Tomatoes of black shades are derived by crossing wild and red varieties. After careful selection, you can get the most attractive and amazingly tasty tomatoes that will attract the attention of any gourmet. One of the best varieties of dark tomato is considered to be the Black Moor, which is described in the article. Asd11dasdThis variety of tomato
Description and characteristics of the tomato black moor
Shrub stops forming after forming 10-12 brushes. Plant height reaches 150 mm. The main features of the popular variety are too short distances between the leaves.
Fruits grow brushes. One brush can accommodate about 18-22 pieces. Ripening of tomatoes occurs 120 days after the first shoots. The flesh of vegetables is rather dense and has a sweet-sour taste. The seeds in the fruit are few.

The advantages and disadvantages of the variety
The main advantages of the Black Moor include:
- amazing taste characteristics;
- compactness of fruits( which is convenient for canning);
- peel density, which prevents damage to fruits during transport;
- long storage period of vegetable culture.
Among the shortcomings of dark-tinted tomatoes should be highlighted:
- exposure to pests;
- susceptibility to late blight and Fusarium blight.

Distinctive features from other varieties
Black moor can grow both in the greenhouse and in the open field. The fruits have a teardrop shape and literally envelop the entire bush. This variety of dark tomatoes is considered the most fruitful and can bring almost 6-7 kg of yield from one plant.

Soil requirements for planting
Special containers should be prepared for sowing, namely:
- wooden boxes;
- cups( paper);
- plastic cups;
- plastic cut bottles;
- peat pots.
It will be most convenient to plant seeds in peat or paper containers, as grown seedlings can be planted in open ground directly in these pots.
Before sowing seeds, it is necessary for 4-5 days to place the prepared container in a room with a temperature of about 22-25 degrees. It should be borne in mind that the seeds grow as fast as possible in coconut fibers( chopped).It may also be useful soil, which will contain in the same proportion of sod and humus soil.

Seeding Rules
It is very important to harden the seeds before planting, which will prevent their further response to temperature changes. For quenching, it is sufficient to place the seeds in a convenient container and bring them to the cold for 48 hours. Immediately before planting, planting material should be checked for germination. To do this, we moisten the seeds and bring them into a room with a temperature of 20-25 degrees for 5-7 days.
Considering the susceptibility of tomatoes to various diseases, planting material must be processed before planting. As a rule, potassium permanganate dissolved in water is used for this purpose.
When sowing Black Moor, you should follow the recommendations that will allow you to grow healthy seedlings:
- Seeds are sown to a depth of about 18-20 mm. If you put a seed deeper, it may rot.
- The distance the seed place should be 18-20 mm.
- The lower the germination rate, the denser the landing should be.
- After disembarkation, it is recommended to cover the container with film material.
- After the appearance of the first leaflets( 2-3), the seedlings can be pickled.
For rapid germination of seedlings, it is necessary to provide optimal conditions, namely:
- to ensure the soil looseness;
- place containers in a bright and warm room;
- water the seeds after sowing, cover with foil and wait for the first seedling to water the soil again.

Transplanting tomatoes into open ground
The seedlings can be planted only 45-55 days after the first sprouts appear. As a rule, during this period, heat stabilizes outside, and the appearance of night frosts is unlikely.
Planted plants can be several options:
- Rows 60x30 or 50x30.
- Two-line ribbon - wider distances are left between each pair of rows. In this case, the bushes can be planted in a checkerboard pattern.
- Nesting - 2 bushes are placed in one hole.
Care of the variety after transplanting
After transplanting the plant into the open ground, it must be properly cared for:
- Given the high degree of growth of the vegetable crop and the abundant amount of fruits on the hands, each bush must be tied up.
- As the plant grows, the extra stepchildren are removed and the flowered buds vibrate in time, which will significantly increase the yield.
- Systematically water the plants with warm water.
- Periodically we make top dressing, using a full complex of fertilizers.
- Loosen the soil every 5-6 days and do weeding.

Diseases and their prevention
Despite the moderate degree of Black Moor's resistance to diseases, it is still susceptible to fungal infections. It is very important to carry out prevention in order to avoid infection of the bushes. It is also recommended to apply in practice the rules of crop rotation( hilling bushes), to carry out the processing of vegetables with the Hom preparation. Barrier preparations are excellent for feeding. To prevent the occurrence of phytophthora should spray plants using a solution of Bordeaux liquids.
If small punctures appear on the leaves of the seedlings, then it is time to fight with a spider mite. You can get rid of it by spraying Karbofos on the bushes.

Subtleties of successful cultivation of this variety of tomato
The most significant feature of tomato cultivation Black Moor is considered to be the obligatory garter of its branches and timely disposal of unnecessary stepsons. To increase the yield of the bush, it is necessary to create a vibration effect( gently shake the brush) and periodically feeding.
Reviews of gardeners about the variety
Veronika, 46 years old: I have been growing tomatoes on my lot for two years Black Moor. Last year, she absolutely could not find the time for a garter and most of the bushes fell from the severity of the fruit. This year, she took the growing process more seriously and respected all the conditions. The result pleased me. The bushes are all flat, high, and the harvest is just heroic.
Margarita, 55 years: soot tomatoes Black moor in a greenhouse. Bushes grow to the roof. The harvest from each plant reaches 5 kg. Tomatoes are superb.
Svetlana, 55 years old: every year soot a few bushes of Black Moor. I really like their taste. However, there is such a disadvantage in this variety. If watering is untimely, then the fruits, though a lot on the bushes, but they grow small.

Ruslana, 35 years old: n The first time planted tomatoes Black Moor. I liked the fruits of vegetable culture very much, but the bushes were too high and even a garter didn’t save with a strong wind. They just broke. The rest of the variety is just wonderful. Fruit from one bush Nemer.
Observing the basic rules for the care of an annual plant, in a timely manner by watering and feeding you can become the owner of a weighty crop. It is important to feed the bushes with complex fertilizers several times a season and to carry out the garter in time to avoid breaking off tall plants.