Proper cultivation and care of eggplants in the greenhouse

Growing eggplant is not very easy, as evidenced by reviews of experienced and novice gardeners. After analyzing the problems that they had to face when growing vegetables in a greenhouse, one can avoid many cases and even boast a decent harvest, following the rules of care, watering and growing properly.

Table of Contents: Contentsfertilizers

  • Care for grown-up eggplants
    • Pollination
    • Features of the formation of bushes
    • Watering and the right dressing
  • Possible difficulties encountered in growing the tankAgen
  • harvesting and storage
  • Reviews gardeners on growing vegetables in greenhouses
  • it possible to grow eggplant in the greenhouse

    Growing eggplants in open field or in a closed greenhouse for every gardener becomes a real challenge. Not everyone is able to pass it, especially when it comes to the cultivation of vegetables in the Urals or in Siberia.

    The more severe the climate, the less profitable agricultural machinery , because culture is well developed only under certain temperature conditions. Do without the heating system in the greenhouse will not work, which means that another item of expenditure falls on the gardener.

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    There is no need to worry about the possibility of cultivating the southern fetus in the middle zone and Siberia. Thanks to the painstaking and long-term work of breeders, it was possible to develop varieties resistant to cold and disease.

    Among the popular hybrids: Matrosik, Robin Hood, Almaz, Albatross, and others.

    The basic requirements for growing in polycarbonate greenhouses

    Agrotechnika aubergines are simple, there are some that have some.

    The main secrets include:

    • correct selection of the variety( assortment for greenhouses has more than 20 varieties of vegetables, characterized by cold resistance);
    • The design of the greenhouse must have vents to be able to change the temperature and provide airing;
    • to maintain the temperature of the greenhouse is equipped with heating system ( for regions with harsh climate);
    • daylight for plants should be within 12 hours , with a shortage of lighting, it is recommended to install day lamps;
    • watering is carried out by with warm water ( 24 degrees), irrigation should be started from the 5th day after planting, try not to spray the foliage;
    • the soil must be fertilized, the structure is loose;
    • at the stage of flowering removal of excess flowers is performed( normalization of the fruiting process);
    • with the development of culture systematically introduce nutritional supplements.
    At the flowering stage, it is necessary to remove unnecessary flowers.

    Start gardeners are encouraged to master the eggplant agrotechnics precisely in greenhouse conditions, where the plants are protected from winds, scorching sunlight and other weather vagaries.

    How to choose a greenhouse for planting outside open ground

    The greenhouse or greenhouse is the best option, it can protect eggplants from freezing and provide enough light and is easy to make with your own hands. On sunny days, the material warms up well, which reduces heating costs.

    is used as an additional insulation layer. The inner lining is an anti-condensate film.

    Eggplants are not distinguished by high growth of bushes; therefore, there is no need for a large construction, it is enough to choose the convenient for maintenance option with indicators from 1.8 to 2.5 m .

    A greenhouse with a height of 1.8-2.5 m is suitable for growing eggplants.

    In regions with harsh climate, it is better to install greenhouse on , a fairly lightweight construction with a depth below the ground level by 20 cm. The frame can be made of both wood and metal profiles. The presence of vents for temperature control and ventilation is considered mandatory.

    When calculating the profitability of a greenhouse, one should take into account that there are 3-4 plants per 1 m2.

    The yield indicated on the seed label is lower in reality, which is why the figure is reduced by 20-30%.The number of planted bushes depends on the area of ​​the greenhouse where they will grow. If it is constructed specifically to plant vegetables, then it is taken into account both the parameters of the covering material and the possibility to create the optimum temperature( heating).

    In the greenhouse 2x3m you can plant 18-24 seedlings eggplant.

    The correct time for disembarking

    Seedlings of eggplant are planted in open ground only when when the danger of night frost is over. This period in the middle lane accounts for in the second half of May - early June .

    In the greenhouse, work begins earlier, since the presence of a shelter prevents frostbite of young shoots at minus temperatures, and the daytime sun warms the walls of the structure and creates the necessary conditions for the development of culture. When planning the landing dates, the features of the greenhouse and the climate of the region are taken into account.

    Until the seedlings are transferred to the garden, at least 65 days pass.

    If the seedlings are grown on an industrial scale, is sown from mid-February to the first decade of March, .Until the transfer of seedlings to the garden takes at least 65 days, it means that in early May, you can plan a transplant. You can shift the time of sowing and transplantation for 7-10 days, if there are certain conditions.

    In heated greenhouses, you can plant eggplants in the second half of January, .The dates of transplantation with such a schedule are shifted to the beginning of April. This technology is not cheap, so first you need to calculate the profitability.

    In the suburbs of the blue seedlings in the greenhouse is transferred until May 10-15.In the Krasnodar Territory and Siberia, these events are planned for the second half of May, and sometimes the beginning of June.

    According to which scheme to plant seedlings

    When planting seedlings, the main to prevent the thickening of the beds , this leads to a decrease in yield and increase the risk of infection with fungal diseases.

    On one m2, houses about five plants in heated greenhouses, no more than three - in unheated structures. When forming the beds, the rows adhere to the following intervals:

    • between rows - 60-65 cm;
    • The distance between the holes in the row is 30-35 cm.

    The depth of planting is 15-18 cm. The favorable temperature conditions for adaptation of young shoots correspond to 18-20 degrees ( on soil not less than 15 degrees).

    For varieties with sprawling bushes, a diagram with a chessboard arrangement of holes( interval 60 cm) is more suitable. Low-growing plants are planted in 2 rows with a spacing of 65 cm, the distance between the bushes in a row is 40-45 cm.

    Care for the first shoots of

    After germination, shoots need special conditions and temperature conditions 18-20 degrees .


    For the normal development of young shoots, a light day of at least 12 hours is required.

    To ensure this condition, you will need to install fluorescent lamps in the room. Additional illumination should be evenly distributed across all containers with seedlings.


    Excessive moisture can lead to the death of the plant, so the seedlings are watered moderately. Regularity of procedures - 1 time in 3-5 days .The water is introduced in small portions into the soil, and not on the shoots.

    Watering eggplant in the greenhouse is carried out 1 time in 3-5 days

    Feed and fertilizer

    The first dressing is made by after the appearance of the first shoots of .To the choice of fertilizer are carefully, because of its properties depends on the development of culture.

    Some gardeners prefer liquid solutions, such as potassium nitrate( 3 g. Funds per 1 liter of water).With the introduction of fluid try not to fall on the greens, so as not to burn it. The ash solution is considered to be no less useful( a glass of ash per 7 liters of water).Not bad proved the fertilizer Kemira Lux( 2g. 1 liter of water).

    The second feed is made by after 3-4 weeks of .Such means as Biohumus, Healthy Garden, Bioton have not lost their relevance. They are absolutely safe for culture, but they do a good job.

    If the shoots slowed growth, it is recommended to use the tools: Agricola Forte, Signore, Ideal.

    Ideal for eggplant growth is the ideal remedy.

    Care for grown eggplants.


    .To enhance the effect in the morning you can walk along the rows and shake each bush lightly. More drastic measures of pollination are not provided.

    Features of the formation of bushes

    To increase the fruiting eggplant bushes must be pasynkovat.

    It is possible to form in three ways: in one, two and three stalks of .The option of forming the plant is chosen solely taking into account the characteristics of the variety. Unnecessary ovaries pull on themselves, not allowing the rest of the fruit to develop, so it is considered necessary to remove them.

    When cultivating a vegetable in the greenhouse, pruning is done 2 weeks after planting the seedlings. To do this, remove all the processes that are located below the first branch. After the formation of 4-5 shoots pinch the top.

    It is possible to navigate this procedure to the height of the bush, it should be in the range of 25-30 cm. For high varieties, you may need to tie up the bushes.

    Watering and the right dressing

    After 5 days after planting the seedlings on the greenhouse beds, you need to moisten the plants with warm water .Further procedures to conduct at least 1 time per week , better in the morning. Water is brought under the root of the plant so that the foliage remains dry.

    To maintain soil moisture, it is recommended that mulch beds. This process replaces tillage, in which the likelihood of damage to the roots is high.

    To prevent the development of fungal diseases, it is necessary to regularly to ventilate the greenhouse .

    During the growing season, eggplants are fed 3-5 times .When cultivating a vegetable in a greenhouse, it is preferable to use complex fertilizers: Mortar, Kemira wagon( 1.5 tbsp of funds for a water bucket).After the formation of the ovaries, nitrogen-phosphate fertilizers are used( for a bucket of water, 1 tsp. Ammonium nitrate, 1 tbsp. Superphosphate).

    Organic products are also used for fertilizing, but you should not abuse them, so as not to provoke an intensive growth of greenery. For eggplant ideal tool Bioud( dissolved in water in proportions of 1:20).


    is ideally suitable for feeding. Possible difficulties when growing eggplant
  • fall of the ovaries( occurs as a result of a lack or excess of moisture);
  • bush develops well, and the ovaries are formed poorly( the reason lies in the excessive sub-feed with nitrogen fertilizers or the lack of pruning);
  • plant blooms, but does not bear fruit( better pollination is required);
  • leaves curled( possible causes: pests, excess moisture, lack of light);
  • spots on the leaves( often caused by direct sunlight);
  • weak growth of shoots after transplantation( slowing down of development is most likely due to the root system, it is necessary to feed it with “root”).
  • Harvesting and Storage of Crop

    Harvesting is planned for the ripening period of the variety. Technical ripeness occurs in 25-40 days after flowering seedlings.

    You shouldn’t be guided by color, even long before ripening, the skin of the fetus takes on a characteristic varietal color. The first clue will be the degree of elasticity of the pulp .When you click on the eggplant will remain a small dent, which is very quickly restored.

    The degree of maturity of the crop is determined by pressing on the fruit

    Ripe fruits are cut with shears, leaving a tail of 3-5 cm. For storage, choose a cool dark place ( usually basement).Vegetables can be put in boxes in 2 layers. To keep the harvest longer, vegetables are shifted with straw or parchment paper. Every 2 weeks it is recommended to do a revision in order to remove the corrupted copies from the box.

    Gardeners' reviews of growing vegetables in greenhouses

    Vladimir Ivanovich, 62 years

    Our Ural climate is not suitable for all vegetables, but especially for eggplants. Which only varieties have not tried. My efforts were finally crowned with success - Mongolian Dwarf showed himself in unexpected ways. From a bush shot 7-9 fruits. I continue to experiment, but I will plant this variety, being confident in the harvest.

    Taisiya, 47 years old

    Not yet picked up a suitable variety for greenhouse cultivation, wrote off unsuccessful attempts at eggplant cultivation solely on their care errors. After taking a sample from , Black Prince and Maria, , who were generously ugly, realized that seed selection played almost the main role.

    Andrey, 30 years

    A small greenhouse complex is a source of my income, so I try to learn from the experience of other farmers to reduce risks.

    Eggplant is quite a capricious plant, but under the condition of temperature conditions and the schedule of dressings it generously gives fruits. Agrotechnics does not include picking up seedlings, and loosening is replaced by mulching beds. In recent years, the following varieties have pleasantly surprised: Carlson, Marzipan, Northern King, Lolita .

    Cultivation of eggplant on an industrial scale can be a source of income

    Valentina Kuzminichna, 59 years old

    I plant seeds 75 days before transplanting a flower bed. To do this, I use small transparent plastic cups, filling them with a substrate for 2/3.I carry it to the bed directly with the soil, so as not to damage the roots. I feed the plants every 10-12 days( fertilizer humate, potassium phosphate fertilizers, wood ash).

    Daria, 40 years old

    Those who first decided to grow eggplants in their greenhouse, I advise to pay attention to preparing the soil and observing the temperature regime of .The appearance of yellowness on the leaves of the seedlings signals the problem and most often it is worth looking for in the watering. The lack of water is also dangerous, as well as its excess, and to create an optimal regime in greenhouse conditions is not easy.

    Following clear rules of horticulture, planting seedlings and producing a good harvest of eggplant will turn out even in regions with a harsh climate. The greenhouse design is able to provide the proper conditions if the surfaces and the soil are disinfected in a timely manner, tied up, fertilized and maintained properly.

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