Many of us love daisy-like flowers. The first one, painted in childhood, looks exactly like this - a yellow heart with petals on the edges. Immediately I recall my childhood with a naive fortune-telling "loves - does not love".Flowers with petals, like those of chamomile, are charming in their simplicity, pleasing to the eye, unpretentious in their care, look harmoniously on beds and plots. They are equally good in single or mixed plantings. However, their colors and sizes can be completely different. Let's look at the most popular ones.
- What are the names of flowers that look like daisies?
- Anatsiklyus
- Gerber
- Leucanthemum
- Gatsaniya
- Rudbeckia
- doronicum
- Arctotis
- Chrysanthemum Bacardi
- Daisies
- Kosmeya
- Feverfew
- only photos of flowers, shaped like

Asare called flowers like daisies?
↑ to the content ↑Anacyclus
Anacyclus is very easily confused with chamomile, because they are really very similar. This flower has about 10 varieties, it can be both annual and perennial. Anaciclus blooms by the end of May and continues to give color until the end of July / beginning of August. This representative of the Astrov family reacts to the lighting: by the evening the flowers close, and with the onset of morning they open. Most often in the garden beds you can see Anacyclus depressus - it is considered the most common type, grown as a perennial. From the category of annuals, the most favored( frequently encountered) are Anacyclus clavatus( club-shaped) and Anacyclus radiatus( radiant).The white petals of anacyclus are pink colored below, this is what distinguishes it from chamomile. This is a low plant of creeping type, it has strong pedicels, and the flowers themselves are about 5 cm in diameter.
Anaciklyus, photo:
The general structure of the gerbera resembles chamomile, but unlike the “classic” white-yellow color, it can be pink, dark cherry, scarlet, orange, cream, completely yellow, orange, completely yellow, yellowish, orange, creamy, completely yellowish, yellowish, creamy, completely yellowish-yellow, creamy, completely yellowish-yellow, creamy, completely yellowish-yellow, creamy, completely yellowish, orange, yellowish, red, yellow, cream, completely yellow, yellowish, orange, yellowish, red, yellow, cream, completely yellow.colors.
It is certainly attractive in its diversity. Today there are many varieties of this flower. The rich color range of shades of gerbera and enviable vitality( retains freshness for a very long time after cutting) makes it a popular flower bouquet.
Gerberas can also be terry, their multiple petals, depending on the variety, are tubular, curly or pointed. It can be grown in open ground and in indoor conditions, in pots. Blooms in summer and continues to delight the eyes until November. The size of the flowers, as well as the height of the stems, vary depending on the variety. Today there are about 100 species of this attractive and unpretentious plant.
In essence, this is a meadow chamomile. Nivyanik - the so-called most common variety of this floral representative. Like a gerbera, a nivyanik can have different forms: terry, with needle-like petals, with large inflorescences or small ones. We have this plant is most often grown as a perennial, blooms in early summer and continues to give flowers until late autumn. It is completely unpretentious to the ground and the place of growth.
Nivyanik, photo:
What kind of shades does not occur in a gazania: bright lemon, delicate cream, lilac, saturated red, orange, bicolor striped, etc. Gatsania is very similar to chamomile, only to multi-colored. Coloring can be very diverse. Very beautiful flowers with a gradient color, when one color smoothly into another. In nature, there are about 40 varieties of this flower, they are all distinguished by frost resistance, light-loving, as well as resistance to drought and heat. Gatsania blooms by early summer and continues to bloom until frost. Its height does not exceed 30-40 cm. The flower can remain fresh for a long time in a vase after cutting. The plant is grown in open ground, in pots, vases, boxes. Looks harmoniously in the company of other flowers in the flowerbed, as well as in single plantings. With it, decorate the track, curbstones, alpine slides.
This is a tall flower that can reach from 50 cm to 2 m in height( Rudbeckia laciniata - dissected), the size of inflorescences varies from 9 to 12 cm, depending on the variety. Large colors can have a double color of petals( from darker at the base to light at the tips).Also, rudbeckia is yellow, cream, pink, brownish-scarlet, orange. This unpretentious plant is a perennial that will feel comfortable in one place for about 5 years. Today there are many species( about 40) and hybrids of this flower. Rudbeckia is a decoration of the autumn flower garden, because it is time for its flowering to occur in the second half of August and September.
Rudbeckia, photo:
This is a non-capricious cold-resistant flower that can become a bright decoration of your site with the arrival of May. Doronicum bloom lasts about 1.5 months, but the likelihood that he will rejoice you with his flowers in mid-summer or closer to autumn is very high. Its genus consists of 40 varieties, but only 10 of its species are most popular. Doronicum is also called the "goat".Depending on the variety, it can grow to 50 cm or 1 m in height. The flowers are large, from 8 to 10 cm in diameter. If you cut off the doronicum and put it in a vase, it will stand for a very long time, without losing its freshness. You should know that this flower is poisonous( its ground part).
One tip: do not plant doronicum( perennial goat) under the trees - they depress him, reducing the flowering time.
Another one of his name is the Bear's ear. Most often occurs in two forms - tall( up to 1 m 20 cm) and short( about 20 cm).Flower petals can be painted white, as well as red, orange, pink, cream. Colored petals speak of hybrids. This plant loves sunny color, its flowers open with the advent of the new day and close with the onset of the evening. Arktotis blooms in early summer and continues to give you flowers until the first frosts. It is resistant to drought, needs minimal watering, in general, the flower is unpretentious.
Arktotis, photo:
Chrysanthemum Bacardi
This is a relatively recently bred variety( 2004) often used to make bouquets and various flower arrangements. Bacardi variety chrysanthemums have a yellow center and white petals, which gives them maximum resemblance to the sun daisy. In addition to the "classic" colors, flower petals can be yellow, gently purple, red, cream, pink. The uncomplicated structure of the buds gives florists a creative flight of fantasy - the inflorescences are painted in different shades, sprinkled with spangles and other minor decorations.
This plant looks very attractive both in single plantings and in company with other garden crops. Cut flowers stay fresh for a long time, as well as Bacardi can be grown indoors in a pot. Before planting a chrysanthemum in an open ground, it is necessary to pre-select for it areas illuminated by the sun, as with a lack of lighting, it may not give flowers. Watering should be abundant, but it should not allow an overabundance of moisture.
Chrysanthemum Bacardi:
This is another flower that looks like a daisy. Especially pronounced similarities are observed in varieties with a yellow core and white petals. Naturally, this is not the only variant of the natural color of daisies, they can be bright crimson, red, lilac, orange, rich yellow, etc. Butonchiki can be of different size and shape. This flower in itself is low, blooms in early spring, blooms before the onset of frost. Despite the external fragility, it is quite hardy and implacable. Daisy everywhere will look appropriate: in a single landing, as an element of an alpine slide, as a track decoration, in a company with other flowers, like a pot plant. It is noteworthy that it is the daisy that is an indispensable element in the composition of the floral-herbal mixture of Moorish lawn.
Daisy, photo:
The bright, delicate cosme flowers are prone to self-seeding. They are associated with summer heat, surprisingly unpretentious and beautiful precisely because of their charming simplicity. Cosmeyu can be found everywhere: in flowerbeds, in parks, on city lawns. A lush green carpet with multi-colored flowers will decorate your plot, fill bald spots, for example, at the fence, if you decide to sow it. She is not afraid of drought and heat, resistant to cold, undemanding to the composition of the soil. Today, there are about 25 different types of this elegant flower. Pink, white, deep red, pale lilac buds are crowned with erect stems that reach from 70 to 1 m 50 cm in height. Kosmeya is good in itself and in company with other colors. If you have “empty” places on the flowerbed, plant a kosmeyu there, it will quickly and efficiently hide all the “flaws”, set off other garden representatives with its presence.
The flower is very similar to chamomile. It is even called the Dalmatian chamomile. Outwardly, he is very similar to the cornfield, only his petals are pink. This flower is a perennial. Once you have planted it, you will admire it for many years. Pyrethrum is medium height, reaches a height of about 50 cm, unpretentious, the only thing - does not like waterlogging. Pyrethrum flowers bloom in May, bloom long and abundantly.
Feverfew, photo:
All the above plants are only a small part of the representatives of the green world, which in their structure and shape of buds resemble chamomile. Echinacea, Ursinia, helihrizum, dimorofote, tsinii( majors), some varieties of dahlias, asters and many others can safely add to this list. At the same time, breeders of all countries continue to work tirelessly to develop new varieties.
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Watch, learn, look - and you will find "their" flowers like daisies!