tomato Countryman has a rich aroma and excellent taste

Positive qualities include the following signs:

  • stable yields not only in greenhouse conditions, but also in open fields;
  • excellent taste qualities of ripened fruit;
  • use for conservation in general;
  • early ripeness ;
  • resistance to major diseases and harmful parasites inherent in tomato varieties;
  • minimum maintenance ;
  • good keeping quality and transportability.
There are practically no negative moments, except that when growing a crop it is necessary to strictly maintain the irrigation regime and select the correct soil composition.

Planting seeds

First, planting material should be checked for germination. For this, a couple of tablespoons of salt is poured into a glass of water, seeds are dipped into the prepared solution. The seeds that float to the surface should be selected and removed, , as they are not suitable for planting.

Verification of tomato seed Countryman on germination( scarification) in saline solution

Sowing seeds for seedlings is best done in late March - early April. Seeds are soaked with a weakly concentrated manganese solution or aloe juice, then washed with running water, treated with a growth-stimulating product purchased in a specialized store.

The soil composition for growing seedlings should be decontaminated from bacteria in it by burning in the oven.

Seeds are planted in a container, buried a half to two centimeters, watered with warm water. Capacity must be covered with plastic wrap or a piece of glass and placed in heat. Temperature range should be twenty-five degrees of heat. When the first shoots appear, the film( glass) should be removed.

The pickling of the seedlings is carried out after the sprouts form two to three leaves. For the entire period of growing seedlings, two additional feedings are carried out, for which potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen compounds are used.

The replanting period should not exceed sixty to sixty five days. Otherwise, tomato bushes in the open field will begin to lag behind in the development and formation of fruits.

Transplantation of seedlings in the open ground

After about a couple of months, the seedlings are fully ready to move to the unprotected ground. The soil in the beds should be fertile and light. Best of all, if the predecessors of tomato culture are bean varieties, cucumbers or cabbage. About a couple of weeks before transplanting, seedlings should begin to harden, bringing it to the open air for several hours, gradually increasing the time.

Planting of seedlings in open ground is carried out at the end of May, beginning of June.

Planting is carried out according to the “sixty to seventy” centimeters scheme.

Growing Conditions

Watering is done only with warm water under the roots. From time to time, having completed watering, one should loosen the soil surface, while not forgetting to remove weed vegetation.

In addition, must be fertilized. At the stage of active vegetation of the plant, components containing nitrogen should be introduced into the soil. After the appearance of inflorescences and ovaries, phosphorus-containing and potassium preparations are used. The frequency of application is once every two to three weeks.

Peculiarities of Fruiting Variety

Culture is resistant to climatic conditions and can be grown in any region of the country, yielding stable yields. Experts claim that the plant does not need to cradle and use props at all. Water the plant only after the sun goes down.

Ripening of tomatoes Countryman occurs 95-100 days after planting

seed. Early variety, begins to bear fruit by the middle of summer. Each bush gives up to fifteen vegetables.

There is an opinion that the plant can be cultivated not only by seedlings, but also by simple sowing of seeds in the soil.

Diseases and Prevention

Tomato variety is distinguished by its good resistance to almost all known tomato diseases and harmful parasites. And this is another plus in favor of the fact that such a culture should be planted on its site. But it will not be superfluous if you carry out preventive measures, having treated the plants in advance with special preparations.


Freshly Tomatoes Grade Countryman

The fruits of the tomato variety Zemlyane are perfectly preserved and transported over decent distances. This plant, many gardeners even advised to grow in industrial quantities. Tomatoes prepared for the winter season can not only preserve their positive qualities, but even enhance some of them. In short, the variety is really suitable for growing every novice summer resident.

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