The subtleties of growing annual asters

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One of the most common types of annual flowers in the cottages and garden plots is the aster, planting and care in the open fieldbehind it do not represent special complexity.

Currently, there are over 800 varieties of this crop. By the form of inflorescences they can be divided into the following groups:

  • simple or not terry;
  • semi-double;
  • terry;
  • gritmakhovye.

Asters are also classified according to bush form:

  • pyramidal;
  • columnar;
  • oval;
  • sprawling.

The variety variety of this flower is impressive. So how and when to sow asters?

Planting dates

Planting dates for asters largely depend on the growing conditions and climatic conditions of the region. For more early flowering they are recommended to grow through seedlings. Plants sown immediately in the ground or in winter will bloom much later.

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Aster seeds very quickly lose their germination. Therefore, when purchasing them, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date and choose only the freshest seed material.

Beginner growers often ask: how many asters are coming up? If the seeds are fresh and of high quality, and the conditions are favorable, then only a few days are required for the emergence of seedlings. In cases of a significant decrease in temperature when sown in the soil or insufficient moisture, the emergence of seedlings can be delayed up to 7-10 days. Wait for the emergence of sprouts after this time does not make sense.

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Growing seedlings

Growing seedlings of asters is not particularly difficult. With the seedling method, sowing is carried out in the middle of March in a light and sufficiently nutritious soil. For example, you can use peat ground for growing seedlings of flower and vegetable crops. The optimum temperature for germination of aster seeds is + 20 ° C.

After emergence, it is reduced to 15-18 °.This prevents the seedlings from being pulled. Aster seedlings are not particularly demanding. It is enough time to loosen and water young plants.

With dense planting in the phase of 2-3 true leaves, you can pick them.

Planting of seedlings in open ground

Inexperienced gardeners often ask: when to plant asters in open ground and are they afraid of return frost? Landing start at the onset of warm steady weather. In most regions, this time is at the beginning of May. In colder and rainy weather, these periods can move a week, or even two. In general, aster seedlings painlessly tolerate frosts down to -3 °, so she does not need additional shelter after disembarking.

To improve the survival of plants in open ground, they must be hardened during planting within a week before planting.

So we learned how and when to plant asters, now it remains to deal with the subsequent care.

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Care in the open field

Growing asters in the open field is not particularly difficult. For its planting, open, well-lit areas with well-drained soils are best suited. Also this culture grows best of all and develops in the presence of protection from cold northern winds.

Of the main activities for the care of one-year-old aster, it is worth noting the timely weeding, loosening the soil and watering. It is also worth knowing that when growing this crop it is not possible to thicken the plantings strongly. This will lead to the emergence of various fungal diseases.

Planting and caring for aster in the open field is impossible without introducing feedings. Especially if the plants are grown for subsequent cutting into bouquets. The first time the plants are fed two weeks after transplanting. To do this, use complex mineral fertilizers for flowers. The second dressing is carried out in the phase of budding. For her, it is best to choose fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. The third time asters are fed up after the start of flowering.

Under no circumstances should fresh manure or other organic matter be used for feeding asters. Their use may contribute to the appearance of fungal diseases.

Abundant and long-lasting flowering of asters is also facilitated by the regular removal of flowering inflorescences. With their systematic pruning plants retain their decorative qualities until the deepest autumn.

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Planting an annual aster and its subsequent maintenance in the open field does not require any special skills and are available to anyone. The main thing is to give plants proper attention and provide appropriate care. And then they will thank you with an abundance of large and bright inflorescences and a long flowering period.

Video about planting and growing asters

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