The best varieties of carrots for open ground

Sweet and juicy carrots are considered to be the queen of autumn. This tasty and healthy root vegetable falls on the taste of many vegetable growers and consumers. The yield and quality of the grown vegetable is directly dependent on the quality of the seeds. How to prepare the seeds for planting? What carrot seeds to choose and how to prepare them for planting?

No matter in which region you plan to plant in the ground - the Moscow region or in the Urals, it is very important that the seeds are properly treated so that they can well ascend and be properly stored, as well as to increase the yield.

.COM.COM.How to soak for fast germination

  • Sparging
  • Folk remedies
  • Common mistakes when preparing and sowing

How to choose the right sort of carrot

To obtain high yields of excellent fruit should be carefully approach the issue of choice of seed. In order not to get lost in the huge variety of seed selection, you should first of all prioritize, find out which harvesting varieties you need: early, mid-season or late .

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Zoned varieties should be selected for cultivation on carrots in your plot.

After all, varieties that, in certain climatic conditions, will produce high yields and sweet fruits of excellent quality, in an improper climate will look and bear fruit in a completely different way, may not be fruitful. And the picture on the package, and the promises on the other hand packs will differ significantly from the result, which will be disastrous.

So early grades of carrots are suitable for cultivation in central Russia and in the southern regions, but early varieties are not suitable for cultivation in Siberia.


The best early varieties include: Alenka, Boltex, Mango, Tushen, Artek, Shantane.

Varieties for planting in the Urals

For growing in the Urals varieties are suitable: Anastasia, Blues, Queen of Autumn, Tenderness, Samson, Namur.

In the Siberian District

But for Siberia is better to pick late-ripening carrots. The best zoned varieties for Siberia are: Vita Long, Sentyabrina, Canada, Cascade, Topaz, Crunch.

Shelf Life Seeds

The seed of all vegetable varieties have their own shelf life. In carrots, these terms are average. Seeds of carrots maintain their germination for 3-4 years .

When buying seed, it is necessary to closely monitor the terms of their packaging, because quite often the seeds that have not sold go from year to year for sale, and as a result, the buyer can plant a vegetable in the spring, but never wait for the seedlings to emerge.

If you collect them yourself, so as not to forget about the deadlines, you can simply sign the packaging with seed. Of great importance and the conditions of storage of seeds. It is best to keep their in foil bags, which should be carefully sealed.

A crop that has been stored incorrectly can lose its properties without even waiting for the end of germination periods. To protect yourself from the risks of planting bad seeds, you need to consider them well. If the seeds are wrinkled, dry and warm, unsightly gray color, then they are unlikely to germinate.

If seeds are stored incorrectly - they can lose their properties
. To check the germination of seeds should also be soaked with water, unsuitable empty seeds will pop up.

How to soak the seeds before planting in open ground

If you are convinced of the appropriate timing of the seeds for planting and the suitability of the material, the next step is to soak them.

This procedure is necessary in order for to improve the quality of seeds, make them stronger, more disinfected and to accelerate the germination process. Indeed, in the nucleus there is a large amount of essential oils, which significantly inhibit germination.

Immediately before soaking the core, you need to to sanitize .To do this, they go down for 15 minutes in a fairly strong solution of potassium permanganate.

You can do without manganese: to do this, pour boiling water into a thermos and put the kernels in gauze bags there, leave them in the thermos for 30 minutes, after which the seeds are immediately cooled in cool water.

Soaking seeds in potassium permanganate

Seed treatment in vodka

The technology of vodka soaking carrot seeds before planting them is very popular among many summer residents and gardeners. Vodka is a good solvent of essential oils, which significantly accelerates the germination of .

To use this method, you just need to put the kernels in gauze bags and stand them in vodka for 15 minutes. After that, they are thoroughly washed in clean water several times. After that, you can safely proceed to the landing in open ground.

Soaking in biologically active solutions and growth stimulants

Biologically active solutions will greatly accelerate germination and yield can be obtained much earlier.

Such solutions can be prepared independently:

  1. solution wood ash. Two tablespoons of the sol are dissolved in 1 liter of water, and the day is allowed to infuse, then the seeds are put in gauze bags for three hours.
  2. solution of aloe juice .Cut the two lower leaves of an adult aloe plant, wrap them in a dark, dry cloth and leave in the fridge for two days. Then the leaves are crushed and poured with 1 liter of cooled boiling water, this solution is kept for 24 hours and then gauze bags with cores are placed in it and left for a day. Then they are dried to a crumbly state.
  3. solution of mullein as a biostimulator can be used if you are not afraid of the aesthetic side of the issue. In the solution of the fermented mullein, lower the bags with seed for a day.
  4. You can purchase ready-made biologically active solutions in any specialty store. These include Epin , it not only can increase the germination rate, but also prepare the seeds for extreme weather conditions. Zircon also proved to be highly effective, it contains echinacea extract. solution Humate is also no less effective, it consists of potassium and sodium humic acid.
  5. You can use complex fertilizer( nitrophosku ).To do this, one tablespoon of fertilizer is dissolved in one liter of water and the seeds are soaked.
  6. Boric Acid is also used to treat seed.


The coating process consists of immersing seeds into the protective sheath of .Flour, gelatin solution, brewed starch can be used as a coating mixture.

To create a protective film on the seeds, you need to immerse the swollen cores in the selected mixture and shake them thoroughly, stir for 10 hours. Then the pelletized kernels are interspersed with wood ash.

After this procedure, seeds are coated with a film and increase in size to .After the procedure, the kernel should be carefully dried and ensure that they do not stick together.

This seed is much more convenient to use, in view of their larger size


Framed Carrot Seeds

What to soak for fast germination


Sparging is also a very effective and fast remedy. To implement it you need to soak the seeds in water, through which oxygen is passed. Bubbling for carrot seed requires for at least 18-24 hours .

aquarium compressor can be successfully used as a bubbler. Sparging can be carried out in ordinary water, or potassium salts can be added to water. Potassium nitrate and phosphate do not only accelerate the process of seed growth, but also add energy and cold resistance to shoots.

Folk Remedies

In addition to wood ash and aloe juice, the popular centuries-old experience recommends using melt water to soak seeds. Such water is completely different from its usual structure, it has a huge positive energy, which will pass on to future fruits.

baking soda solution can also be used. It will also accelerate the germination process, and additionally disinfect the seed.

As a folk remedy for soaking carrot seeds use soda
For soaking and germinating seeds, you should use only purified water, or spring water, but in no case can you use piped raw water.

Common mistakes when preparing and sowing

When preparing seeds, vegetable growers and gardeners often make mistakes:

  1. Leave drained seeds for several years for sowing. It is forbidden to do this, the seeds in the shell retain their germination only for one year.
  2. Poorly dried seeds after soaking.
  3. Suspend seeds in solutions, which contribute to their too rapid germination, even before the period of planting in the soil.
  4. Do not check the shelf life of seeds for planting.
  5. Incorrectly stored collected seeds.
  6. Do not pay attention to the appearance of the seeds. If the seed material is wrinkled, dirty, dull color, then no sprouting, growth stimulation, coating and barborting will not bring such seed material back to life.
  7. Do not compare seeds with zoning recommendations. Trying to grow crops in unsuitable climate zone.
  8. Do not follow the soaking and seed germination rules for .
  9. Planted seed is planted in inappropriate soil.

Carrot is a very unpretentious crop, the cultivation of which does not require much hassle and effort. The only important point: pre-sowing seed germination. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, you will get an excellent greater yield of juicy, crispy and sweet carrot.

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