Which dishwasher tablets better advice on the selection and review

Pills - the most popular forms of detergent for the dishwasher. They are convenient to use and store, versatile and multifunctional. But there is a flaw is not always possible to choose the quality product the first time.

We will tell you which dishwasher tablets better, and from buying what should be avoided. In our proposed article lists key milestones for selecting optimal means. Given user feedback, try out the different types of chemical tablets for dishwashers.

The content of the article:

  • Features of the use of tablets
  • What to look for when choosing?
    • The number of layers in the tablet
    • Composition and safety components
    • Release form and price
    • Specific conditions of use
  • Overview: description and reviews
    • Variability of washing briquettes Finish
    • Environmentally friendly means BioMio
    • tablets Availability Econta
    • Effective means by Fairy
    • Maximum efficiency Somat
    • Quality and cheap Clean & Fresh
    • Self cleaning with Ecover
    • Aggressiveness "child" means Eared Nian
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Features of the use of tablets

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In addition to the technical improvement dishwashers, improving and proposing new detergents for equipment. Popular powder for washing gradually replacing more effective drugs: pills and gels.

A typical composition of household assets is approximately the same. As the active ingredients of cleaners used surfactants, cleaving contamination on kitchen appliances. Additionally manufacturers can add phosphates, perfumes, brighteners, enzymes, soda and other components for improving the washing quality.

Types of detergent

Each type of detergent has both pluses and minuses. If we talk about the price, the most budget option - it is a powder

However, it has several drawbacks: the likelihood of scratches, stains on dishes, irregular use of funds. Often the powder wakes up past the bunker - microparticles trapped in the lungs, bad for health.

These deficiencies are deprived of the gel formulations. They contain no abrasives, they are perfect for washing delicate glassware and porcelain. The absence of volatile components makes relatively safe means and reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

Less gels - need to calculate the dosage. Alternative - capsule gel composition. Custom-made products are easy to use, but are more expensive than similar detergents.

The tablet in the dishwasher

Popularity users won tablets for dishwashers. Equipment manufacturers have responded to consumer wishes and began to produce units with a separate compartment under the facility

The main advantages of cleaning tablets:

  • Versatility. The structure of many products in addition to the cleaning element includes the necessary salt, rinse aid and minor components.
  • Convenience. There is no need to calculate the dosage of one tablet is enough for a full wash cycle; solid, compacted product can not be accidentally spilling the powder;
  • The presence of individual shell. Each tablet is placed in a single stick, and thus the storage volatile components are released into the environment;
  • A wide range of. The sale represented different sets of packing on 20-120 pieces.

Different products and price. The cost of production is determined by the brand and qualitative composition.

It should be noted and disadvantages of using tablets:

  • As a rule, tableted means not completely solve the problem of hard water and still have to add salt;
  • into tablets phosphates are often added, precipitating an allergic reaction;
  • old model dishwashers do not take solid compacted material;
  • the inability to reduce the dosage - some funds so compressed that they are very difficult to break.

Not all drugs are readily soluble. If a short time in the compartment can remain part of the tablet.

poor solubility

Probable causes of poor solubility: overdue terms of use of the drug, non-observance of rules of storage, lack of water pressure or blocked tablet compartment

What to look for when choosing?

In order not to be disappointed in buying, you must make sure that the machine is adapted to work with tablets. When choosing a need to look at the composition of the drug, to evaluate the environmental and reputation of the manufacturer. washing quality characterize user reviews.

The number of layers in the tablet

On the packaging of tablets for dishwashers can often find inscriptions such as: three in one, five to one, ten to one, etc. The most enterprising manufacturers specify - all in one. We are talking about the number of active components and multi-functional tablets. But is this true?

Base kit "ingredients": cleaning powder, salt and rinse aid. Ternary variations are relatively low cost and adequately cope with the task.

Multi-layer tablets

The sale is effective tablet core "filling". If the quality of the washing satisfied, it makes no sense to overpay for the advertised multicomponent analogues

From really need supplements, in addition to the standard composition, can be divided into two positions:

  1. Protection of dishes from the cloud. A particularly important when cleaning glass plates, cups and glasses. Particular component prevents premature clouding transparent cookware.
  2. Protection equipment from scum. If the salt component softens the water, reducing the probability of deposits on parts dishwashers, the special active additives compete with previously formed precipitate.

Five-tablets sufficient for normal care and quality dishwasher detergent. All that is added in excess of the above, increases cycle costs and significantly affects the efficiency.

Sverhkomponetov choice depends on personal preferences and needs. In tablets "six-in-one" or more active substances are added to impart gloss steel dining items, flavorings, "additive" to remove juice and tea stains.

Utensils in the dishwasher

Some consumers prefer tablets embodiments with antimicrobial properties. They cope with sanitizing treatment of dishes without increasing the temperature of the water - the energy efficiency of the cycle rises

Composition and safety components

The main selection criterion - not the number of components and qualitative composition of the detergent composition. On the reverse side of the package is a list of chemicals and other additives. Dishes rinsed with pure water, but the probability of hitting the active substances in the human body is present.

The ability to "recognize" the composition, to determine the necessary and extremely undesirable components will help you choose an effective and safe drug.

The labels can often see the following items:

  1. Phosphates. The compound sodium tripolifosafata softens water, activates surfactant action reduces the consumption of detergents. In addition, phosphates are involved in the cleavage of soiling and protect elements of washing machines from scale. Minus substance - unsafe for the environment. In European countries, this component is prohibited.
  2. Oxygen bleach. The active ingredient - sodium percarbonate. Component is obtained by evaporating the sodium carbonate peroxide to crystal-forms. It is considered an environmentally friendly substance.
  3. Chlorine. Used for bleaching and cleaning utensils. Because of the harmfulness of chlorine, many manufacturers of detergents was abandoned.
  4. Phosphonates. "Lite" phosphates alternative. Action phosphonates less aggressive, so its use is permitted in Europe.
  5. Surfactants. Surfactants connect the unconnected - water and oil. Through their action removes fat from the dishes.

Most often use three types of surfactants: annionnye, cationic and neonogennye.

the tablets

Anionic surfactants - cheap and effective, but harmful, have a cationic disinfectant action, neonogennye components - environmentally friendly and biodegradable

Beyond the basic components of the composition is enriched with additives and flavors. For quick splitting enzymes used dirt. Range of activities: protease - remnants of protein foods, amylase - starch, lipase - grease stains.

For families with small children and people who are prone to allergies, it is better to choose environmentally friendly proposals. They contain no phosphate, chlorine, phosphonates, anionic surfactants and genetically modified products.

Composition of tablets Ecover

"Filling" safe Ecover dishwashing tablets. The composition is dominated by sodium derivatives which promote foaming, fighting pollution and bleached ware

Specialists reserved about the harm caused by detergent tablets with aggressive components. According to them, in the consumption of water and the air of cities it contains no less dangerous substances. For the adult organism, when used properly, and quality rinse, tableted chemical is safe.

Release form and price

Trying to simplify the use of the dishwasher, household chemical manufacturers put cleaning tablets in a polymer dissolved capsule. In addition to ease of use, this solution allows you to avoid skin contact with concentrated ingredients.

Dissolve shell

Content protected reliably preform liner dissolves when exposed to water. Given this feature, store the tablets should be in a dry place

Cost - not very informative indicator. Popular manufacturers often overestimate the price of their goods. While little-known companies offer similar tools for a more loyal to cost.

Tablets of various companies usually have similar "recipe" manufacture and the same cleaning effect. Therefore, it makes no sense to overpay for the name of the manufacturer.

Specific conditions of use

Choosing means for dishwashers, it is necessary to take into account the water hardness, dishwasher class and capacity hopper. Optimal to have in the house are several types of tablet formulations for the washing of different dishes. The decisive factor of choice - the composition of the detergent.

Wondering what tablets for dishwashers to choose, you can follow such items:

  1. chlorine-containing drugs - for the periodic cleaning of cutting boards, removing old stains from pots, pans and saucepans.
  2. Slightly alkaline pill with enzymes - for daily cleaning. They carefully washed the dishes at 40 ° C.
  3. Formulations of oxygen clarifiers - to preserve the snow-white plates and cups. With regular use noticeable whitening effect.

Typically for children and allergy sufferers remains unchanged - fit pills made from natural ingredients.

The capsule for the dishwasher

Optimally, if the detergent composition enclosed in a soluble wrapper. Skin contact is absent, and the air entering the active components of the microparticles during storage capsule can not

Overview: description and reviews

Consider the features of the components of popular tablets for dishwashers, noting their strengths and weaknesses, referring to the feedback from users.

Variability of washing briquettes Finish

Means Polish producer are the most popular among users.

The company offers several options tablets Finish to choose from:

  • Finish Quantum;
  • Finish All-in-One
  • Finish All in Turbo;
  • Finish Classic.

Let us consider the features and advantages with the disadvantages mentioned tableted agents.

Finish Quantum. Three-tablets, dressed in a soluble packaging. The structure of funds include:

  • White powder - granular components with enzymes, aimed at removing stubborn dirt;
  • red gel - a means to break down fat, giving luster ware;
  • blue, yellow or green powder - components for cleaning and softening the water.

The manufacturer claims multifunctional tablets, giving them the ability to protect the art filter to prevent the formation of scale, remove the tea plaque, fat and shine.

Finish tablets

Most people are happy with the result. The main advantages include: soluble packaging, good quality of cleaning, no stains on crockery

Among the disadvantages of isolated: high cost, high concentration of detergent per cycle chemical smell. Estimated price Finish Quantum - 12 USD / 60 pcs.

Finish All in One. The present composition amylase, zinc oxide, sodium percarbonate, citric acid and other components. In general, the "filling" of tablets All in One is easier than in the Quantum, but the effectiveness of this does not deteriorate.

Means universally - it is perfectly washes all types of contaminants, for silver and glassware. The average cost - 17 USD / 65 pcs.

Finish All in Turbo. The product is designed for rapid washing regime in the temperature range of 40 ° C. The instant composition used components - active substances are mixed with water during the first minutes of the wash.

Finish Classic. The easiest option, in fact - this is the usual powder Finish to dishwashers, compressed into tablets. They present StainSocer patented additive for effective splitting of dried dirt.

Tablets for dishwasher Finish Classic

The main advantages Finish Classic: relatively inexpensive, pleasant smell, good quality wash. Disadvantages of tablets: no soluble shell, the need to use an additional salt and rinse aid. Price target - 12 USD / 90 pcs.

The fact that it is better to use in the dishwasher, which is more convenient for housewives and for the technology itself, tablets or powder formulation, Learn from our recommended paper.

Environmentally friendly means BioMio

Tablets have received positive feedback from customers through the use of security and high performance.

The main components of the composition:

  • Type nonionic surfactants;
  • oxygen bleach (30%), the active ingredient - sodium percarbonate, which is in contact with warm water splits into hydrogen, oxygen, and ash;
  • polycarboxylates (5%) - a protective element against corrosion;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • enzymes in low concentrations;
  • lemon - citrus fragrance.

If you are hypersensitive eucalyptus from the purchase of better abstain BioMio - possible allergic reaction.

tablets BioMio

Advantages of the drug: the soluble shell, can be easily washed away, a good washing result. On a clean container is barely perceptible scent of eucalyptus

Lack BioMio - on the glass products can be light streaks. To neutralize the effects in washing glasses and stemware is better to use the additional rinse mode. guide price tablets BioMio - 8-9 USD 30 pieces.

tablets Availability Econta

Tablets domestic production is not as effective as products of famous brands. Attractive to consumers low cost - the price of the package of 30 pieces is 3-4 cu

Detergent powder is compressed into a single-layer or three-layer type. The active components of the composition - phosphates and oxygen bleach. Supplements are relatively safe, it is - Exim, polycarboxylates and nonionic surfactant type.

tablets Econta

According to the manufacturer tablet has the effect of "7 1": the removal of fat, tea plaque, water softening, protection from scale, citrus flavor effect at low temperature

In practice Econta pills proved to be worthy. The majority of consumers indicated a high degree of cleaning, complete dissolution. Use disadvantages: bad manifest themselves in water is below +45 ° C, leave stains on the dishes with a reduced cycle.

Effective means by Fairy

The popular line of brand goods for the care of the dishes offers several options for tablets funds. On sale: PowerDrops, PowerDrops All in 1, Platinum All in 1.

Tableted agents are similar in composition, contrast - in additional components and release form. Active substance tablet funds Fairy - neionnnye phosphates and surfactants. Popular ternary tablet All in 1 - capsules consisting of three substances: powder and cleaning the compartments with different color gels.

Strengths of the drug:

  • action at any temperature;
  • removal of dirt and polishing;
  • protection from scale;
  • universality - apply to any dishes;
  • effectiveness against stale fat, dried food debris;
  • soluble packaging;
  • beautiful view of the pressed agent and packaging.

Feature tablets - Fairy suitable for water with a hardness in the range 21 dH. To determine the index, you can use the test strip.

tablets Fairy

The briquettes are packed in a soft pack with zip, capacity - 26-65 pcs. Estimated price - 8 USD 50 pieces

Maximum efficiency Somat

Virtually all users set the highest quality cleaning ball tablets Somat from the German brand Henkel. All varieties of three-component, as part of a detergent ingredient have, rinse and salt.

Active ingredients Somat:

  • complexing agent (15-30%) - this is the role of phosphates or silicates; packaging the manufacturer does not have the type of component;
  • inorganic salts;
  • oxygenated bleach;
  • phosphonates;
  • nonionic surfactants, enzymes and flavoring.

In fact, the traditional "halophyte" of the active substances, but the percentage of literate led to maximum effect.

tablets Somat

Most consumers have noted the effectiveness of Somat. Additional advantages: the protection of the glass from clouding effect descaling, removal of burnt traces, versatility

The composition was not entirely harmless. Not everyone likes the smell of tablets Somat - after washing will feel a particular flavor. Additional cons: no soluble shell, high cost - over 100 pieces have to pay about 15 USD

Quality and cheap Clean & Fresh

90% of users have described the German Clean & Fresh tablets as an affordable and highly effective. Price per pack of 28 pieces starts at 3 cu

Three-layer Tablets: Green - active substances for protecting glass and flavoring, blue - an oxygen bleach and cleaning, white - descaler. they are placed in a sealed envelope insoluble.

Composition Clean & Fresh:

  • Sodium tripolyphosphate - lipolysis;
  • carbonate and sodium bicarbonate - soda to further washing and bleaching;
  • Sodium percarbonate - bactericidal and cleaning action;
  • phosphonates.

An important advantage of Clean & Fresh - no smell after washing.

Clean & Fresh Tablets

Positive feedback prevail. Among the negative aspects noted insufficient quality wash pans with burnt-tracks and the appearance of streaks on the glass. The latter problem is neutralized with the additional use of rinse aid

Self cleaning with Ecover

One of the most effective phosphate-free detergents are considered Ecover tablets. cleaning function assigned to the complex of the sodium derivative and nonionic surfactants, are responsible for pleasant smell natural flavors.

Characteristic features of the means Ecover:

  • hygiene and safety - applicable to children's tableware;
  • without synthetic fragrances - make up on the plates of fresh scent;
  • vegetable and mineral base;
  • fairly easy process of dividing the tablet in half.

Despite all plant and mineral-based tablet perfectly proved themselves in action. Crockery laundered quality, stains on the glasses there, gleaming cutlery. Of the minuses can be identified lack of soluble wrapper and limited supply in the market.

tablets Ecover

Ecover tablets difficult to find in stores, have to be ordered via the Internet and pay for shipping. The benchmark price - 9-10 USD 70 briquettes (without transportation costs)

Detailed information about which tool to buy desirable for use in the dishwasher, you will find in next article, Analyzed in detail the technical characteristics and advantages of the shortcomings.

Aggressiveness "child" means Eared Nian

Tablets are positioned as Russian production Detergents for children's tableware. However, in the composition of present phosphates and phosphonates - more than 30%. So, we are not talking about sustainability means, and the composition of the security for the child's body is questionable. What is not in the lineup, so it perfumes and dyes.

Despite the apparent dissonance "stuffing" and purpose, the tablets show a good quality wash. Eared Nian cope with various kinds of pollution, it does not leave stains and well washed out.

Tablets Eared Nian

Pills are not recommended to wash the dishes child, if the child is not yet 3 years old. The advantage of the means to do environmental agents such as BioMio and Ecover - available in stores

If the cost of prefabricated tablets you think too exaggerated, you should try to make the drug with their own hands. Recipes homemade tablets listed here, We recommend to read the article very useful.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Video review of the tablet means for cleaning kitchen utensils and various appliances in the dishwasher. Among tablets present Somat discussed above and Finish:

Testing detergents from various manufacturers, including Fairy drug is presented in a rating above. Compare appearance, price and efficiency of tablets:

Some have high-tech and functional nor was the dishwasher without detergent effective it is useless.

The effectiveness of the tablets in the first place depends on their composition. Additional selection factors: water hardness, type of issue, and individual user preferences.

And what if you're using a tablet for the treatment of cookware in your machine? Tell us what kind of cleaning products you have chosen to share why. Leave, please comment in the box located below, publish photos and ask questions on the topic of the article.

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