Incredibly attractive plant - Coleus. Planting and maintenance in the open field, as well as cultivation is the subject of our conversation. After all, the beauty of its foliage is not inferior to buds, inflorescences of bright garden flowers, and it surely turns out to be the focus of attention, attracts looks. If you find a competent approach to it, provide it with everything you need, it will be a great decoration for your site!
- Flower Coleus, how and where does it grow?
- Coleus, methods of reproduction and features of planting
- Coleus - reproduction by seeds
- Coleus - reproduction by cuttings, caring for seedlings and adults
This decorative leafy shrub from the family of labiaceous plants boasts an incredible palette of colors, a fancy pattern on the leaves, a contrasting combination of shades.
Coleus, photo:
On areas in open ground, most often, large-leaved forms are planted. They quickly grow, turn into fluffy bushes. Coleus has a very "convenient" feature for the gardener - cuttings from it can be taken at any time.
Thus, you can multiply it at any time, this process is simple, almost always brings positive results.
One of the most common types of this representative is Coleus Blum( or Blum).It is also known as a potted, indoor version, which is popularly called "indoor nettle".In any case, he is able to decorate any room, as well as complement, emphasize the presence of other floral representatives in the flowerbed. However, it should be borne in mind that with the arrival of cold weather it is better to move it into the room.
The plant itself comes from Africa and the Asian tropics. His foliage, indeed, can have a variety of color combinations and shades: bright green, copper, red, purple, dark maroon, yellow, white, variegated multicolor. The shape of the leaflet is in fact somewhat reminiscent of a nettle leaf, and the flowers are shaped like spikelets, they are most often bluish or purple. However, coleus is grown solely because of its attractive foliage, which can be notched, pilus fuzzy, heart-shaped. In nature, there are about 150 species, and hybrid and polyhybrid varieties are particularly popular.
In a pot on the street, photo:
Coleus Blum - he is like one of the pioneers of hybrid species. It can reach a meter height, and the foliage can change its color depending on the place of growth, the degree of its illumination by the sun's rays.
Another well-known representative, originally from Sri Lanka - Coleus Renelta, has an ampelnaya form, with drooping stems and foliage. Gives color mainly in winter, blooms with small blue flowers that form a "spike".Most of the highly decorative amber varieties were derived from him.
Before planting coleuses in your plot, pay special attention to the place where you want to plant it. He loves the sun, a well-lit area where he can fully show all his beauty, hit you with bright shades of leaves. Here, too, have their own little tricks: if you are going to plant a variety with red, burgundy or white foliage, then direct sunlight is exactly what is needed for these varieties. But those representatives whose leaves differ in all shades of green - like light shading! Green cultivars( let's call them that) should be planted only in partial shade, direct sunlight can just burn their foliage.
Coleusa Black dragon and Cherry in chocolate, photo:
The composition of the soil should also be paid attention, in principle, it can be anything, just to be nutritious and saturated nitrogenfeedings. By the way, it is nitrogen that affects the brightness of the pattern on the foliage, contributes to the saturation of colors.
Кол to content ↑Coleus, methods of reproduction and features of landing
Propagate it mainly by two methods - seed and cutting. These two techniques do not present any difficulties even for novice gardeners. As mentioned above, there are a great many varieties - the colors of the foliage can satisfy every taste. Nevertheless, breeders continue to bring new varieties to our joy.
In the respective flower shops you can purchase both ready-made seedlings, and seeds or seed mixtures of various varieties. Any Coleus hybrid will feel equally good both in indoor conditions and as an element of landscape design in open ground. Flowers do not represent a special decorative value, but the foliage, in addition to its attractiveness, may even have a pleasant aroma( in some species).
Planting in open ground is done with the arrival of a full warm spring or summer. In addition to acceptable lighting( do not forget about the color of leaves and individual requirements) you should know that he does not like drafts. Seats should be located at a small distance from each other, but with the intention that the flowers do not interfere with each other to grow and develop( "push").Dig holes are best filled with a suitable( fertile) dredger.
After planting, the flower should be watered( but not poured abundantly with water) and an artificial shading should be created so that it adapts in the air, and the leaves do not burn under the bright rays of the spring sun. Remember that too obvious a shadow will not give rise to the natural bright color of the foliage, will contribute to the pulling of stalks - and this is completely useless to us. Acceptable air temperature for the full development of Coleus is approximately + 10 ° С. . + 15 ° С( and higher).For adult strong bushes( with the arrival of autumn) the minimum temperature is up to + 8 ° С.
To summarize:
- Illumination - we choose pristenennye places or brightly illuminated by the sun( for certain types).If the flower is grown at home, then the eastern or western windows will be the most suitable option for their placement.
- Temperature - it tolerates summer heat well, but only on condition that you provide it with regular watering. Dislikes sudden changes in air temperature - remember this. Even if the summer was not too warm, then already at + 15 ° C he begins to slow down growth. Room representatives can comfortably survive the short-term lowering of the temperature to + 10 ° C, but they, too, are not very “happy” with sudden changes.
- Soil - Coleus hybrid is not too picky about the composition of the soil mixture, it feels comfortable in sod, leafy ground, as well as in ordinary garden soil. The main thing - from time to time do not forget about fertilizers.
- Watering - he loves the systematic flow of moisture, the soil should not dry out! Evening irrigation with clear water at room temperature will only benefit him. With the onset of winter, room coleuses are watered when the upper layer of the soil becomes dry.
- Fertilizers - as mentioned above, Coleus is quite unpretentious in this regard. In a flower bed, in the open field, it can grow without mineral supplements, but if you decide to feed it, it will not be worse. Acquire the appropriate mineral fertilizers in flower shops, they have a low cost, and on the package everything will be set out in an easy way - how and in what proportion to plant this or that product.
With regard to breeding methods, here, I think about each need to talk separately. Since each method, seed and cuttings have their own nuances and rules.
содерж to content ↑Coleus - reproduction by seeds
It is easy to propagate it with seeds - there are no special tricks and extras. Of course, you have to spend more time on this method than if you, for example, purchased already prepared seedlings. To young bushes were ready to plant in the soil, it is best to start planting seeds in March( or at the end of March).For seedlings, you will need a container, plastic cups( with holes at the bottom) or special cassettes for seedlings( it will be even more convenient for you to transfer them to open ground).
Or you can use a peat tablet in general, an ideal option in all respects! You can buy the corresponding soil mixture in the same place - in the flower shop. You can make the soil yourself. It is done this way: 4 shares of chernozem, 2 shares of crushed spruce( or pine needles), 2 shares of cow manure, 1 share of clean river sand. Chernozem is best sifted and preheated, sand is also sifted and calcined, needles are here to be puzzled and more or less tolerable to grind them into small fragments with the help of scissors.
Photos of seedlings:
If you buy seeds in a specialty store, keep in mind that seed of Dutch or English origin has the highest degree of germination. According to the general opinion of experienced flower growers, in order for Coleus to ascend quickly and easily, planting seeds should be superficial. That is, the sowing material does not need to be actively buried in the earth mixture, but it is enough to scatter on its surface and slightly press it. After that, the seeds should be sprinkled with a very thin layer of sand and irrigated with a spray bottle with clean water at room temperature. After the planting process, the container is best covered with glass or polyethylene - nothing new( as is the case with the other seeds for such cultivation).
If you decided to grow a coleus with this method, seed reproduction most comfortably takes place in a warm atmosphere. The most optimal temperature for germination of its seeds is + 20 ° С. . + 24 ° С.If you maintain this level constantly, then after about 10-14 days you will see the first shoots. At this stage, the greenhouse can be removed, and the containers can be moved to lighter eastern or western windows. Do not forget about direct sunlight - flowers must be protected from them! Young stock should always be wetted, but in moderation, without excessive marshiness. Then, having got a little stronger, the seedlings will feel good at the air temperature of + 16 ° С. . + 19 ° С.Try to provide the young with good lighting during the active growth phase so that it does not stretch out and lose its vitality for the future.
Seedlings in peat tablets, photo:
The important point is that if you put seeds in the common tray, then you will have to reject weak and frail plants and select the most powerful representatives in the selection. Do not forget about the drainage at the bottom of the pots! That's why it is more convenient for you( less hassle), and for a flower it is less traumatic to sow seeds in special cassettes or peat tablets. Thus, the “operation” of reproduction will take place more comfortably, quickly, and better for him, the root system will not be disturbed by additional transplantation. And there, in practice - the choice is yours.
When the end of spring / beginning of summer comes, the earth warms up, then the seedlings can be transferred to the flower bed, the chosen place on the site. Now for you comes a new stage - to protect Coleus from the bright sun and drafts. Care will now be associated with these factors, as well as with watering and protection from pests. About them will be discussed later. After planting, as the growth grows, the formation of bushes is made - pinching the tops of the shoots and lateral processes.
In order to subsequently have a spherical shape, the apical bud is removed, as well as the buds at the ends of the side branches. This simple technique is the answer to a common question - how to pinch Coleus. It should be borne in mind that such manipulation is performed on both small and adult bushes - this not only forms the bush, but also contributes to its pomp. Usually, an accurate initial pinching is started when the flower reaches 4-5 cm in height, and the lateral branches grow up to 5 cm.
↑ to content ↑Coleus - reproduction by cuttings, caring for seedlings and adult plants
breeding method. To do this, you should choose a healthy, well-developed representative. Next you need to look after him a powerful escape, carefully cut off and put in a container with clean water. The water will have to be changed periodically until the roots have roots, after which it is transplanted into the pot with a suitable dredger. This procedure is best done by late summer / early fall. Thus, you will be able to breed Coleus annually for home breeding, for flower beds, and just to share or exchange with your neighbor in the country with some new variety.
Cuttings with roots, photo:
A more detailed description of the process of breeding Coleus cuttings:
- It is desirable to select the escape without buds and buds at the end. Trimming should be done carefully, just below the leaf node. As a result, the length of the cut fragment should be about 15 cm.
- From a small bush, you can also take cuttings-processes, approximately 6-8 cm long.
- In a container with water, where you will place the cutting, you can add a root formation stimulator( for example, Kornevin, Humisol, Heteroauxin).Prepare the solution strictly according to the recommendation indicated on the package.
- Water should be changed 1 time in 2-3 days, the cutting should be kept in a bright place, but not under the direct rays of the sun.
- Rooting in vermiculite gives good results. Just pour vermiculite into the container, add some water and insert a cutting into it.
- When the roots appear at the shoot, replant it in a separate pot with drainage holes and the drainage itself at the bottom. The moistened dough should be suitable - we mentioned it above.
- Sometimes, for greater reliability, on flower forums it is advised to create small greenhouses for cuttings - cover the plant with plastic cups or plastic bags until the young flower gives new leaves. Most often this occurs within a month. To do this or not to do - at your discretion.
- We have already mentioned lighting and shading, but the air temperature in the room where the cuttings are located should be approximately + 20 ° С( not lower).
How to care for coleus? When foliage and full roots appear, they should be looked after as it should be. The flower will receive light - the brighter and more colorful will be its foliage and pattern on it. If you have the opportunity in the morning to put the bushes in the sun, and for dinner carry in the shade, then be sure to use this option. The partial, periodic shadow well affects development and growth. If suddenly you notice that your green pet loses foliage - this is an indicator of lack of sunlight.
Rooted cuttings:
Do not overmoisten the soil during watering, even on the hottest days - this is fraught with rotting of the root system. Let it be better to water more often, and the volume of moisture less. During this, make sure that the water gets only on the soil, but not on the stems or leaves - the leaves are very vulnerable. In perfect condition, the ground should always be slightly damp, so that the drought does not affect the ornamental foliage, and excessive waterlogging does not harm the roots.
If you want your Coleus to be more lush and strong, you can feed it. As mentioned above, this plant feels good and without additional fertilizers. However, if you so wish, then during the growing season, once every 10 days feed it with a special fertilizer diluted in water for decorative and hardwood representatives. Make sure that at this stage there is no nitrogen in the top-dressing or it is very little, because nitrogen “steals” the bright color of foliage.
In winter, coleuses are not fertilized at all, but if you do not have enough light in the room, you can feed it once in 30 days in winter( with mineral fertilizer).
If you want the flower to grow high, then remove only the side branches. So it will resemble a small tree, and not a spherical bush( as with the nipping recommended above).To improve the "fluffiness" and improve branching, the first flower arrows and the tips of the shoots should be removed from the flower, a couple of centimeters each. So the vitality of the plant will be directed to the formation of foliage, rather than flowering. In general, Coleus is trimmed as needed, if desired, it can grow to the state of a lush carpet, which also, in principle, looks quite attractive.
If you like the look of flowering Coleus, its spicate inflorescences themselves, you can leave a few specimens in the most prominent places and remove the rest. All living things stretch towards the sun, and if the flower is kept in room conditions, then its inclination can be adjusted by turning the pot in the right direction. In the same way, in order for the flower to look harmoniously on the flowerbed, with the help of a peg it can be set in the right direction. The escape neatly becomes attached to the peg and is no less gently tightened, sent in the right direction. Too heavy, lush and overgrown bushes are also strengthened with the help of such supporting supports.
How to care for coleus, if the cold comes? If the plant was originally planned as a perennial, then at the onset of the first night cold snaps it should be placed in the room. With the onset of the "gray" autumn days gradually accustom him to the shade, so that in winter he would feel comfortable in the shade of the room. But try to keep it on the most illuminated side - near the south or south-west windows. Quite old bushes cannot be transplanted, it will be much more reasonable to take cuttings from them and root them, thus giving birth to a new generation.
Do it better in the first weeks of the calendar autumn - in September. Take care of the plants from drafts, if your home is too dark, you may need more light with the help of special fitolamps. Watering in the winter becomes more moderate. When March comes, the Coleus should conduct a rejuvenating pruning: in adult representatives, the old leaves are removed, the branches are shortened. This procedure activates the growth of new shoots at the base of the flower. Well, in the spring, when the threat of frost has already passed and warm weather is finally established, the flower can again be transferred to the site.
↑ to content ↑Diseases and pests of coleus
Most coleus "love" mealybug, whitefly, aphids, spider mites. To combat them, of course, you should use insecticides( Imidacloprid, Konfidor Extra, Zubr, Aktofit).If you try to destroy the parasite at the initial stage, then, for example, ordinary spirit can sometimes help against a mealy bug, which is moistened with a piece of cotton and wiped the places of its settlement. Another surprisingly simple method, however, helps to get rid of shaggy lice( another name for mealybug).The tincture of the peel of lemons and oranges is poured with boiling water( 50 g per 1 l of water), infused for a day, after which the flower should be sprayed abundantly with this “medicine” with a spray bottle.
Against the whitefly, commercial or tar soap, previously rubbed on a grater and dissolved in water( 1: 6), can help. Such a solution, or rather, its thick foam, which is conveniently whipped with a foam sponge, is applied with the same sponge to the places where larvae accumulate. Or you can irrigate all of the affected coleus with this mixture and a garden spray bottle. The ground should also be carefully sprayed with soap.
Against aphids, a soap solution also helps, but in this case it is enough to take 300 g of brown laundry soap, grind and dissolve in 10 liters of water. Tar soap on 10 liters of water will require much less - 100-150 g. To enhance the striking effect, wood ash can be added to the resulting composition, and if you hold the bucket with this brew on the fire for about 30 minutes, the tool will become several times more powerful andmore efficient. In general, ash itself is a very good remedy for aphids, it is sprinkled on the ground around it and the leaves affected by pests. With its help, many diseases of coleus are stopped.
Against spider mite, the above soap solution and alcohol solution help. For this purpose, ammonia is taken( 30 ml per 10 l of water) and abundant irrigation of affected plants is carried out. Or, ordinary garlic can help you: chop 30 or 50 g of garlic, pour 10 liters of boiling water, leave to infuse for 24 hours. This decoction can also be carried out irrigation, and if the composition also add finely grated soap, the spider mite will simply have nowhere to go.
By the way, the methods described above are good only in the initial stages of the disease; in more serious cases, the help of the chemicals mentioned above will be needed. If you notice a fungus on the leaves, then immediately remove all the affected fragments, and carefully disinfect the garden tools themselves. Modern antifungal sprays, sold in flower shops, do an excellent job with fungi and harmful mold.
Do not forget that excessively abundant watering and lack of sunlight can also provoke diseases such as root rot and loss of foliage. Just follow the rules of care, periodically inspect the bushes and at the first suspicion of disease or the presence of parasites immediately take action.
These plants themselves, at times, have a unique color, such as the Black Star variety or the Scarlet Heart. However, in combination with other garden residents, they also look very harmonious. With a sage, a rodent leaf, different types of ferns, lobelias, petunias, tagetes and even with roses, variegated coleuses look very decorative and beneficial.
Coles on a flowerbed and lawn, photo:
It all depends on your imagination and perception of shades, the main thing is that you like it. One last little tip: if the cold has already passed, and you did not have time to sow the seedlings in advance or acquire cuttings, sow the seeds directly into the ground - they will ascend, definitely. You can also sow the seeds of other flowers nearby, in the same way, you get something like a “spontaneous” flower bed, but bright colors of the flowers that have emerged will still please the eyes.
Be sure to plant Coleus on your site. Planting and caring in the open field for this plant will not take much time and effort from you, and aesthetic pleasure for the whole season will be provided!
содерж to the content ↑Coleus varieties, photo