What brand of dishwasher to choose

Understanding which firm’s dishwasher is better, it’s difficult to make an unequivocal decision. Often users do not know which type of machine to buy - built-in or free-standing, cheap or expensive, full-sized or compact. Different brands offer a lot of solutions for everyday life and professional industry, so you can get a bit lost in the variety of options.

We will help you to "sort through" all the information about the MMP of different brands, so that you can choose the best model for your needs and requirements.

material Contents:

  • 1 What to consider when choosing posudomoynoy machines
    • 1.1 Dimensions
    • 1.2 type
    • 1.3 Containers
    • 1.4 Price
    • 1.5 Noise
    • 1.6 Appearance
    • 1.7 Programs and Features
    • 1.8 Fast drying
  • 2 Reviewdishwasher mangerD What to consider when choosing an

    dishwasher To select and purchase a reliable household dishwasher, you need to pay attention not so much to the brand and appearance of the equipment, but to the characteristics, parameters and functionality. Modern models are equipped with a huge number of "lotions" that are not always used at home, so it is important not to fall for the "marketing bait" and not to overpay for unnecessary options.

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    The choice of the washer should be based only on the basic parameters - consider them further.


    Going to the supermarket for a dishwasher, you should have an idea about the size of the future purchase. You must measure the installation site with an accuracy of a centimeter so that during installation no unpleasant surprises arise. For example, in conditions of limited space, you should pay attention to the narrow model 45 cm - they fit in almost any kitchen.


    There are four main types of PMM:

    • freestanding;
    • fully rebuilt;
    • partially embedded;
    • desktop options.

    The largest of them are the first - freestanding, they are made in large sizes, but also differ in performance. And vice versa - compact models with their modest dimensions do not hold so many dishes. The pros and cons of such models are divided equally, so the choice is yours.


    Looked at a good model? Do not hesitate to look inside to carefully inspect trays and baskets. Best of all, when they are made of high quality stainless steel. If you stopped on a plastic version, watch out for the strength and quality of plastic — the thicker it is, the better. The bottom container should be deep to seamlessly hold large utensils.


    Often this option becomes decisive when buying - not all buyers trust budget models for obvious reasons. But be careful: if the brand is too well known in the market, and the price tag is significantly overestimated compared to its competitors, it’s not a fact that the machine will be of the highest quality.

    But a model that is too inexpensive should be alerted: when buying a machine for a stock or at a discount, check it carefully and don’t be afraid to ask questions about the reasons for the price reduction.

    Important! If you hit a massive sale from a well-known appliance store, you can not be afraid to make a purchase - this is a good chance to save a lot on the product.

    Noise level

    Many users find out that the machine is noisy at work, only after its purchase and installation. For sure to buy a quiet technique, pay attention to the information label or read the technical documentation for the device. Cars of famous brands rarely make noise above 40-54 dB - if you need a very quiet model, choose with a mark no higher than 45 dB.

    . Appearance of the

    . This minor factor can play a role except for the purchase of a desktop or non-embedded version of the MMP.If the dishwasher is built in, its facade will hide behind the kitchen set anyway, so the color, the curves and the shapes should excite you a little.

    Programs and Functions

    And again, we caution you against the skillful marketing move that many companies use when producing dishwashers with dozens of functions. It is unlikely that more than 3-5 modes will be needed in daily operation, so in this matter it’s not the number of washing programs that should be concerned, but the quality of their implementation.

    Quick Drying

    There are models equipped with a so-called turbo dryer, which ensures the quickest possible drying of clean dishes, doused with warm airflow. Remember that drying will attract additional energy costs, and the machine itself with such an option will cost more. So decide for yourself whether or not to take a model with a drying option.

    Review of manufacturers of dishwashers

    Manufacturers of dishwashers are in a constant race for the buyer, but not everyone manages to produce really high-quality and durable machines. There are leaders in the production of PMM, there are also those who “graze the back”.We will not condemn and discuss "bad" brands, but consider the best in this industry:

    1. AEG is a German company that has been leading in the home appliances market in the EU for years. In Russia, she also managed to win the recognition of the buyer due to the high quality of the assembly. The only thing that repels a potential user is the high price. Few are willing to overpay for the notorious German quality.
    2. ARDO - not less widespread brand comes from Italy. In its assortment there are both expensive and budget model lines. Among the advantages of the “ARDO” dishwashers - simple design, affordable and cheap parts and components, confident quality of all products.
    3. Bosch - is another German company in our ranking, which is among the top three. For information - household appliances from "Bosch" is recognized as the most purchased in Germany. With the observance of the rules of use such a machine is able to properly wash the dishes for decades.
    4. Electrolux is a Swedish company whose production facilities are located in many countries around the world. In Russia, too, there are factories that produce dishwashers "Electrolux".Choosing a car of this brand, pay attention to the place where the MMP was collected - it is better if it is Europe, if China is offered - you will have to take it at your own peril and risk.
    5. Indesit - this brand again represents Italian dishwashers. As in the case of the Electrolux brand, the quality depends on the place of assembly. With the same details, as practice shows, the Europeans assemble cars better than the Chinese. Although, judging by the reviews of users, the assembly of the PRC has recently improved significantly.
    6. Miele - this brand is considered the benchmark in the field of premium home appliances. But recently, Mile products have been manufactured in various price segments, including medium and low. This differentiation did not affect the quality of the parts and the technology itself.

    Dishwasher rating of different brands

    To find out which dishwasher washes better, you should read the review of models from different manufacturers. In our TOP-5, we collected the best representatives of dishwasher equipment from leading brands. Read, compare characteristics and draw conclusions.

    Bosch SPV40E40RU

    A narrow German-made model opens the top five. In the course of testing, the experts took three very dirty cups, three identical detergent tablets and placed them in three cars, among which was the Bosch SPV40E40RU model. According to the results of the test wash, it was our winner who coped with the task at the highest level, simultaneously washing the burned grease from the frying pan and pan.

    Noise measurements with a special device showed a level of 49 dB, with the parameter declared by the manufacturer of 48 dB - the discrepancy is insignificant and may be due to loading and installation. Especially when tested, the model was used as a freestanding PMM, and if it was built into the kitchen set, the noise level would be significantly reduced. Also, the model has such advantages:

    • . Dimensions 44.8x55x81.5 cm allow washing up to 9 sets of dishes of different types.
    • In addition to standard modes, there is a “gentle” program for washing delicate items.
    • Model conducts an assessment of water quality using special sensors, and informs the user on the scoreboard.
    • There are two types of protection: from accidental starting and leakage.
    • Economical work, especially with regard to water consumption.
    • An excellent combination of "Price - Quality" at a cost of 25 000 rubles.

    Important! Users rated 99.5 points in their reviews. Moreover, in a large number of answers there was the highest score - 100.

    Hotpoint-Ariston ELTF 11M121C EU

    A quiet, full-size machine of a famous brand that passed 4 test tests, in which participated:

    • cups with ingrained tea bloom;
    • saucers, which dried custard residues;
    • plates with fresh greasy stains;
    • pan with burnt oil.

    The usual dishes of PMM were washed “with a bang”, and the quality of washing the pans was drawn to four. Tablets are the same as in the previous test.

    It was also decided to check the statement of some users that the ELTF 11M121C EU allegedly copes with the washing of baby drinking bottles. This was confirmed, but speaking frankly - it is hardly worth washing children's dishes with professional “chemistry” for dishwashers.

    When measuring noise, the figure was 43 dB, although the manufacturer stated about 41 dB.In general, the features and advantages of a dishwasher are as follows:

    • The dimensions of 59.5x57x82 cm perfectly make it possible to hold up to 14 sets of dishes, which will satisfy the needs of a large family of up to 5 people.
    • Among the 11 modes, users mark as particularly useful - the programs “Soak”, “Fast”, “Strengthened”, “Glass washing” and “Standard” mode.
    • The machine can be connected to a hot water pipe, while there is a sensor that determines the turbidity of the water.
    • Leakproof protection provided.
    • Record low consumption of water resources for a model of such power - 9 liters for one full wash.
    • Acceptable cost of 28 000 rubles.

    Users, leaving feedback about this PMM, agreed that it deserves a score of 98.8.

    Bosch SKS41E11RU

    "Bronze" rating goes to a compact dishwasher of a separate type. As in the case above, the machine coped with the washing of plates, cups and saucers, but experienced difficulties with a griddle - it did not fit in the washing basket. After replacing the medium-sized frying pan, a brilliant washing result was obtained - burned fat was gone.

    Experts still criticized the model for increased noise in the work. The manufacturer announced a level of 54 dB, but the actual measurements showed that the machine is noisy at 60 dB - for household appliances it is too much.

    The advantages of this model are as follows:

    • Washing - 6 full sets of dishes with dimensions 55.1x50x45 cm.
    • A sufficient number of basic programs - only 4 modes.
    • Weighing dishes and detergent type recognition.
    • Leakproof.
    • Low water consumption per wash cycle - up to 7.5 liters.
    • The budget price is 22,500 rubles.

    On average, user ratings gave a score of 94.5.

    Bosch SMS 53N12

    In the top of the best machines is also the model SMS 53N12.Of the four tests, two machines went brilliantly, and the rest performed well. Noise machine at 46 dB, which coincided with the stated level. Among the advantages worth highlighting the possibility of a delayed start up to 24 hours.

    In general, the characteristics of “Bosch” SMS 53N12 are as follows:

    • Washing 13 dishware sets with dimensions of 60x60x84 cm.
    • Among the 5 washing programs only the most necessary modes are concise and functional.
    • Protection against accidental pressing( “parental control”) and full “Aqua-Stop”.
    • Average water consumption of 10 liters per cycle.
    • Price at 58,000 rubles.

    Rating scores of customers averaged 92 points.

    Miele G4960SCVi

    MIM representative from Mile closes the rating. During testing, the machine washed off the fat and cream, and the tea raid turned out to be too tough for her. When checking the noise the result was obtained, which coincided with the declared level of the manufacturer - 46 dB.Among the advantages are particularly noteworthy such:

    • high quality materials and parts;
    • maximum energy and water saving;
    • capacity in 14 crockery sets;
    • delay start up to 24 hours.

    Users considered minus the price of this technology at 70,000 rubles. Therefore, the score was only 89.9 points.

    For your information! Domestic equipment did not get into our rating - this is due to both the small selection of models assembled in Russia and the poor build quality.

    Summing up our large-scale experiment, we’ll repeat the thought that sounded at the beginning - it’s difficult to unequivocally decide which brand of dishwasher is better, but you can definitely say that the Bosch brand scored the highest points and entered our TOP-5 three times, thereforemake your own conclusions.

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