Proper preparation of beds for carrots in the spring

The efficiency of carrot yields exceeds 1,000,000% of these indicators can only boast of red and fodder beet, tobacco and mustard. With 1 weave you can collect more than 50 kg of root crops, sowing a bed of seeds weighing 20 g. But in order to achieve such results, you must take all care to prepare the soil and the beds in the spring, given compatibility with the plants that grew in this place last year.

You can make the beds yourself, you just need to know the correct size and width and prepare it in the fall. Any soil has its own characteristics and requires preparation so that the carrots can germinate without problems.

Table of contents

  • What kind of soil does
  • like carrots? Find out how to make a straw? How to prepare the ground for planting
  • ?what kind of soil she needs
    1. It should not contain solids , not rotting roots.
    2. In it, should not be over-acidic .
    3. Add sand to the clay soil and black soil - Per 1 m2 of 1 kg of sand.
    4. In the sandy soil, carrots will feel at ease, if in equal parts to mix peat, cattle manure and potato peel. Fertilizer is prepared 10-12 months. When drying, pour water. Stir in 2-3 weeks. On 1 m2 - 5 kg.
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    Sand is an indicator of moisture levels.

    Besides the fact that it loosens the dense soil, it contributes to the penetration of air deep into the dense soil, the sand absorbs excess moisture.

    In a sandy soil, carrots will feel good when adding organic matter.

    In pure black soil, the root crop will have an excess of fatty acids - a short shelf life. The viscosity of the soil contributes to the wrong development of the upper part of the root. Clay, without the addition of sand, dries quickly - the plant is sluggish and shallow.

    will never grow under the following conditions:

    1. After sunflowers.
    2. Tobacco.
    3. In the shade.
    4. On dry soil, regardless of its composition.
    5. On a sharply sloping section.
    6. In the presence of wheat grass.

    Is it necessary to prepare the soil in spring

    No matter how good the soil is, it is impossible to grow a high yield without proper preparation. Before digging the bed, you need to check it for moisture permeability .

    Pour 8 liters of water onto the non-digged area 50 by 70 cm. If the moisture, in an hour, came in and seemed gray spots - the soil is dry, contains a lot of salt. Under the carrot is not suitable.

    Before preparing the beds, it is necessary to check it for moisture permeability.
    If the ground is without stains and you can make a ball out of it, you can safely begin the preparation.

    How to properly prepare the ground for planting

    The difficulty in growing carrots is not mineral dressing, but in the presence of solid components in the soil, the density thereof.

    1. Land for culture should be perfectly loosened .
    2. Before loosening, dig the bed twice .The depth of the first digging is at least 30 cm. The second one is 15-20 cm.
    3. Maintain an interval between the first and second digging of 10-12 days. So you can find out the permeability of the soil.
    4. If a lot of deep root weeds are found during the second digging up, pebbles - the ground is unsuitable for carrots.
    5. With a positive result, after the second digging, sprinkle on dry ground with sprinkled with crushed peat - a thickness of 1-2 cm, and pour abundantly.
    6. In the spring, once again you need to do the digging and loosen.
    In preparing the bed for carrots, it is necessary to get rid of all the solid particles.


    The soil for carrots can be fertilized with organic fertilizer in the fall or with mineral - once every 2-3 weeks before planting and 2, and for later varieties 3 times during the growing season.

    The proportions of the dilution of mineral fertilizers are specified in the manufacturer's instructions.

    If carrots are grown in small quantities in the summer cottage or garden plots, it is better to give preference to organic matter.

    Features organic fertilization:

    1. Root crops are stored longer at the correct temperature.
    2. All the healing properties of of both root crops and tops are preserved.
    3. Not bitter.
    4. The center is uniform.
    5. When using mineral fertilizers, after a year it is impossible to get your seeds.
    6. If mineral fertilizers are introduced - a complete degeneration of the variety occurs after 3-4 years - seeds of different size, fruits with an expanded root system prevail.

    With regular use of mineral fertilizers, , their seeds should be mixed with the acquired .Round short carrots will not be juicy on dry soils fertilized with chemicals.

    With the constant use of fertilizers, your seeds and store need to be mixed

    Desirable predecessors

    If on the bed, last year, poor potatoes grew - the earth is depleted. Need to give a year to rest. Potatoes are the only indicator of the quality of land for carrots.

    After of cucumbers, will grow carrots well, if the soil is prepared and 1 kg of manure of cattle and 5 kg of crushed corn leaves is given per square meter.

    After of red beet - 0.5 kg of cattle manure and 5 kg of peat per 1 m2.Chernozem fertilize potato husks and sand 1 to 1. 1 kg per 1 m2.

    Winter varieties on fat black soil will be perfectly preserved if they are sown after the fodder beet .But in this case, a high yield will not be achieved.

    Amateur gardener, when first cultivating a plot, is recommended to plant cabbage .If it grows ugly and shallow - the site requires both minerals and organics.

    Tomatoes - an indicator of the level of humidity. If the fruits turn black, the bed is suitable for parsley, beets. It is contraindicated to sow carrots.

    If legumes grown low and stunted - the land is degreased, requires organic. Organic matter is applied for the winter, to the well-dug earth.

    If the beans have grown high - you can safely plant carrots at this place.

    Prepare the beds for planting

    After the previous crops, the beds need to be rid of weeds .Let rest 2 weeks. During this time, you can see which weeds will prevail in the coming year. If weeds with deep roots are predominantly with a fibrous root system, then the carrot harvest is not expected.

    Further to mark a site 3 on 5 m .After the first digging, carefully break up the large lumps. If, when breaking, the earth is broken up into large sharp clods, it is necessary to fertilize with humus from plants. If there is none - 0.5 kg of leaves of beans, cow dung and peat, with a calculation of 1 m2.Drain thoroughly. Dig in 2 weeks.

    If the plot is used for the first time under a vegetable garden - his is dug up 4-5 times in the fall and 2-3 times in the spring of .This is necessary in order to carefully select the roots of weeds. If during the week the earth is of uniform dark color - it is not necessary to fertilize it.

    When preparing a bed for carrots, it is necessary for her to loosen .Lumps - break. Small pebbles - remove. If a bed is dug up on a chernozem soil of a uniform dark color, it is not necessary to fertilize.

    Organic fertilizers should be applied no later than the winter before planting. Mineral - the first time in 2-3 weeks before landing. Further, depending on the variety, 2-3 times during growth.

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