We create at home comfortable conditions for growing philodendron

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video Philodendron's ideas and ideas. When a philodendron appears in the collection, growing the house of this plant should not be frightening with complexity or laboriousness. Natives of the humid tropics, despite the exotic look, are quite unpretentious and for a long time delight their owners with bright greenery and excellent growth.

To guarantee success, before you transplant a flower and find a suitable place for it, you need to find out the type of philodendron. Among the hundreds of species there are epiphytes and land plants, creepers and large varieties, more reminiscent of shrubs or trees.

Most home philodendrons are climbing vines with decorative foliage and aerial roots formed at the nodes. In addition to creating optimal conditions for growth, such plants need reliable support and enough space for long shoots.

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Lighting for Philodendron

Philodendrons are unassuming. Most green foliage species tolerate partial shade and even cultivation on the northern windows. For variegated varieties requires a little more light. The only illumination that is not suitable for philodendrons is direct sunlight, which is especially dangerous in the summer and midday hours:

  1. The optimal location of the pot with the philodendron is the western or eastern windows.
  2. If growing home philodendron is planned on the north side, you will have to take care of year-round lighting.
  3. On the south side during the warmer months, most philodendrons are better off with shading to protect asthenia from scorching midday rays.
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When choosing the best place for an indoor flower, you need to be guided by its preferences and condition.

Philodendron is not afraid of movement.

Therefore, if necessary, it can be safely rearranged to another window sill, carried away a little into the room or, conversely, brought closer to the source of illumination.

A comfortable temperature for philodendron

A tropical inhabitant adapts perfectly to living in the house. Comfortable for philodendron temperature in the summer is 20–26 ° C.With the onset of winter, as in nature, the plant needs a little rest, therefore, the temperature background decreases slightly. The main thing is that the air in the room should not cool to 15 ° C or lower. This, especially without adjusting the irrigation schedule, is fraught with serious problems:

  • suspending or slowing down the supply;
  • root rot;
  • risk of developing bacterial infections;
  • plant death.

Philodendrons do not like drafts, so during the cold season it is better to remove them from the balcony doors and opening window casements. Room conditions in winter are not too comfortable for the tenements of the rainforest. The house is too dry and hot. Getting into the hot air jets coming from radiators, the philodendron loses its tone and decorative effect.

If a grower does not have the ability to maintain conditions close to a tropical winter, at room temperature at 22–26 ° C, the plant is provided with a backlight that prolongs daylight hours and, as far as possible, supports increased humidity.

Philodendron: humidity and watering

Increased humidity, as well as watering, is vital for growth and well-being for philodendron. However, it is not worthwhile to abuse soil moistening in the hope that evaporating water will create a comfortable atmosphere for a flower.

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Excess moisture in the soil - this is only the real risk of rotting of the root system. In addition, a lot of moisture the plant does not get their soil, and from the air with the help of additional roots.

Regular spraying of a flower with warm soft water will help fill the lack of air humidity. When growing a house, the philodendron loves a summer shower, during which time the ground should be protected from waterlogging. In winter, do not neglect:

  • household humidifier;
  • battery abundantly moistened with a towel;
  • installing the pot in the pan with fine expanded clay or sphagnum, well spilled moisture.

At constant air temperature, the optimum interval between irrigation is to form a dry surface layer about a centimeter thick. If in the winter the philodendron is contained in coolness, it is important to reduce watering, and to resume the previous schedule in the spring, when the light day will increase and the active mouth of the shoots and leaves will resume.

The philodendron signals excessive watering and humidity of the air by the appearance of small droplets on the leaf plates.

Philodendron transplantation and soil selection

Spring is the beginning of active vegetation. In order for the plants to get an adequate supply of food and unite in growth, they are transplanted. Young philodendrons pass into larger pots annually. But adult plants, whose growth rates are significantly lower, can be transplanted at intervals of 3–4 years.

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When transplanting soil selection for philodendron is one of the most important tasks. The substrate under the canopy of the rainforest is rich in humus, it is moist, well-structured, loose and light. It is possible to recreate at home the soil of a broad-leaved forest, in equal shares by taking:

  • well-rotted humus;
  • garden or deciduous land;
  • lowland peat;
  • coarse sand or vermiculite.

It is useful to add finely pounded charcoal and sphagnum moss to the substrate. Philodendrons home grown on soil with a weak acid reaction. They ate alkaline soil, added peat or chopped pine bark. Overly acidic soils are deoxidized with dolomite flour to a pH of 5.5–6.5.

A spacious pot for a large plant is chosen according to the size of the root system. At the bottom of the set up the drainage layer. Planting is done so that the roots are evenly distributed throughout the volume of soil.

After transplanting in the ground there is everything you need to power a flower. The first feeding should be done only in 1-2 months. It is most convenient for these purposes to use liquid complex mixtures for decorative and leafy crops. Then the philodendron is fertilized once every 2–4 weeks, acting according to the instructions of the selected agent.

If the philodendron is really great, you do not need to torment him with a transplant. It is enough to replace the top layer of the soil in the pot, cut the roots coming out of the drain hole and treat them with crushed activated carbon. Fertilizer for philodendron in this case is given immediately, but in half concentration.

Philodendron Transfer - Video

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