I think that all gardeners and gardeners often hear that plants need to be treated in some cases with a universal fungicide, Bordeaux liquid. Sometimes it is called Bordeaux mixture. I also mentioned this more than once. What is it made of? What is the cooking process? What kind of plants in the garden and the garden do they process with this fungicide?
Bordeaux blend was invented by French nerd Pierre-Marie Alexis Millardet( Pierre-Marie Alexis Millardet, 1838-1902) to protect grapes from disease.
You can buy it at any hardware store or a store selling goods for gardeners. What is the composition of Bordeaux mixture? Opening the package, you will see two packages inside. In the first - quicklime( calcium hydroxide) in the form of finely dispersed powder. In the second - a bright blue powder - blue crystals - copper sulfate( copper sulfate).
Floral, fruit, vegetable, and berry crops from fungal diseases, ranging from potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, after emergence, to apple trees, pears, and other fruit and berry plants are treated with this liquid. That is, Bordeaux liquid is a universal fungicide. The main substance that helps fight fungal diseases is copper, copper sulfate. But since copper, copper sulfate burns leaves in its pure form, lime is added to the Bordeaux mixture.
Usually, gardeners use 1% or 3% solution for treating garden plants.
fruit and vegetable crops are treated with 1% liquid during the active growing season, that is, when there are leaves on the plants. And in the autumn and in the spring, before the bud breaks or after the foliage falls, the plants can be treated with 3% Bordeaux liquid. For berry crops prepare a 2% solution. Then disputes of scab, spotting, moniliosis, cladosporia, other harmful fungi will not be able to multiply. With this we will protect our plants, trees, shrubs from fungal diseases.
To prepare the solution Bordeaux mixture, we will need plastic or enameled buckets. Do not use metal or galvanized, otherwise the solution will react with the metal and the healing properties of the liquid will be negated.
So we need two plastic buckets. In each of them we will dissolve one of the components of the Bordeaux mixture - separately from each other.
If we want to get a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, we first dissolve 100 g of copper sulphate in 1 liter of warm water. Water temperature should be no higher than 50ºС, optimally - 30-40ºС.To dissolve the crystals of copper sulfate, stir it for a while, wait until they are completely dissolved.
Then pour 100-150 g of lime into another bucket and pour 5 liters of water into it. Lime dissolves in water much better than copper sulfate, but still you mix it well so that there are no lumps left - lime milk is obtained.
After preparing these two solutions, it is advisable to strain them through a very fine sieve or through two layers of gauze. Strain each solution separately. This is to ensure that the sprayer, sprayer does not clog.
After filtering both solutions, bring the volume of copper sulfate solution to five liters.
Then we will pour the solution of copper sulfate into the milk of lime. Do not do the opposite. That is - copper sulphate - in a solution of lime. It is advisable to do it together. Someone is stirring lime milk, while the other is pouring a solution of copper sulphate in a thin stream at this time. As a result, you should get the liquid pale blue sky tint. This is the 1% Bordeaux liquid.
It is very important that the Bordeaux liquid is neutral. Therefore, it is necessary in its preparation to observe proportions. If you put more liquid into the liquid than you need to get lime, then you will get a solution with an alkaline reaction, and if the copper sulfate is larger than the recommended amount, then the liquid will have an acid reaction. In either case, the plants may be burned during processing.
How can the solution be tested? The easiest way is to check with an ordinary metal nail, clean, not rusty. Dip the nail in the bucket with the mixture, hold it for a while. If there are red spots on the nail, then the solution is acidic. If there is nothing, then the solution is prepared correctly and has a neutral reaction. An alkaline reaction is usually checked with litmus paper, and if you don’t have it, try to keep the proportions in preparation so as not to spoil anything.
The prepared solution of Bordeaux mixture is stored only for a day, that is, it is not subject to long-term storage. It is used completely and on the same day. This is a prerequisite for the fact that your work is not done in vain. Keep this in mind when preparing it, try to use it all on the same day. That is, count how much solution you need, and prepare as much.
To prepare a 3% solution, take 300 g of copper sulphate and 450 g of lime per 10 liters of water. The cooking process is the same as described above.
Now, I think, you will be able to prepare Bordeaux liquid for processing fruit and berry crops in your garden. It is not difficult at all.
A concentrated Bordeaux liquid appeared in stores for gardeners. Sell it in plastic bottles of different capacities - from 100 ml to 1 liter. How to use? Bordeaux finished fluid( in bottles) is very convenient to use. The instruction is not complicated. There is no need to mix, filter, add 250 ml of liquid from the bottle to the bucket of water, stir it and everything is ready.