Full description and characteristics of the variety of tomato Diva

Nowadays, more and more people are trying to grow at least some vegetables on their own. People want to use their crop, which will be pesticide-free and natural. This is possible in the temperate zone, but what should the residents of more northern regions do? For them, the breeders of domestic and foreign research institutes derive many new varieties that are distinguished by earlier ripening and are completely natural. Especially in this tried on the example of tomatoes, such hybrids include tomatoes Prima Donna, description and characteristics, which you will learn from the article.

Contents:summer is shorter and not all vegetables can ripen. Officially registered in 2007 in the State Register of the Russian Federation, its cultivation is recommended both in open and in closed ground.

The variety is classified as early maturing; after three months it will be possible to feast on a crop of excellent quality. Externally, the plant is fully consistent with the description of the tomato:

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  • The trunk is thick, dense, bristly, usually has many branches.
  • The leaves have a dark green color and the shape inherent in the tomato.
  • Fruits in mature form, bright red, rounded, with a small spout.
  • Inflorescence is simple.
  • The plant belongs to the determinant, can reach 130 cm.
Description of tomato Prima donna

The fruits of the variety are especially valued, they have a pleasant sweet-sour taste and many useful elements that remain even after heat treatment. Fruits of the Diva variety are suitable both for fresh consumption and for preparations for the winter, excellent juices are made of them, tomatoes are good and as an additive to salads, you can roll up smaller fruits individually.

The advantages and disadvantages of tomato Diva

Diva Tomato has in its archive only positive reviews from gardeners who grew it. Among the advantages should be noted:

  • great taste;
  • early ripeness;
  • not fastidiousness in the care;
  • high yield;
  • disease resistance;
  • possibility of transportation;
  • long shelf life;
  • cracking resistance.

No negative qualities of the variety were found, not a single gardener could voice them.

The fruit of the tomato Diva


The tomato of the variety Diva is not whimsical in choosing the soil, it will grow and bear fruit on any soil. Particularly rich harvest can be collected where there will be loose and air ventilation will be at the highest level.

The peculiarity of growing this variety is that it grows and bears fruit in places where the rest of the tomatoes do not take root. It is because of this Diva enjoys high popularity among experienced gardeners who have experienced a lot of different tomatoes. It is noticed that high yields are harvested in warm weather, but the coolness will not be an obstacle, the crop will be smaller, but no one will be left.

Seeding of seeds

Grow a tomato Primadonna through seedlings. To do this, it is worth carrying out several preparatory stages:

  • First of all prepare containers. For this fit plastic containers or homemade wooden boxes. They are better to take wide and not deep.
  • Next, prepare the soil. For sowing seeds, they use both purchased universal floral substrate and previously harvested land from the site. The second option must be disinfected, it can be done in different ways.
  • It is also necessary to prepare the seeds, this procedure can take place in different ways. Some simply soak the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then washed and sown in the prepared soil. Some other than soaking also germinate the seeds before sowing. To do this, they are placed in a richly moistened natural fabric and ensure that it is always wet. After the appearance of the mini-root, the seeds should be placed in the ground.
Soaking seeds before planting

Only after these procedures, the seeds will surely ascend and will continue to develop properly.

The best disinfector for soil from the infield will be ordinary boiling water. They just plentifully spill the entire capacity, and when the soil cools, you can sow the seeds.

When sowing, the seeds are placed at a depth of about 1.5 cm and powdered. After plentifully watered and covers the container with a film or thin glass, thus creating a greenhouse effect. Thanks to this, shoots will appear very soon.

A dive is carried out after the appearance of the first pair of true leaves. It is better to plant the plants in separate spacious containers, if this is not possible, then the distance between them should be at least 2 cm.

Planting in open ground

Before planting in open ground it should be hardened. To do this, for 10-14 days, containers with tomatoes are brought to fresh air, while it is important to observe the temperature regime, it should be above +15 degrees.

After the threat of frost has passed, the plants are planted in open ground. At the same time it is necessary to follow certain rules:

  • per square meter should be no more than 5 plants;
  • for planting is better to choose sunny places where there will be no stagnant moisture;
  • when planting the hole for the plant should be about the same as the comic of the basal soil;
  • it is better to disembark the transfer method to minimize injuries of the rhizome;
  • watering to make only warmed water.
Planting tomatoes in open ground
Only after that the plant will be able to settle down and begin development in the shortest possible time.

Care after planting

After the seedlings are planted in open ground, the troubles with the tomato Diva do not end. To get a high yield it is worthwhile to work a little more beside him:

  1. During the first week after planting it is necessary to water the seedlings daily.
  2. Throughout the entire period of growth and ripening of fruits it is worth loosening the soil around the bush and free from weeds.
  3. As required, tie the plant to artificial supports.

This is what will be the key to a good and rich harvest.

Tomato Diseases

Tomato Variety Diva has strong immunity to all diseases of tomatoes. Additional disinfection is carried out by soaking the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Shrubs of Primadonna tomato bushes with

  • regular application of mineral fertilizers or mullein;
  • pasynkovaniye bush, the formation of only one stem;
  • prophylactic spraying with Bordeaux mixture or other fungicide not later than 2 weeks before harvest;
  • transplanting only if there are at least seven true leaves.
  • Adhering to these tips, you will always be with a crop of tomatoes with excellent taste.

    Tomato Varta Diva is a versatile early ripe hybrid that grows everywhere. Grow and you have a rich harvest, adhering to our advice.

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