Many growers take part of the garden, growing flowers for a bouquet. Names and photos will be presented below. After all, how, sometimes, I want to decorate my home with fresh flowers. Perennial or annual flower plants, if you choose the right species and varieties, will delight you with their charm in the flowerbed, in bouquets at home. This article describes the types of perennial flowering plants with strong stems, beautiful flowers, which after cutting retain freshness for many days, look great in a vase.
- Perennial Flowers
- Care of flowers allows them to bloom more abundantly
- For flowers to stand longer in a vase
However, not all types of perennial flowers remain fresh for a long time after cutting, which is why they are usually not used for bouquets. There are bulky types among perennials that are not suitable for a bouquet.
Choose those that you like in shape, color, flowering time - plant in your garden. In this case, you will provide yourself with fresh flowers in flowerbeds and vases for the whole season.
содерж to the content ↑Perennial flowers
In the spring, the first flowering of such herbaceous flower plants as peonies, nyvyanik, catchment, sweet scented, cuff soft, geyher red. Delicate shades of flowers in these plants allow you to make bouquets of them in a romantic style.

The spring flowers are replaced by bright flowers of early summer: golden coreopsis, orange or yellow bookfoot and pale yellow yarrow Munshine. These flowers go very well with blue delphiniums.

At the same time, elegant white and blue bells are blooming with leaves similar to peach leaves, and in areas with a cooler climate - the European bath shade and the purple foxtail.

In the middle of summer, dozens of flower plants bloom, and gardeners have the opportunity to create bright bouquets in the style of impressionism. For cutting, red and light purple Monarda tubular, blue scabiosa and pink astilbe are good.

Another flower, which is often used for making bouquets, is liatris with fluffy purple or white arrow-shaped inflorescences.

Summer long-leaved Veronica is very beautiful. Her tall plants with strong stems, pink or bright blue spikelets are extraordinarily beautiful.

When making bouquets, it is very important to observe the correct proportion between tall plants with spike-like inflorescences and plants with flowers of soft, round shape.
Plant a yarrow, the flowers of which have a round umbrella shape.

Credo yarrow variety is noteworthy. His flowers are pale yellow. They are deservedly popular with gardeners. Yarrow refers to those few kinds of flowers that cannot be cut until the pollen becomes visible on the inflorescences.
Another large flower, which, due to the rounded shape of the inflorescences, can become the center of the bouquet composition, is a garden phlox. In order to prevent the petals from falling off soon, phloxes are cut off as soon as the first flowers bloom, and not a day later.

Purple Echinacea is a perennial flower plant, very lively summer bouquets. The Magnus variety is especially good with large flat petals that are less prone to falling off than is observed in native species.

A bouquet of rudbeckia looks like a bunch of miniature sunflowers.

The dry anise is often grown for cutting. Aniseed hyssop plants often have to be cut, because only fresh flowers have a nice blue color, and then they fade. Hyssop flowers love to visit butterflies, so they are advised to keep them in flower beds in small quantities all season.
When the summer begins to move smoothly into autumn, flowers appear for new magnificent bouquets. Sedum( sedum), as well as elegant aconite( wrestler) with rounded inflorescences are very good in bouquets, especially because they retain their freshness for a long time.

Beautiful in a vase and gracefully inclined goldenrods, which are also very easy to grow.

Goldenrod flowers( solidago) are an excellent food for many beneficial insects. It is believed that the flowers of the goldenrod cause hay fever, but the pollen from this plant is quite heavy and does not spread by the wind, and therefore does not actually cause trouble for allergies.
Autumn perennial asters, which are often found in our gardens, are very suitable for cutting. In autumn bouquets look great.

In many regions, these late flowers remain fresh in vases for a long time and serve as an excellent decoration for a festive table.
↑ to content ↑Care of flowers allows them to bloom more abundantly
If you needed a fresh bouquet, cut off perennial flowers without regret. Many varieties bred for bouquets, after cutting, grow even better and bloom longer. The reason for this phenomenon is that in flowering plants, the life cycle ends after they bloom and produce seeds. When pruning interrupts the life cycle of a plant, it causes a second wave of flowering. For the same reason, it is recommended to remove flowering, but not yet formed seeds flowers. So come to increase the number of flowers in the plantings of perennials.
If you have a desire to become a real grower, then thin out the flower plantings even before they bloom to stimulate the formation of a large number of flowers of the best quality.
Specialists in the cultivation of perennial flowers believe that shortening the stems by half of the perennial flowers that have not entered the flowering phase allows us to postpone the appearance of flowers for several weeks: they bloom when ungrafted plants have already bloomed. The following types of perennial flowers are recalled to such a technique: veronica, heliopsis( golden ball), echinacea, stonecrop, goldenrod and garden phlox.
As for phlox, this beautiful perennial plant responds to cutting the stems in its own way. It often happens that phlox grows very long stems, decorated with huge buds, so they have to be tied up. In plants with shorter stems, a larger number of low stems with a lot of less heavy inflorescences are observed. Such phloxes look better in bouquets.
содерж to content ↑In order for flowers to stand longer in a vase
In order for a bouquet to remain fresh in a vase, you need to tear off the leaves from the stalks and place the flowers in a vase with water, adding one teaspoon of vinegar and one tablespoon of sugar per 700 gwater. Acetic acid inhibits the growth of bacteria, and sugar provides nutrition for flowers.